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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-10-07 17:06:16Show All Posts
I can agree that the price for these ninjas are pretty ridiculous, but that's why I don't expect to get them from ONE single event. The fragments from the event will go towards getting them in the future, and I certainly don't expect to be able to collect every single ninja without paying.

Your argument of getting one-shot by P2W players is only valid because right now is still early game compared to the other versions. They won't be able to kill a ninja round 1 or even round 2 as the game progresses and we get tankier (just go watch ScionStorm). I can, however, understand the frustration that if any player spends more than you, he can win even if your knowledge and skill outclasses his.

I think the best advice I can give you is, if you at least enjoyed the combat and collecting ninjas, come back in a year (although you would have to catch up). There will be more things to enjoy and hopefully, we would have updated to the point where power doesn't make as much as a difference (because you would get tanky enough to still combo after your enemy combos).
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-10-09 09:00:30Show All Posts
  • DrDoo On 2016-10-09 07:46:21
  • DragonulRed....i try to pull you out of ignorance and you jump right in(like a pig in a mud)...if i say that is not right to kill a kid, you'll just say "you don't kill him all at once.First you take the liver, after a month you take the left lung and so on" but you miss the point, that kid still dies
This *ogy makes zero sense. Comparing killing a kid to purchasing a ninja, really? As several people have said, most ninjas in this game will be farm-able, EVEN TENDO. Does that justify the $1000 price on him, or any other ninja? To most people, no and patience will get you those ninjas in time. It's only impatient people who believe they must spend that amount right now that see the $1,000 price tag and complain.

That's exactly the problem with our generation. A bunch of complainers searching through Instagram and Facebook whining over not being able to afford a private jet or the latest Prada. The world is indeed unfair, get used to it, stop complaining, and work for success. I respect that you have a kid and you are working to take care of your family, but then you should expect not to be able to obtain the most popular ninjas in this game without paying, at least not right away.

I know I'm in the minority in that, I have the restraint not to spend carelessly on things I don't need. I can compete on my server with FREE ninjas, except against a few people who have spent thousands. I have spent roughly $200 over the past 2 months, which is less than I spend on food per month. I just see a ninja or event I like, and decide not to eat out for a week. And unless you're telling me, you don't have a useless game console, or some other games or things you have put less time into than Naruto Online, don't be so condescending on those who decide their money has more value in a game they'll be playing for months or years.

Edit: A proper *ogy would be a $7,500 phone comes out. Most people see that and think what a ridiculous amount of money that is, it could save lives, etc. The company decides that if you go get a stamp every month for 2 years, you get the phone for free. That's the point everyone is making.

This post was last edited by Lazyboi at 2016-10-9 09:22
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-10-09 09:57:21Show All Posts
  • Hakkyoku On 2016-10-09 09:43:19
  • Lol this was my bad for making this thread. I've never played an online game that tried to release "in-game items" for this much money. The only games I've play were ones that "tried" to give a even-level playing field to everyone.

    Patience isn't the problem. I've never been told "since you can't afford/want to pay for this premium item, just wait 8 months - 2 years+ to get it ok?" I've been told to farm it. Farming any of the items took around 2 months max, 8 hours per day every day doing nothing but farming. I'm fine with that. The last mmo I was on, I was in the top 20 of the server after paying $200 in the span of 6 years. I've paid $500 within 3 months to this game and I'm just "paying to stay near the top".

    About the phone *ogy... If a $7,500 phone came out, and they told you to go get a stamp every month for 2 years, people would accept that. Why? You're telling them how they can farm it. That is not the only thing they're spending money on. They buy a stamp and move on (Which is equivalent to buying fragments in the shops every day). A majority of people in this forum are telling people to save up (not spending any coupons) for 8+ months to obtain 1 single character. That's like telling people to save up for a year to buy the phone, don't buy food, don't pay bills, don't buy anything you like until you have enough to get that phone, only to have it be outclassed by something that comes out a week later. That is what everyone is telling the f2p people when they say "just save up for it, it'll only take you a year of not buying anything".
    The disconnect between the f2p in this game and the p2p players is disgusting. Yes, some of them have really bad attitudes, they want everything for free. That is why you compromise, the gap between the two should not be a year big. If p2p players can get a character instantly, let the f2p be able to farm him within 2 months or so. Saving coupons and building frags through in-game options. You'd have a much healthier competitive scene.

    This post was last edited by Hakkyoku at 2016-10-9 09:53
You aren't the first person to make a thread like this and you have valid points. Personally, I'm with you in that I enjoy hard work being rewarded over money, but when I had to work full-time (and now that I'm finishing school), I began to appreciate that some games were catered towards people with less time.

My post wasn't directed towards you, as you seem quite rational. It's all the similar threads people have made to yours just ranting and rambling about how unfair the game is and how they want ninjas EVERY week. I agree I enjoyed MMORPGs that had the farming and grinding model, it was rewarding, but there aren't many of them left (I'm still hoping for a new one). I get the frustration, but this is the type of game where those "people paying to stay near the top," have to keep spending, otherwise the f2p players will slowly catch up.

The information is available. This isn't the first version of the game, and it just takes some time to do the research. It's like someone came and said "hey, the company didn't say anything, but collect these stamps every month to get a free phone based on the research I did." I'd be excited, not complaining about the price of the phone. That's just another option, you can instead save up and purchase the ninja you want RIGHT AWAY. Purchasing is just an extra way of obtaining most ninjas, they are farm-able over time.
To your edit: Of course, I agree it could be done better and the current gap isn't something I'm happy with. That is where we can suggest improvements. Not a lot of companies hire moderators to listen to our feedback and try to support a positive community environment.
This post was last edited by Lazyboi at 2016-10-9 09:59
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