I have a question, will we ever get nerfed Shisui standard version that ignores def/res only partially or we will ignore forever fact that global Shisui does standard damage same as pre nerf CN Shisui but with sluggish change making him beyond broken, uncounterable ninja for past year and next 5 years into the future?
Because "if it is working fine" then sorry but it's not and majority of high power people refuse to play the game where 1 ninja is dominating me
Don't want to get here in details can send you videos with dmg numbers comparison if you want but it's obvious as day and night that our Shisui does literally 3-4 times more damage per standard than his CN counterpart making all ninjas that lower his damage like Swimsuit Gaara completly useless for us. You can probably see his sale rates why whales are not using Gaara so much in our region. Is he bad? No it's just lowering by 50% 4times higher ba
It's so crazy to the point that I can show you numbers where my friend same power does more damage with his Shisui vs my backline with BT Ashura seal than same power matchup in China with out BT seal so it's literally unplayable, what are you guys even thinking? Not to mention that no seal enemy Shisui same power almost 1 shots backline ninja with 1 standard - no buffs and no scaling.
You guys really don't think that ninja who can spam 10 standards doing 90k crits with 1 is game breaking? Compare/scale it to 6path pain for gods sake
400% higher ba
It's a half rant but seriously i'm so done with the state of the game and the fact that unless you guys do something it won't change for next years so might as well drop this and be done. So in conclusion can I have an answer if we keep pretending Global Shisui is fine or we will finally change him to CN version? Thank you.
Unfortunately, we have no future knowledge on updates past when is released in the News section, so the answer to that is no.
In regards to your broad complaints about the ninja, I think you are being misleading. First, CN cannot be easily directly compared to EN since EN stacks and CN balances, so that "3-4 times damage" can be quite misleading. Second, There are quite a number of high powered players still, so the assertion that there are no such players rings quite false. Third, Shisui is arguably not overpowered. While he is more powerful than other ninjas, he has a price tag to match, and that is his balancing factor. Paygated ninjas are meant to be more expensive and more powerful than free ninjas, and this is no exception. Additionally, not all ninjas fulfill the same role of pure damage/p1 focus, so comparing him to other ninjas is not always viable; most of them have their own niche.
And finally, as you yourself mentioned, this was more of a rant than a genuine ask (I mean more in that, you did make a genuine ask, but that was 2 lines of your 24 line message), and this subforum is not for rants but for genuine help. If you would like to rant, please take it to the discord or the the general forum and keep this forum reserved for questions, help, and technical issues.
Thank you and have a great day!
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