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[ Events ] Eye Opening Problems


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On 2016-10-07 16:49:09Show this Author Only
  • hellRated On 2016-10-07 16:46:17
  • P2W will always be ahead of F2P here, this is just one of those type of games.. I mean unlike certain games like Dota 2, it will come to a point where skill and strategy are completely pointless here. Well, I'm still doing well in the arena, but no such luck at events such as SWB.
Yeah, I'm starting to realize that now. This is the first time I've played a game like this. I guess I'm the weird one out huh lol. Well, was fun. Thanks for all the replies guys. I don't think this games monetization model is right for me. Gonna head out before my wallet starts crying again.
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On 2016-10-07 16:54:12Show this Author Only
I agree with you for the most part. The only thing I really feel different on is the fact that I don't really mind rare ninja being behind some kind of wall. As * as it sounds, atleast behind a pay wall people that want it bad enough can get it, where as with an RNG event it is all down to luck.

But the biggest issue I have with the current system is the lack of update for F2P players as far as the in game shop goes. Even F2P players have had time to get ninja 5*, and unlocked the ones they wanted most (Tobi and so on). They are now sitting on alot of shop coins with nothing to use them on (even with buying refines and things). I thought it was just a P2P problem (cause that is what I am), but even talking to the F2Ps in my group has shown that even they can grind out Arena/Survival/Group coins just as well as anyone else.

I think alot of people are just waiting for that. Bottom line is you can only use 3 ninja at a time. When the number of ninja F2P players can get grows, you will see even more team comps (free ones) that can give other comps a run for their money. (atleast that is what I'm seeing on the CN servers). Also, as much as power does matter, I've noticed that control can't be ruled out. It doesn't matter if it is a free to play comp, or paid, the team that can control the field has the chance to win even if they are down on power (I've beaten a few 30K+ players with under 25k, both of us running rarer/paid ninja)
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On 2016-10-07 17:06:16Show this Author Only
I can agree that the price for these ninjas are pretty ridiculous, but that's why I don't expect to get them from ONE single event. The fragments from the event will go towards getting them in the future, and I certainly don't expect to be able to collect every single ninja without paying.

Your argument of getting one-shot by P2W players is only valid because right now is still early game compared to the other versions. They won't be able to kill a ninja round 1 or even round 2 as the game progresses and we get tankier (just go watch ScionStorm). I can, however, understand the frustration that if any player spends more than you, he can win even if your knowledge and skill outclasses his.

I think the best advice I can give you is, if you at least enjoyed the combat and collecting ninjas, come back in a year (although you would have to catch up). There will be more things to enjoy and hopefully, we would have updated to the point where power doesn't make as much as a difference (because you would get tanky enough to still combo after your enemy combos).
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On 2016-10-07 17:26:45Show this Author Only
yea it happens because people are blinded by greed and dont care about game and its players,I dont mind people pay and get stuff faster but when it comes to power and ninjas its insane but not that instane as the amount of pulls you need or a ninja and stuff like that,this game overcharges you and set the prices sky high so only ultra rich people will get anything that is rare,this game has no randomness and thats what pis me of so bad. This post was last edited by We*er at 2016-10-7 17:31
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On 2016-10-07 17:29:10Show this Author Only
I am actually very glad that new ninjas costs tons of money. That means that f2p have the same chances of getting them as those that charge moderately. It's an issue for p2w players, not for f2p players, lol. And if you want to go full oragiri, then ofc you're going to get everything, but at that point, you c*most buy the license and publish the game yourself, no? xD
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On 2016-10-07 17:33:50Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-10-07 17:29:10
  • I am actually very glad that new ninjas costs tons of money. That means that f2p have the same chances of getting them as those that charge moderately. It's an issue for p2w players, not for f2p players, lol. And if you want to go full oragiri, then ofc you're going to get everything, but at that point, you c*most buy the license and publish the game yourself, no? xD
im surprised people play this game on the server oraigiri does,honestly what oraigiri does does also bad to money this game gets,if someone is too powerfull on one server people will stop bothering and investing into the game so the devs of game lose money,this is why I say getting too much power from spending money is a game losing for them.but they just go sky high prices so only very rich people will even think about topuping
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On 2016-10-07 18:13:13Show this Author Only
Actually oragiri gets rekt in GNW every week it seems, as the top 1 guild of their server refuses to allow him to be top 1 on everything and doesn't let him join xD So he is not dominating GNW xD
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On 2016-10-07 18:20:56Show this Author Only
That's why I haven't spent as much as Oragiri has, because it would ruin the server terribly, if it wouldn't I'd be up there with them
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On 2016-10-07 19:25:08Show this Author Only
game is business deal with it, the more popular the ninja the more expensive it is to get, the game uses naruto's popularity to milk money from cash cow players. not that they are unfair, they didn't buy the game's license to publish the game for players to enjoy in the first place, they bought it to earn money from players who will enjoy the game. blame the developer for creating the game you are enjoying now in a p2w model game.
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On 2016-10-07 19:35:25Show this Author Only
  • Reawr On 2016-10-07 17:26:45
  • yea it happens because people are blinded by greed and dont care about game and its players,I dont mind people pay and get stuff faster but when it comes to power and ninjas its insane but not that instane as the amount of pulls you need or a ninja and stuff like that,this game overcharges you and set the prices sky high so only ultra rich people will get anything that is rare,this game has no randomness and thats what pis me of so bad. This post was last edited by We*er at 2016-10-7 17:31
I'm surprised you even say that. We collects opinion of everybody (and that even includes f2p players and we even included opinion of this event) and tried to make events better.

Before this, there was the amazing dice event which most of the players enjoyed and some other pretty good f2p event and you are saying we don't care about our player? Why wouldn't we care about our players since f2p player make up for majority of the population? Please know your stuff before you comment.

Please appreciate the great events we had and stop complaining about the one we have right now. We may not have events now that pleases you but at least we collect your opinions and try to make future event better.
This post was last edited by Narbsy at 2016-10-7 19:43
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On 2016-10-07 19:51:35Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-10-07 19:35:25
  • I'm surprised you even say that. We collects opinion of everybody (and that even includes f2p players and we even included opinion of this event) and tried to make events better.

    Before this, there was the amazing dice event which most of the players enjoyed and some other pretty good f2p event and you are saying we don't care about our player? Why wouldn't we care about our players since f2p player make up for majority of the population? Please know your stuff before you comment.

    Please appreciate the great events we had and stop complaining about the one we have right now. We may not have events now that pleases you but at least we collect your opinions and try to make future event better.
    This post was last edited by Narbsy at 2016-10-7 19:43
if u dont giw all new ninjas for free or just make pvp private server where u get max acc mb players dont cry... if u think events all time must be for f2p players thean we dont get updates new ninjas if u want that pay for servers creat and balanc ninjas... similar games 1 time in a month we get f2p events and all happy just crazy how players here cry cuz dont get all free sheat...
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On 2016-10-07 20:05:19Show this Author Only
  • Linksmutis On 2016-10-07 19:51:35
  • if u dont giw all new ninjas for free or just make pvp private server where u get max acc mb players dont cry... if u think events all time must be for f2p players thean we dont get updates new ninjas if u want that pay for servers creat and balanc ninjas... similar games 1 time in a month we get f2p events and all happy just crazy how players here cry cuz dont get all free sheat...
I don't understand a word you said.
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On 2016-10-07 23:13:10Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-10-07 19:35:25
  • I'm surprised you even say that. We collects opinion of everybody (and that even includes f2p players and we even included opinion of this event) and tried to make events better.

    Before this, there was the amazing dice event which most of the players enjoyed and some other pretty good f2p event and you are saying we don't care about our player? Why wouldn't we care about our players since f2p player make up for majority of the population? Please know your stuff before you comment.

    Please appreciate the great events we had and stop complaining about the one we have right now. We may not have events now that pleases you but at least we collect your opinions and try to make future event better.
    This post was last edited by Narbsy at 2016-10-7 19:43
well im glad to hear that and I hope what you say are not just words but actual facts,I didn't mean to sound so harsh sometimes im just overreacting so please excuse me for that^^
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On 2016-10-07 23:14:12Show this Author Only
  • ronaldfranklint On 2016-10-07 20:05:19
  • I don't understand a word you said.
me neither ;P funny how those people wanna be taken seriously
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On 2016-10-08 00:23:21Show this Author Only
I feel the same I've spent a few $$$ on this one but the reality would always be the top spending ruling the entire server.There's really nothing competitive with that kind of setup.
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On 2016-10-08 00:54:50Show this Author Only
My only issue is that in the US version they make it so f2p players have no possible way to get event ninjas without paying. They also change things in an unfair way from the chinese version because in the level 70 elite instance, chinese version gets deidara and tobi and in US we got yamato, jiraiya sannin, and orochimaru sennin. Nobody uses them outside of ranked. Not to mention increasing fragment requirements for ninjas that arent worth it. Every event ninja except iruka is 3 stars. They cant justify the reason for putting certain ninjas as 3 stars and in certain stores at the cost they are except to say it is for profit. Ingame currency or otherwise, everything is overpriced and slowly updated compared to other versions of the game.
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On 2016-10-08 01:03:51Show this Author Only
someone with a pain team is complaining about p2w lol
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On 2016-10-08 05:16:46Show this Author Only
Not sure if anyone has stated this somewhere, but in China, you can get around 5k ingots (or was it 10k?) for just around 15 USD and since gambling is restricted there, they can't do fixed drops like they do in the american server. (not confirmed) We still have a very small amount of ninjas, so I understand why they add the fixed drops, but about the insanely high ingot price? No idea. :dizzy:
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On 2016-10-08 07:34:07Show this Author Only
Can I get more whine with that cheese, please? :lol

Honestly, all this complaining about p2w is disgusting. I'm 100% f2p and will always remain so, but do you see me whine and complain all day long? Nope!

This post was last edited by Godsu* at 2016-10-8 07:35
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On 2016-10-08 12:18:02Show this Author Only
  • Godsuxx On 2016-10-08 07:34:07
  • Can I get more whine with that cheese, please? :lol

    Honestly, all this complaining about p2w is disgusting. I'm 100% f2p and will always remain so, but do you see me whine and complain all day long? Nope!

    This post was last edited by Godsu* at 2016-10-8 07:35
I'm not sure if we have the same competitive drive. People I could beat a week ago, are now crushing me this week. It's not as if they counter played me, or just got that much better in a week. There power jumped at least 4-5k. and ninjas went from tobi/pain teams to sage/hashi teams.

I'm used to games rewarding you for timing skills correctly, learning animation cancel, knowing when to focus or gank targets. I saw a fraction of that when everyone was still around the same power. That quickly disappeared though.

At the start of servers, it wasn't that much of a gap. I could still play vs the top without much of a problem. The problem started when summon events happened. They drop 100 summon scrolls. Next event, seal scroll event, after that, another power boosting event happens. The people I could contend with aren't "getting more skillful", they're just paying more and more.

Besides, as I've said before, this thread wasn't created to complain about p2w. It was created on the fact that they are expecting $300 FOR A 3 STAR NINJA. Once again though, I'm not used to companies expecting people to pay this much or wait months on end to get something. I used to either paying to speed the process up, or working my * off doing ingame things to get it within a timely manner. That is not the case with these event ninja.
Quicky Post

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