Video Guide Fighting Matsuri Strats
The event is really simple. It's pvp against other players, but you can make things easier on yourself.
1. Use your Ranked Battle Teams
2. Use your best pvp team
3. Don't use your best pvp team right away
4. Sign up to the event and wait 15 minutes or so. For the big names to all weaken themselves. The point is to win 5 times not be a hero.
5. Try and use stall teams with fire and poison. You do not lose ninja on round max wins. Cursed Seal teams shine here, or earth shield teams as well. You c*so go with Akatsuki Konan teams, Iruka teams fit as well.
6. Being that you only need 5 wins take your time. But don't wait too long 15 minutes should be another to thin the herd.
7. This is how I handled it in China where people are clearly advanced levels to me. It worked out the same way for me and the few I told in NA. Now everyone knows which also spreads out the competition to not be so packed.