Hello, Shinobi, and welcome to the Hokage’s Christmas Cypher Event! This year, the Hokage has a very important task for all of you… but he has encoded that task in a variety of top secret messages you will need to decode! Once you have decoded the messages, you will then need to piece together the provided clues to determine who your secret mystery contact is!
Players will be given a list of Riddles. They must solve as many of these Riddles as they can, then use the provided clues to figure out who their secret mystery contact is so they can assist the Hokage. They then must submit these answers to the Hokage via THIS li
Players will gain 1 point for each riddle solved. Once they have solved all riddles, they must use the clues presented to figure out their secret contact. The Secret Contact will be a character from the show…or game. Read carefully to figure out how your clues match to the right character!
Any players that figure out the Secret Contact’s identity will receive an additional 3 points!
In the event of a tie, the player that submitted their answers first is the winner!
After two days, additional information will come down from the Hokage to make decoding these riddles easier, but be warned! He will disprove, and you will lose points!
Additional hints will arrive on the 4th and 6th days, but as before, your score will be reduced if you submit after these hints are given!
Do not submit your riddle answers in this thread! Please use THIS FORM to submit your decoded answers for consideration!
If you have questions regarding the event, you may DM me directly. Questions asking for help/answers will be ignored. You must solve the riddles on your own, but if you have legitimate confusion about how something works, feel free to DM!
Prizes will be distributed accordingly:
1st Place: 3,000 coupons
2nd Place: 2,000 coupons
3rd Place: 2,000 coupons
4th, 5th, 6th Place: 1,000 coupons
The event will start Today, on December 23, 2022, at 10am PST, and will be closed on December 30th, 2022, 10am PST. All answers must be submitted before the end time!
Prizes should be distributed within a few weeks once all entries have been evaluated.
Thank you! We wish everyone happy holidays!
Naruto Online Operation Team
In home I am dressed; I wear a skirt
Outside I simply stand in the dirt
Inside I am bright
Outside, covered in white
The first thing people do is kill me.
What am I?
Riddle #2
I cannot be seen, but I can be smelt.
I cannot be heard and cannot be felt.
I am pleasing to some and a gift to others.
I am given to mothers, but not brothers.
What am I?
Riddle #3
Many lines have I
Money, Heart, Life, and Fate
I am used to make people wait.
But also to say goodbye.
What am I?
Riddle #4
I am movement without leaving.
Communication without speaking.
I can be a robot
I can be a dip for your chips
I can be a Christmas Nutcracker
What am I?
Riddle #5
Time does this, as does rest
We do this worse when we are stressed.
Young Shinobi practice this on fish,
Some must eat their favorite dish.
Some Shinobi do it with a bite,
But however it is done it always helps a fight.
Hint for riddle 1: Think of something that has roots and needles.
Hint for riddle 2: Think of something that sprayed, spritzed, or dabbed on.
Hint for riddle 3: Think about different body parts.
Hint for riddle 4: Lines 3, 4, and 5 are all types of this.
Hint for riddle 5: This is one of the types of characters you can have in game.
List of Winners
Congratulations to our winners for this event! Rewards for all events should be sent out within two weeks!
First Place: TOMB0LOCKD0WN! (8 points) - 3,000 coupons!
Second Place: TeaTimeOkayeg (7 points) - 2,000 coupons!
Third Place: Hedrack (7 points) - 2,000 coupons!
Fourth Place: AsukaIshimaru (6 points) - 1,000 coupons!
Fifth Place: MatthewDE50 (6 points) - 1,000 coupons!
Sixth Place: Zzenn (5 points) - 1,000 coupons!
The Answers!
Riddle 1: Christmas Tree (Tree would also be acceptable)
Riddle 2: Perfume (Answers similar to perfume such as fragrance also accepted)
Riddle 3: Palm
Riddle 4: Dance
Riddle 5: Heal (any variation of this word accepted, such as healing or healed)
Secret Mystery Contact: When all five clues are examined, they point towards Christmas Karin!
Congratulations to our winners, and thank you all for participating! Happy holidays!
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