I have a midnight blade character on server S2, and currently I'm in the middle of levelling up from 69 to 70. I've tried my best to strengthen equipment everyday. But still, my power is still in 13k's. Comparing my power with players on the ranking, they've got power levels of 20k and above. I'd like to know any other ways or strategies that can help me increase my power to the extents of that of the players on the rankings. I right now have Tsunade Sannin war, Kimimaro (3 star), Chiyo, and myself 4 star.
try to check up ur power up *on and see the RECommended things u got to improve and dont rush leveling up, sometimes its nice to just slow down then level up everything ;P
Focusing on strengthening is bad, always max your group skills first, they give a lot more power per coin. Also a lot of things add power; refines, magatamas, runes, battle armor, ninja tools, ninja stars, make sure you aren't forgetting about them.