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[ Bugs ] Lucky Mega-thread/technical knowledge


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On 2022-01-05 22:19:50Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Hi, before i present the core of my post i'd like to educate a bit "the masses" and some mods in regards with certain terminology and technological knowledge and whatnot.

First of all let's start with the basics, what is a glitch, glitch is a misbehavior of the game code, an unintended result of the code stumbling upon a problem or not running properly (roughly explanation)

When glitch is to be taken specially serious and take priority? When is game breaking (things like hindering progress,affecting the hardware/software environment in which it runs or other cases in which, as the name implies, would break the game or "soft-lock" it) and when is highly replicable (those are 2 of many reasons for prioritization of glitches)

Now let's talk about replicability, What is replication? as the name imply, its the process of re-creating a behavior of something (in our case the glitch) in order to understand it better and fix the problem or whatnot, sometimes, if not every time, it is necessary to follow STRICT steps in order to re-create the behavior.

Few words about the "RNG" which stands for "random number generator" as the name implies it is RANDOM and "chance based", with that said, mathematically the chances for 10 people to get the same number one after another in relative short amount of time is basically impossible.

With that said (hope i didnt forgot anything) lets move to the CORE of this post:

I'd like to report a glitch in regards to the event Lucky Sn@tch:

In the said event it is a glitch in which if you follow strict steps you are guaranteed to get the 40.000 coupons reward, as the event is intended to be random, the fact that following certain steps guarantees the reward makes it a glitch since is NOT the intend of the code (as i explained it, if any mod still says "works as intended" then means the intention of the code was to guarantee win at the cap, so, be aware of the claims)

Now to explain further for some mods and other people who don't understand: as i mentioned before the steps of the replication must be strict and followed as posted by others, in our example drawing 750 times in the event, one of the strict steps is to draw all of them at once, NOT 200 now and 550 10 minutes later, the steps of replication are STRICT thats why other mods like Tachibana mentioned that some people even drawn 800 and didn't got the "jackpot"

Now as i mentioned if its RNG its impossible for multiple people to get "the same number" one after another in a small span of time, yes the event is still RNG, yes you can get the "jackpot" early, that aspect is still RNG, however that doesnt change the fact that the glitch makes it hard-capping at 750 draws

Few words on "there are more people who dont get it then people who get it" this is a damage control argument and shows a bit of lack of professionalism since this is a sub-forum about reporting BUGS and GLITCHES since someone with a bit of technical knowledge would know that a glitch doesn't REQUIRE to be present on 100% of the player-base to be a glitch... even if 10-50 people CAN REPLICATE the glitch, its still a glitch, it doesnt matter how many people get it, its still a misbehavior of the original game code

NOW, since this is a bug/glitch report thread, i'd like to request first to mods, to not close nor delete this thread so other people can report further, i'd say would be easier for both of us since its easier to deal with one thread instead of you know... every player making a separate thread writhing almost the same problem and having to deal with an indirect spam of threads AND i'd like to request the players to behave in this thread and not insult nor stoup too low since we don't want this thread to be closed due to one of you not be able to handle your "wreath" , post as more detailed as possible and not attack eachother

There is no need for replies like "is RNG sorry you didn't win" as i EXPLAINED in detail that is not the case

Hope i did not forget anything (i'll updare/post further if i remember any details to add) and sorry for my poor english

As this thread is not aimed towards no one cannot be taken as slander nor off-topic since it is a bug submission with a bit of explanation (as a disclaimer)

Lets be respectful and help eachother

This post was last edited by The_X on 2022-01-05 22:19:50.
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On 2022-01-05 22:57:12Show this Author Only

^100% agree with everything you said but to be fair we kind of did same debate with Tachibana yesterday so not sure if we need more of those topics.

It's cool with me since it shows that more people care about the game (as future of the game not just begging for free ninjas or hating everything) but there is nothing more really to explain at this point.

Main point is the same. It's too late to fix that so let's just hope in the future those type of things won't happen or be instantly reported and dealt with day1 of said bug/glitch

(I mean we had insta patches fixing broken events in the past like Cloak Sakura 80 frag pack or 5 Kage summit Madara for 5k coupons etc so not really sure wtf happened this time, Oasis not taking clear action asap instantly creates drama and stories about moderators wanting to abuse those events themself, you can't really blame people for thinking this way).

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On 2022-01-06 00:20:02Show this Author Only

So we came to the conclusion that Oasis created a bug, but the players are still responsible for the actions of the Oasis? And Oasis is still white and fluffy? Wonderful.

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On 2022-01-06 01:16:46Show this Author Only
  • Kiriya. On 2022-01-05 22:57:12
  • ^100% agree with everything you said but to be fair we kind of did same debate with Tachibana yesterday so not sure if we need more of those topics.

    It's cool with me since it shows that more people care about the game (as future of the game not just begging for free ninjas or hating everything) but there is nothing more really to explain at this point.

    Main point is the same. It's too late to fix that so let's just hope in the future those type of things won't happen or be instantly reported and dealt with day1 of said bug/glitch

    (I mean we had insta patches fixing broken events in the past like Cloak Sakura 80 frag pack or 5 Kage summit Madara for 5k coupons etc so not really sure wtf happened this time, Oasis not taking clear action asap instantly creates drama and stories about moderators wanting to abuse those events themself, you can't really blame people for thinking this way).

actions c*ways be done even after the glitch period, they can at least give away compensations or as happened in the past even worse, remember when the same thing that happened with sakura cloak happened with itachi (i think susanoo) and they literally rollback the servers since itachi was too expensive to just give him away like they did with sakura/sasuke

on topic, doesnt matter how late it is submissions are always welcomed since it helps fixing the problem for next time the event comes

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On 2022-01-06 01:27:32Show this Author Only

They need either ban poeple who exploited glitch or give 40k coupons for others who didnt explore it period.

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On 2022-01-06 02:47:40Show this Author Only
  • SlapTheShitOutc On 2022-01-06 01:27:32
  • They need either ban poeple who exploited glitch or give 40k coupons for others who didnt explore it period.

The banning is out of the way and it's easy to explain why:

1. The first time most players got the 40.000 coupons they were unaware of what was happening. The second time the day after many players got the prize again with different amounts spent so it's highly questionable to determine anyone was exploiting a bug.

2. The bug was reported and in the knowledge of Oasis staff since day 1, after it was checked by them the players got told: It's an RNG event, proceed at your own risk.
So players did that. Even the moderators who play the game did that.

There's been many posts closed of people asking about it and reporting it because it was opening an obvious gap between players (those who could keep using the wheel and those who couldn't) and each time the answer was the same -> "It is just how the event is, nothing is guaranteed so it's up to the players".

Therefore a punishment over those who did participate in lucky * is impossible because everyone was following the instructions we were provided with.
You can't punish a huge portion of playerbase for:
a) following guidelines
b) participating in a system that the company had no intention in fixing from the beginning

A compensation to players who couldn't participate in the event on the other hand wouldn't be a bad thing to do, it won't fix the gap that has been created but it'll prevent some to quit their servers. Or if they still want to start over, let them start with 40.000 coupons in a new server just like it was done for example with players coming from Italian servers which got closed.

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On 2022-01-06 03:20:07Show this Author Only
  • Perfect_Cell On 2022-01-06 02:47:40
  • The banning is out of the way and it's easy to explain why:

    1. The first time most players got the 40.000 coupons they were unaware of what was happening. The second time the day after many players got the prize again with different amounts spent so it's highly questionable to determine anyone was exploiting a bug.

    2. The bug was reported and in the knowledge of Oasis staff since day 1, after it was checked by them the players got told: It's an RNG event, proceed at your own risk.
    So players did that. Even the moderators who play the game did that.

    There's been many posts closed of people asking about it and reporting it because it was opening an obvious gap between players (those who could keep using the wheel and those who couldn't) and each time the answer was the same -> "It is just how the event is, nothing is guaranteed so it's up to the players".

    Therefore a punishment over those who did participate in lucky * is impossible because everyone was following the instructions we were provided with.
    You can't punish a huge portion of playerbase for:
    a) following guidelines
    b) participating in a system that the company had no intention in fixing from the beginning

    A compensation to players who couldn't participate in the event on the other hand wouldn't be a bad thing to do, it won't fix the gap that has been created but it'll prevent some to quit their servers. Or if they still want to start over, let them start with 40.000 coupons in a new server just like it was done for example with players coming from Italian servers which got closed.

Hi/Hello and good evening I apologize for my English, I am Italian I don't know the language use language. I agree on almost everything, but I wanted to point out that playing first Italian server S27 and now S1332UK-GTF, have not been given to all coupons (neither a few, ne 40k), after about 1 month from the transfer Rune package base refining, Cavern keys and little else (not only to me, even for the other ex eng, I always f2p), the coupons were given only to those who had spent in Italy, the conjection of the ingots spent in coupon.

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On 2022-01-06 05:50:56Show this Author Only

LMAO so much words for saying that you are * hurt that you didn't get the coupons mate. Its always the players that are * hurt that do such reports. Step up your game no one is responsible for your bad luck or lack of coupons, the event is perfectly fine just like there are people who got it within 100 spins and some that didn't get it with 900 spins so stop whining on the forums no one cares that your are * hurt.

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On 2022-01-06 09:17:59Show this Author Only

I understand your frustration with the event, and again express my sympathy that you were not able to participate in the event to the extent that some others were.

Additionally, thank you for maintaining a civil tone in your post.

At this time, this is not considered a bug, or glitch. However, it has been reported to the devs, as has the opinion that this event should not be allowed in this capacity again. I will report both of these for you again, if you'd like, however, the community is fairly mixed, since many people like the event, so the suggestion may not gain traction, and as noted, this is not considered a glitch. We will ask for compensation on your behalf, but there is a very, very low chance of any such thing happening, for the reasons previously mentioned.

Ultimately, the way this functions is different from gaining a banner ninja at a peak threshold only in reward type and scope. While I see and read your points, this is important to keep in mind.

I will allow this thread to stay open for a time if the discussion of this topic can remain civil and on topic and does not veer into attacks on others. @14RedMist88, please be aware of this; your most recent post is at best borderline. I would like to see no more posts along that vein of vitriol.

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On 2022-01-06 11:01:54Show this Author Only
  • Kiriya. On 2022-01-05 22:57:12
  • ^100% agree with everything you said but to be fair we kind of did same debate with Tachibana yesterday so not sure if we need more of those topics.

    It's cool with me since it shows that more people care about the game (as future of the game not just begging for free ninjas or hating everything) but there is nothing more really to explain at this point.

    Main point is the same. It's too late to fix that so let's just hope in the future those type of things won't happen or be instantly reported and dealt with day1 of said bug/glitch

    (I mean we had insta patches fixing broken events in the past like Cloak Sakura 80 frag pack or 5 Kage summit Madara for 5k coupons etc so not really sure wtf happened this time, Oasis not taking clear action asap instantly creates drama and stories about moderators wanting to abuse those events themself, you can't really blame people for thinking this way).

I'd just like to say, part of the reason for any delayed response is that this cycle happened during New Year and the team (as far as I am aware) was all off on holiday. Nothing could be done until it was far too late.

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On 2022-01-06 13:05:47Show this Author Only
  • 14RedMist88 On 2022-01-06 05:50:56
  • LMAO so much words for saying that you are * hurt that you didn't get the coupons mate. Its always the players that are * hurt that do such reports. Step up your game no one is responsible for your bad luck or lack of coupons, the event is perfectly fine just like there are people who got it within 100 spins and some that didn't get it with 900 spins so stop whining on the forums no one cares that your are * hurt.

the point of this thread is not personal gain nor anything, you do not know if i personally benefited from it or not, i simply stated some facts and reported a glitch... simple as that, but i understand that if this is fixed you won't be able to exploit it any further thus your frustration and need to attack me, so please keep it on topic which is reporting further the glitch

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On 2022-01-06 13:12:42Show this Author Only
  • Tachibana Saeko On 2022-01-06 09:17:59
  • Hello,
    I understand your frustration with the event, and again express my sympathy that you were not able to participate in the event to the extent that some others were.

    Additionally, thank you for maintaining a civil tone in your post.

    At this time, this is not considered a bug, or glitch. However, it has been reported to the devs, as has the opinion that this event should not be allowed in this capacity again. I will report both of these for you again, if you'd like, however, the community is fairly mixed, since many people like the event, so the suggestion may not gain traction, and as noted, this is not considered a glitch. We will ask for compensation on your behalf, but there is a very, very low chance of any such thing happening, for the reasons previously mentioned.

    Ultimately, the way this functions is different from gaining a banner ninja at a peak threshold only in reward type and scope. While I see and read your points, this is important to keep in mind.

    I will allow this thread to stay open for a time if the discussion of this topic can remain civil and on topic and does not veer into attacks on others. @14RedMist88, please be aware of this; your most recent post is at best borderline. I would like to see no more posts along that vein of vitriol.

hello Tachibana, thank you for your reply, now... as i explained in the thread what is and what is not a glitch, IF the behavior of the game code IS to trigger the "RNG" better say to trigger the guaranteed jackpot, this should had been disclosed in the original events thread since it can be taken as false advertising, so, i want to ask you, what exactly it is? a glitch or an undisclosed feature? cuz its one of the 2 and this is a fact, im sorry but no amount of fancy words and juggling around can change that...

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On 2022-01-06 13:29:19Show this Author Only

Well Honestly that GLITCH whether and intention of the DEVS out of generosity destroy the BALANCE of the GAME!

Imagine, I am putting Real Money in the game but it turns out I don't have coupons during that event, but an F2P Player catch me up on Power based. It's like telling us that put more money in the game or you will be trampled by those who abused that RNG event slash Glitch whatsoever ^_^!!!

Good for those who avail but Pity to those who can't afford lol!

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On 2022-01-06 15:54:49Show this Author Only

Well Honestly that GLITCH whether and intention of the DEVS out of generosity destroy the BALANCE of the GAME!

(those who figured out what is happening, did it fully of course to get a lot more out of it, did it destroy the balance, maybe yes ? highly likely ?)

(there is also some prerequisite to be able to partake in the advantage, knowing it, and having the coupons/ingots)

Imagine, I am putting Real Money in the game but it turns out I don't have coupons during that event,

but an F2P Player catch me up on Power based. It's like telling us that put more money in the game or you will be trampled

(this has always been the case, just like all fuku events or tsuku events, or most all other events)

(p2w or f2p you didn't have any spare stash of coupons or ingots, u CAN lose out by missing a good event)

by those who abused that RNG event slash Glitch whatsoever ^_^!!!

(welp for 1, many don't consider it an abuse i felt, its there for 2 cycles of * and the first cycle was rng with even better rates !!)

(the 2nd one is the one that we now refer as glitched and consistently repeatable next day without knowing if it's coded with intention)

(only whales and the dares went for it the first time coz they can afford to lose if fail, it was so tempting that the whales had to test it repeatedly)

(no one would figure out otherwise... by the second cycle of *, and yes then confirm that 750 was the good number 2nd * cycle)

(why no one took it as a glitch is because only the people who actively communicated or understood what happened)

(took full advantage for the knowledge they were armed with, exploit, one may say because it works and checks out with mods)

(for some, they are happy even that ANYONE got anything out of oasis, and if that did upset the balance /shrugs)

(its definitely coz some are not as informed by the rest, or dare not follow the advices or are mislead if to go for the full 750 rolls)

(however i agree that it is not a event that should have happened, NOT for the fact its coded intended or not, but simply cuz imo ITS TOO OP)

Good for those who avail but Pity to those who can't afford lol!

(True, a real pity to those who can't afford, but as always many pass the word to their friends as soon as they learn the trick or R sure)

(i think by the end of the week, many dare for it even if they didn't have enuff cpns, and some, a small number got luckier than most)

(imo the mods seems more confused to me in their responds, all they know is what worked, do nothing except inform devs for follow up)

(esp since the mods don't work directly under the devs and don't seem to have a firm say, furthermore are part gamers themselves)

(or maybe the dev has no idea the implications of the code they even intended)

(so it WAS misleading if we were allow to exploit * this round, not like they would stop it)

(for me, there seems still a risk that the next day, oasis might tweek the so called repeatable glitch ? /shrugs but that is all i can gather)

This post was last edited by T_0_M_B_0_L_0_C on 2022-01-06 16:00:41.
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On 2022-01-06 16:38:52Show this Author Only
  • T_0_M_B_0_L_0_C On 2022-01-06 15:54:49
  • Well Honestly that GLITCH whether and intention of the DEVS out of generosity destroy the BALANCE of the GAME!

    (those who figured out what is happening, did it fully of course to get a lot more out of it, did it destroy the balance, maybe yes ? highly likely ?)

    (there is also some prerequisite to be able to partake in the advantage, knowing it, and having the coupons/ingots)

    Imagine, I am putting Real Money in the game but it turns out I don't have coupons during that event,

    but an F2P Player catch me up on Power based. It's like telling us that put more money in the game or you will be trampled

    (this has always been the case, just like all fuku events or tsuku events, or most all other events)

    (p2w or f2p you didn't have any spare stash of coupons or ingots, u CAN lose out by missing a good event)

    by those who abused that RNG event slash Glitch whatsoever ^_^!!!

    (welp for 1, many don't consider it an abuse i felt, its there for 2 cycles of * and the first cycle was rng with even better rates !!)

    (the 2nd one is the one that we now refer as glitched and consistently repeatable next day without knowing if it's coded with intention)

    (only whales and the dares went for it the first time coz they can afford to lose if fail, it was so tempting that the whales had to test it repeatedly)

    (no one would figure out otherwise... by the second cycle of *, and yes then confirm that 750 was the good number 2nd * cycle)

    (why no one took it as a glitch is because only the people who actively communicated or understood what happened)

    (took full advantage for the knowledge they were armed with, exploit, one may say because it works and checks out with mods)

    (for some, they are happy even that ANYONE got anything out of oasis, and if that did upset the balance /shrugs)

    (its definitely coz some are not as informed by the rest, or dare not follow the advices or are mislead if to go for the full 750 rolls)

    (however i agree that it is not a event that should have happened, NOT for the fact its coded intended or not, but simply cuz imo ITS TOO OP)

    Good for those who avail but Pity to those who can't afford lol!

    (True, a real pity to those who can't afford, but as always many pass the word to their friends as soon as they learn the trick or R sure)

    (i think by the end of the week, many dare for it even if they didn't have enuff cpns, and some, a small number got luckier than most)

    (imo the mods seems more confused to me in their responds, all they know is what worked, do nothing except inform devs for follow up)

    (esp since the mods don't work directly under the devs and don't seem to have a firm say, furthermore are part gamers themselves)

    (or maybe the dev has no idea the implications of the code they even intended)

    (so it WAS misleading if we were allow to exploit * this round, not like they would stop it)

    (for me, there seems still a risk that the next day, oasis might tweek the so called repeatable glitch ? /shrugs but that is all i can gather)

Totally agreed as said above, as mentioned maybe the whales and few others might have known and not many was aware and since FUKU was 110k, players where in an assumption they are recharging and spending cps.

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On 2022-01-06 17:21:27Show this Author Only

The problem with this is the same of always: Communication.

If in the event page we would've been told from the beginning "there is a high chance of players getting jackpot after spending x amount of coupons" it would've been sweet.
What is upsetting is that suddenly you login and you start seeing players drawing the jackpot left and right without understanding what is going on, nor if you should go or not go for it. That, plus the issues a gain like this generates between those who participated and those who didn't.

Personally I would love to see this event again in the future since it pretty much gave us the most expensive fuku in the history of EN Naruto basically for free, but a little warning about how the event worked from day 1 would've been fantastic, not letting players figure it out.
If you don't tell these things beforehand it would seem that you don't want to disclose the info to benefit a few.

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On 2022-01-06 17:55:34Show this Author Only

Forget compensation, Oazis sells and sells broken items (Skills page), they know they can't be used, they sell anyway and don't return coupons. Bought over two years ago.

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On 2022-01-06 22:46:03Show this Author Only

I guess someone didn't get that 40k or just don't have enough

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On 2022-01-07 18:41:27Show this Author Only
  • The_X On 2022-01-06 13:12:42
  • hello Tachibana, thank you for your reply, now... as i explained in the thread what is and what is not a glitch, IF the behavior of the game code IS to trigger the "RNG" better say to trigger the guaranteed jackpot, this should had been disclosed in the original events thread since it can be taken as false advertising, so, i want to ask you, what exactly it is? a glitch or an undisclosed feature? cuz its one of the 2 and this is a fact, im sorry but no amount of fancy words and juggling around can change that...

It isn't a glitch, it was an error on the part of Oasis. Lucky * has been coded to give the jackpot ninja at a certain amount of spins for awhile now. They don't have to advertise this, as they have never told players of RNG event chances, not even recruit treasure caps, they are player discovered. The error made was they didn't think it through when they changed the jackpot ninja to 40k coupons. Lucky * is not the only rigged event, there are many others, but I won't be mentioning them since for the most part, they are still a secret among few. This game has been unbalanced for a long time, there is a lot of code players can take advantage of if they understand how it works. The best thing to do is to accept you got screwed and hope you're in a position to gain advantage the next time Oasis makes a mistake.

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On 2022-01-07 21:15:14Show this Author Only
  • ExcaliZero On 2022-01-07 18:41:27
  • It isn't a glitch, it was an error on the part of Oasis. Lucky * has been coded to give the jackpot ninja at a certain amount of spins for awhile now. They don't have to advertise this, as they have never told players of RNG event chances, not even recruit treasure caps, they are player discovered. The error made was they didn't think it through when they changed the jackpot ninja to 40k coupons. Lucky * is not the only rigged event, there are many others, but I won't be mentioning them since for the most part, they are still a secret among few. This game has been unbalanced for a long time, there is a lot of code players can take advantage of if they understand how it works. The best thing to do is to accept you got screwed and hope you're in a position to gain advantage the next time Oasis makes a mistake.

not exactly how it works nor how the code works, unless you have access to the source code to read from it and we don't, as for the "secrets" you make it seem like there are a million, they are not... however the thing is, an exploit is an exploit, a lot of people tries to attack or "point out" the usual "you just angry that you didnt got to participate" when in reality they are angry cuz if its fixed they cannot EXPLOIT it any further, bottom line is, doesnt matter if is a bug,glitch,undisclosed feature,ugandan hidden treasure or whatever AN EXPLOIT IS AN EXPLOIT and it have to be dealt with it

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