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Asura Weakness Seal bug (Mystery +2)


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  • Registered: 2020-02-11
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On 2023-03-06 07:42:04Show All PostsDescending Order
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Guys, did you also noticed, that weakness seal used on target actually raising critical rate instead of reducing to 50% (according to konoha proxy) ???

  • Registered: 2020-02-11
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On 2023-03-06 17:14:03Show All Posts

I can see it after several matches. I have tested it without weakness seal and with. Before I was testing it I noticed it in regular matches in arena, that opponent ninjas weakened by seal are unusually more often giving me critical. Although final damage is lower, but it is because of lowered injury rate a nin/att stats. It simply can be seen after several matches. I was curious about responses. I can make video on it with several matches for you to see but I thought people with Asura 4star can realize for themself in same amount of time as watching some of my video...I did not record so far...but I can

I will make video with some tests today and I´ll put it here..

This post was last edited by Wahiro on 2023-03-06 17:33:44.
  • Registered: 2020-02-11
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On 2023-03-06 22:01:55Show All Posts

Asura weaken seal test - YouTube

Okey, I have made video I am putting it in. Under weaken seal ninja causes more often critical.

BUT ! Kiriya, what you posted about critical make sense. And actually you are really smart about this. Thank you very much for you recommendation for Y mystery. I will switch :)

  • Registered: 2020-02-11
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On 2023-03-06 22:37:41Show All Posts

What bothers my mind that on konoha proxy it say, critical rate is reduced to 50 % if it is reduced it means it has been lowered from normal state. It was lowered from 100 % to 50% . That logically means target under weaken seal should do less often critical, don´ t you think ? Maybe if we had proper description for ninjas in game we would know for sure what developers thought and if they ´re really set it how they supposed.

  • Registered: 2020-02-11
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On 2023-03-06 22:56:39Show All Posts

What you says make sense in the end... it is what it is and it looks exactly how you described. Just wondered, because they´re creating something called weaken seal and then actually doesn´t make sense to raise somehow critical. Only reasoning is bad programming behind this and that they actually sometimes have problem to set things how they thought initially. I don´t want to be bad but it is not first time I have bad feeling about this and how they mess with game. And I just think, OK they create veeery interesting battle system, they can change characteristics here and there and yet they do amateur programming which they can´ t solve after. And also..I don ´t understand that mania from chinese making effort showing that everything they create must be better for themselves than western world. They hate west so much or what? :D they´re really putting things better for themselves.

BUT also I don ´t want to be negative. I really appreciate your attention and your insights :) so thx

This post was last edited by Wahiro on 2023-03-06 23:04:02.
  • Registered: 2020-02-11
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On 2023-03-07 02:38:23Show All Posts

Very thankful for your time and effort <3 :))

Quicky Post

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