We have quite a number of fanarts when it comes to the Naruto characters, some chibi and cute, while some bordering to 'who in the world thought of this' mature. What the internet lacks though, are fanarts of Naruto Online characters and so I decided to start this thread to encourage people to post their drawings of the main characters, whether they're in a ramen eating contest with Naruto, fighting the Akatsuki, or plainly standing there staring. No matter how bad you think your drawing is, share it. Even if its just the first draft. Sometimes the worst critic of your art is yourself and posting it might give you the positive feedback you need to continue drawing. Even if it doesn't, practice makes perfect, and drawing characters will slowly perfect your drawing.
To inspire some of you artists out there, I also decided on creating a monthly theme. You may or may not follow it, its up to you.
Monthly Theme:
October - Academy Days
(I'm thinking of the main characters as kids or pre-teens. You can create your own outfit for them or use Rank 1 battle armor as their Academy outfit)