2016-10-09 06:57:31
the point being that devs knew what they were doing and complaining won't change the management's strategy, but complaining helps other understand how it works so they won't get fcked as bad as you did.
In my opinion complaining is the root of evolution, if human's would have not complained, we would have still live in caves.So guys, complain more, help fellow humans understand what they put theirselves into, but bare in mind that this complains won't change the game, they will only help other players. This post was last edited by 122***@facebook at 2016-10-9 07:28
Yes well maybe if more people complain constructively we will get more good events like Lucky board . Also what people seem to fail to realise that even this event has good rewards for f2p even if its not great. Like mood scrolls magatama and refines and thread.