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[ Strategy Share ] [Strategy Collection] Strong Approaching DIFFICULT - Hidan (Breeze Dancer)


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On 2016-10-18 04:23:37Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Hi guys! I'd like to share how I finally managed to clear SA difficult instance using Breeze Dancer.This strategy is inspired by this guide and I would like to thank David Yip from Youtube for recommending it.
Video Guide
Ninjas/Lineup/Talents:These ninjas are fairly obtainable in game (Survival Trials, Ninja Draws, Merchant Shops, etc.)The ninjas you need are Kabuto, Kimimaro 3*, Tayuya, and Wind Main.
Wind main's talents are 32111 with summon Illusion Crow.
This is how your combo should look like triggered by Kimimaro's mystery or standard attack.

Strategy:You have to understand how the enemies work.You have to know when they are using their mystery skills if you want to get the upper hand.
Wave 1You will be faced with 4 Akatsuki Archery Forces and these enemies are sort of predictable.Good news is, it is safe to use AUTO combat in this wave as long as none of your ninjas die.Be sure that Kimimaro's mystery is available upon entering wave 2.
Enemy Attack Mechanics:Turn 1: No mystery skills.Turn 2: Top and Middle-Back enemies use mystery.Turn 3: Middle-Front and Bottom enemies use mystery.Turn 4: Top and Middle-Back use mystery.Turn 5: Middle-Front and Bottom use mystery.and so on...
Combat Strategy: (for non-auto)Turn 1: Use Kabuto's mystery.Turn 2: Target Top enemy and use Tayuya's and Wind main's mystery skills.Turn 3: Target Middle-Front enemy and use Tayuya's and Kabuto's mystery.Turn 4: Target Middle-Back enemy and use Kimimaro's mystery.Turn 5: Use Tayuya's mystery and standard attack to finish off remaining enemies.

Wave 2Deidara always attacks first no matter what.Use Kimimaro's mystery and combo on Deidara.All you have to do is get rid of Deidara first and interrupt Sasori in Turns 2, 4, 6, etc.Be aware when to use Wind main's mystery (when you need to get rid of ignites) and Kabuto's mystery (when you lack zombies/clones)Be sure that Kimimaro's mystery is available upon entering wave 3.
Enemy Attack Mechanics:Turn 1: Deidara uses mystery.Turn 2: Sasori uses mystery.Turn 3: Deidara uses mystery.Turn 4: Sasori uses mystery.and so on...
Combat Strategy:Turn 1: Target Deidara and use Kimimaro's mystery.Turn 2: Target Sasori and use Tayuya's mystery.Turn 3: Target Deidara and use Kimimaro's mystery.Turn 4: Target Sasori and use Tayuya's mystery.and so on...

Wave 3Kill both Hidan and Kakuzu in the same turn.You have to keep an eye on their health and use your combos on the one that has more health.Use Kabuto's mystery whenever possible.It is optional to use Wind main's mystery, you can choose not to use it.Be sure that Tayuya and Wind main's mystery are available upon entering wave 4.
Enemy Attack Mechanics:Turn 1: No mystery skills.Turn 2: Hidan and Kakuzu use mystery.Turn 3: No mystery skills.Turn 4: Kakuzu use mystery.Turn 5: Hid*e mystery.
Combat Strategy:Turn 1: Target Hidan and use Kimimaro's mystery.Turn 2: Use Tayuya's mystery.Turn 3: Target Hidan and use Kimimaro's mystery.Turn 4: Use Tayuya's mystery.Turn 5: Target Hidan/Kakuzu (whoever has more health) and use Kimimaro's mystery.

Wave 4Use Kimimaro's mystery and combo on Animal-Path.Focus on Animal-Path and interrupt Hidan in Turns 1, 3, 5, etc.Only use Wind main's mystery after Animal-Path's mystery attack to remove tags.Use Kabuto's mystery whenever possible.
Enemy Attack Mechanics:Turn 1: Hid*es mystery.Turn 2: Animal-Path uses mystery.Turn 3: Hid*es mystery.Turn 4: No mystery skills.Turn 5: Hidan and Animal-Path use mystery.
Combat Strategy:Turn 1: Target Hidan and use Tayuya's mystery.Turn 2: Target Animal-Path and use Kimimaro's mystery. Wait for Animal-Path to use mystery, then use Wind main's mystery.Turn 3: Target Hidan and use Tayuya's mystery. Then target Animal-Path and use Kimimaro's mystery.Turn 4: Keep the attacks and combos.Turn 5: Target Hidan and use Tayuya's mystery.Keep up the attacks and interrupts and you will eventually succeed!

That's about it! It's all up to you now. Keep practicing and you'll get used to it. Good luck!Any ways of improvement are welcome! ~

This post was last edited by Amimaru at 2016-10-18 04:17
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-10-18 04:43:39Show this Author Only
Hahaha everyone using tayuya / kimimaro / kabuto + main... Tayuya is really good now ;P
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On 2016-10-18 05:22:34Show this Author Only
Thank you!! This is great!
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On 2016-12-14 02:47:45Show this Author Only
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On 2016-12-16 15:56:00Show this Author Only
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On 2017-01-22 11:11:59Show this Author Only
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On 2017-01-28 12:31:16Show this Author Only
wow :) :)
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On 2017-01-29 16:51:54Show this Author Only
How about Azure Fang ?
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On 2017-02-01 19:40:44Show this Author Only

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On 2017-02-01 22:29:40Show this Author Only
Worked for me! Thank you very much :D
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On 2017-02-02 08:06:37Show this Author Only
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On 2017-02-07 06:49:18Show this Author Only
is there any chance for breeze dance doing difficult hidan SA without using tayuya?
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On 2017-02-11 16:56:05Show this Author Only
Umm what ifff your ligthing main?
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On 2017-02-11 18:11:31Show this Author Only
This guide looks su*iously identical to the youtube video guide. :shutup:
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On 2017-02-11 18:15:21Show this Author Only
Worked for me! Kansamnida!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Quicky Post

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