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[ Bugs ] What the heck u did this time?


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2022-07-15 01:00:43Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Why after yday (right before anniv events) game became so laggy? It wasnt as bad as it is now, even bt attempt takes like 3-5 seconds because of nonsense loadings of nothing. Did u mess up everything again while servers was up?

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2022-07-15 02:39:41Show this Author Only

I have spoken with many players today and have not received any complaints along this vein.
It sounds like you have an unstable connection to the game server (which is not the same thing has having a poor internet connection; one can have good internet but a poor connection to the game server).

Please try these steps (in this order and don't skip any), it may resolve your issue:

1) Clear the Client Cache

2) Flush your DNS Cache

3) Reboot the PC (To be extra sure, reboot the Modem/Router too)

If your problem persists, there are only a few options left:

1) Trying some VPN programs (try all of the VPN servers each one offers to find one that works best for you)

2) Waiting a while for it to resolve/settle down

3) Contacting your ISP for assistance

Hopefully the first set of steps will resolve the issue for you. If not, a VPN clears up the issue for most players.
Thanks and have a great day!

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