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[ Ninja Exam ] How do you beat lvl 86 ninja exam? lighting main


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On 2016-10-16 23:24:38Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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How do you beat lvl 86 ninja exam? lighting main
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-10-19 09:27:00Show this Author Only
All of puppet we ve seen before was immunue to some dmg and weak to other like ninjutsu and taijutsu if I remember correctly ,and U probably like me cant kill the red one of them? I use Sasuke in my first try ,and red puppet actually was dmged but i didnt know by what ,I just guessing but I think only fire based attacks work on him.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-10-19 09:28:20Show this Author Only
Use someone with poison or ignition and it could work from 86 to 89.. DPS can mostly damage them..
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On 2016-10-19 09:41:17Show this Author Only
The puppets here are only vulnerable to their element, so red only takes fire type damage and etc. There is a cheesy way to do it and that is poison and ignite, none of the puppets are immune to it. The current sign in ninja GNW Kankuro is very good for this exam and 96-99 where these puppets come back. For lightning main something like Hinata/GNW Kankuro + Kabuto or Karin should be able to beat all of them.
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On 2016-10-19 09:47:50Show this Author Only
Red Puppet in 86 is allergic to fire.
Maybe Fire Main and Tobi if you have those two unlocked?
The recent GNW Kankuro c*so work.
I had no idea that poison worked on it too, though. There's that.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-10-25 19:25:11Show this Author Only
I get through lvl86. Like guys said earlier red puppet isn't immunue to debuff like IGNITE , so I take Sasuke to team, power up with his barrier and lightning main skills give U better dmg and beside fire that Sasuke use in chase i was continously igniting red puppet with help of Sasuke and Guy(I dont have any good fire using ninja like Tobi and rest of this kind like Anko,Jiraya or GNW Kankuro were not upgraded to this fight,thats why I choose a bit harder way.)
Quicky Post

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