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[ Events ] improvement in the event konoha's great tree


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  • Registered: 2021-09-18
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On 2022-08-16 08:47:47Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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event konoha's great tree is an event in which there is no reason to spend, since the ninja drop is low and there are few ninjas in which many times they do not motivate to spend coupons, in which a high number of ninjas and drop of the same would cause players to spend more than 130k of coupons/ingots and their "store" does not bring any benefit to spend (in which many times the expense is a lot for little return or in many cases no return just an excessive expense even for people who put 130k of ingots)omparison of "server br" and "server na":

sever br:

unknownunknown (3)

the 2 blues packs have ninjas doctor(karin [taka] and tsunade [reserve seal]) to choose and otsutsuki to choose (ashura otsutsuki and indra otsutsuki)

sever na:

unknown (1)unknown (2)

having this in mind demonstrates the impossibility of having meta ninjas since this event is one of the best for that since its drop is one of the worst....

This post was last edited by lordsmurf on 2022-08-16 08:47:47.
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