If opponent mystery is prompt and is positioned before your acupuncture, do not use the acupuncture mystery. Also, target prompt mysteries over non-prompt mysteries.
Do not use interrupts mysteries against characters whose mysteries cannot be interrupted.
Do not use multiple interrupts/acupunctures on the same ninja on the same turn.
Do not ever use the barrier skill on the second turn.
If you have 2 revive ninjas, and 1 dead ninja, only one of them should start channeling a rez.
If you have revive ninjas and a there are a ninja that can't self-revive multiple times and ninja that can self-revive multple times (Orochimaru/Hidan) both dead, prioritize rezzing the ninja that cant revive multple times.
This is not just for my benefit, but these also seem to be the things most people complain about when they whine about auto ai.
Most of the above conditions should take less than 4 lines of code each.