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[ Bugs ] can't log in


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-10-16 15:19:53Show All Posts
I cant login im stuck at loading screen for couple of times already it started happening few days ago but i didnt want to post my problem on forum because i was thinking you would see and fix it . I cant do my dailies....
Name : TetsuyaKoyada

And yes im from Europe and im trying to enter US server. And you mentioned earlier of us ( Europe people ) need of using VPN to enter US server , and why is that ? Why ? Earlier i didnt have to use it why would i have to use it now ? Like i said this is going on for couple of days now sometimes i enter after 1 hour of waiting and refreshing loading screen . Why ?
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-10-16 16:41:58Show All Posts
If this problem will occur for couple of more days i beg you go give us some type of problem rewards. I work 6 days a week and when i want to play and do daily mostly at night time i cant because i have this problem with loading screen and i cant enter the game. Yesterday i barely entered game from like from 50+ refresh i did .. So if you dont solve this issue fast can you give us some reward ? Because we lost plenty of daily quest and left behind of other players because of it.. And today i tried like 1000 times already and i cant enter like i dont get it.. Yesterday after 30 min of trying i entered the game and today i tried to enter into game for 1-2 hours already and couldnt enter it . So if this will last couple of more days i beg you to give us some kind of gift it doenst have to be huge or anythink like that but just some type of gift . That why ill know you care about us ( players ). Me ( free non donator player ) and plenty of donator players who donate heavy cash on this game cant login and do daily , and mostly players who donate heavy cash to this game cant play 24/7 a day and wait 2 hours to enter the game because they are working hard to earn that cash.. or money call it whatever you want so i think it will be fair to give us some type of gift , like i said it doesnt need to be huge but some type of gift that will show me and other players that you care about us,and this game.

This post was last edited by MarioCRO at 2016-10-16 16:44
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-10-16 18:10:46Show All Posts
I agree with above post i cant login for 3-4 days already as well . And i agree if they care are about this game and players they will make some free makeup rewards.. I already lost plenty of things and i play this game everday during night hours but i play mostly during weekends... Cuz of my work.
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