Dear Ninja,
We would like to thank you all for your support! Below you can check this week's coming updates, which will be coming on 30/12/21! Please, have a look below to check the new events!
Weekly Strong Ninja
Hashirama Senju [The Final Battle]
Orochimaru [Great Ninja War]
Deidara [Rinne Festival]
#. Arena 3V3 added: Dec 30th -Jan 12nd 5:00AM
Rewards: Jiraiya [Young Adult]
#. New Breakthrough/Skill Trial added: Jiraiya [Young Adult]
#. New Ninja added: Onoki [Rinne Festival]
#. New Sign-in Ninja in January: Onoki [Rinne Festival]
#. New Collecting Season Ninja in January: Sai [Swimsuit]
1. "Shinobi Feast - Recharged Rewards" added.
Let's celebrate the Shinobi Feast! By recharging Ingots, players will be able to spin a wheel to get valuable rewards!
Period: Dec 30th -Jan 5th
Requirements:Players must reach Level 21 in order to participate.
How To:
During the event, players can get one chance to spin the wheel by recharging 100 Ingots. You can obtain a daily maximum of 1000 spins.
It’s time to get powerful ninja! Each day, the spins will be reset to 0 at 00:00 (server time). Don’t miss out!
Besides, New packs are added in this event!
Anniversary Optional Pack III:(Select one of the following rewards)
Deidara [Rinne Festival]*80
Orochimaru [Great Ninja War]*80
Jiraiya [Toads Chant]*120
Tsunade [Fifth Hokage]*120
Super Value Item Optional Pack V*45
2. "Shinobi Feast - Lucky Feast" added.
An opportunity to get amazing items and ninjas at amazing prices! The more you buy, the higher your chances at getting the lucky prize from its Lucky Draw!
Period: Dec 30th -Jan 5th
Requirements:Players must reach Level 21 in order to participate.
How to:
a) During the event, use Ingots to buy packs and other items to get Lucky Credits.
b) Lucky Credits will influence your rate of being a winner in the Lucky Draw. Every 0:00 AM (server time), Lucky Credits will be emptied and the system will choose 7 winners, the more your Lucky Credits, the higher the chances of being one of the winners in Lucky Draw.
c) This is a Cross–Server event. Winners will receive their prize in the in-game’s mailbox.
3. "Shinobi Feast - Arena Training" added.
Let's celebrate the Shinobi Feast! During the event, players can get specific rewards by winning victories in the Arena!
Period: Dec 30th -Jan 5th
Requirements:Players must reach Level 21 in order to participate.
4. "Inos Flower" added.
Ino loves Fresh Flowers, get rewards by sending fresh flowers to Ino!
Period: Dec 30th -Jan 5th
Requirements:Players must reach Level 11 in order to participate.
How To:
a) Sweeping Plot/Elite Instances will reward you with Fresh Flowers. Recharging 50 Ingots will reward you with Fresh Flower*1. Gifting Ino Fresh Flowers will reward players with Coins.
b) After the event has ended, you will be rewarded according to the Ranking which is ba
c) Players who want to be part of ranking needs to gift 250 Flowers at least.
d) 1st prize: Ino’s Gift Package V*1; Exclusive Secret Scroll Pack*1
2nd and 3rd: Fresh Flower Gift Pack IV*1; Treasured Tools Ultimate essence*1
4th to 6th: Treasured Tools Ultimate essence*1 ;Super Value Assist Pack*1
7th to 10th: Treasured Tools Ultimate essence*1, Lv6 Magatama Pack
IMPORTANT NOTE: This event is NOT cross-server ba
5. "Colored Banner Gift" added.
Obtain awesome items by spending Ingots/Coupons in the Souvenir Store and win the Colored Banner Competition!
Period: Dec 30th -Jan 5th
Requirements:Players must reach Level 30 in order to participation
How to:
1. During the event, purchases made in the Souvenir Store create contribution, increasing your groups banner height; Ac*ulated spending of 100 Ingots/Coupons can increase the height by0.01 meter.
2. When a group’s banner height reaches a certain level, all members of the group can claim a reward. Each reward can only be claimed once per user.
3. At the Settlement, all members of the top 3 groups banner height will obtain extra reward.
4. Ranking deadline time: 5/1 23:59:59; when the settlement time ends you won't be able to participate in the event, and the ranking rewards will be sent by mail.
Event ending time: 6/1 23:59:59; please claim your reward on time.
5. The player who doesn’t has a group can purchase in the Souvenir Store but the contribution height won't be retained; to avoid contribution height been reset to 0, we suggest you to don't leave the group during the event; at the rewards settlement if there's no group you won't get the rewards.
6. "Time-Limited Shop" added.
Get points by Logging in, Clearing Instances and Using Ingots. Rewards are waiting for you!
Period: Dec 30th -Jan 5th
Requirements:Players must reach Level 45 in order to participate.
How To:
a) Players can obtain 1 Point by logging in daily and can obtain more points by completing Plot/Elite Instances.
b) By Spending 10 Ingots daily, you will also get 1 Point.
c) Remember to use the Points before the deadline of the events (which is according to the computers’ time) or it will be reset to 0.
7. "Tailed Beasts Attack" added.
Gather all tail beasts to obtain gift packs! Amazing Items and Ninjas are waiting for you in redeem shop!
Period: Dec 30th -Jan 5th
Requirements:Players must reach Level 20 in order to participate.
a) Plates have different Points and Tailed Beasts, use 10 coupons or ingots to flip one plate to find out how many points and Tailed Beasts you can get! You c*so redeem points for rewards.
b) The Plates will be reset daily at 00:00. All progress of the plates and gathered Tailed Beasts will be reset.
c) All players have a free daily attempt. During the events, players can reset the Plates and Gift Packs three times, by doing so will not give player another free attempt.
d) Players can get Gift Packs by gathering Tailed Beasts.
8. "Naruto’s Ramen Party" added.
Take Naruto out for Ramen to get points, redeem the obtained points for awesome rewards!
Period: Dec 30th -Jan 5th
Requirements:Players must reach Level 10 in order to participate.
How To:
a) Login every day and clear Plot/Elite instances to get Ichiraku’s Ramen. It can be directly bought from the Shop.
b) Get 1 every time you take Naruto out for Ramen during the event. Use the points to redeem for rewards!
c) Players can get up to 20 free daily Ichiraku’s Ramen.
d) Ramen Points will be reset once the event ends.
9. "Lucky S(n)atch" added.
Want stronger ninja? Use Ingots or Coupons to draw them in the Lucky *!
Period: Dec 30th -Jan 5th
Requirements: Players must reach Level 65 in order to participate.
How To:
a) Use Ingots or Coupons to Draw and have a try!
b) Every Draw is rewarded with a prize!
Besides having a chance at drawing amazing rewards from this event, fixed rewards will also be awarded to players who draw a given number of times, check below:
Draw 50: Ninja Assist Cultivation Pack*1
Draw 100: Lucky S(n)atch Gift Pack IV*1
Draw 200: Lucky S(n)atch Gift Pack IV*2
Draw 300: Lucky S(n)atch Gift Pack IV*3
Draw 500: Lucky S(n)atch Gift Pack IV*4
Lucky S(n)atch Gift Pack IV:(Select one of the following rewards)
Sasori [“Akatsuki’s” Creation]*8
Kakashi [Summer]*8
Hidan [“Akatsuki’s” Creation]*8
Naruto [Sage of the Six Paths]*8
Sai [Swimsuit]*8
Jackpot Prize: Coupons*40000
10. "Cave Exploration Rebate" added.
Explore the Mysterious Cave to get Rune Stones. Make use of your Cave Keys to get even more Cave Keys! It's time to improve your Power level!
Period: Dec 30th -Jan 5th
Requirements:Players must reach Level 48 in order to participate.
How To:
a) During the event, players can consume a given amount of Cave Keys to receive a rebate pack.
b) “Free Explore” or “Cave Key (Time-Limited)” are not counted in the total number of Cave Keys spent.
c) When exploring the Mysterious Cave, “Cave Key (Time-Limited)” will be spent first.
d) Cave Key (Time-Limited) will be removed from your inventory after this event. Remember to use them on time!
11. "Myoboku Trial" added.
Mount Myoboku sent a trial to test all ninja and your skills! Are you ready to take on this trial and win all rewards?!
Period: Dec 30th -Jan 5th
Requirements:Players must reach Level 30 in order to participate.
How To:
“Myoboku Trial” event is divided into three tabs.
Every player can claim its respective rewards for logging in the game during the given dates.
30/12: Training Potion*5, Cultivation Rune*2000, Jiraiya [Young Adult]*10
31/12: Command Flag Fragment*5, Mount Myoboku’s Gift*10, Jiraiya [Young Adult]*15
1/1: Cave Key*5, Charm Material Pack*1, Jiraiya [Young Adult]*15
2/1: Advanced Experimental Vial*5, Coupons*100, Jiraiya [Young Adult]*15
3/1: Mood Scroll*10, Two Chimes*5, Jiraiya [Young Adult]*15
4/1: Mantra Elixir*5, Small Myoboku’s Optional Pack*10, Jiraiya [Young Adult]*15
5/1: Training Potion*10, Advanced Experimental Vial*5, Jiraiya [Young Adult]*15
12. New packs are available in the "Purchase Limit" shop interface! Have a look at the new packs, don't miss this chance.
Remark: The deadline of the New Server Events and Weekly Events are set according to the players' local time (computer's time), not the server time. Daily Missions and Daily Recharge event (event in which you can get a 4-Stars Gaara if recharging for 5 days) are all refreshed at 5:00 (server time). Don't miss out!
All information present in this thread might be changed during the process of update. The final list of Events and implementation is available in the game.
Thank you for all your support to us,
Naruto Online Operation Team
You may also join our Official Naruto Online Discord Channel or our Official Facebook Page to know more about the events.
mmmmmm...... 50/50, 3v3 Jitaya (ya) Myobok Jiray (ya) and tailed best bad. Not another ninja in Myabok?
congratulations to all (players are not included to this). i have used 70k coupons on Lucky stars and no Indra...
in Brazil, they spend at Konoha Tree event and they can recruit and also make 4 stars, Obito 10 tails, Shisui susano and Madara 10 tails and here we cant have Indra with 70k coupons. do you know how many months are the 70k coupons? do you?
6 years playing this game. 6 years wasted... thats i m out...
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all the players, i wish for you the best... (thats ONLY for the players)
congratulations to all (players are not included to this). i have used 70k coupons on Lucky stars and no Indra...
in Brazil, they spend at Konoha Tree event and they can recruit and also make 4 stars, Obito 10 tails, Shisui susano and Madara 10 tails and here we cant have Indra with 70k coupons. do you know how many months are the 70k coupons? do you?
6 years playing this game. 6 years wasted... thats i m out...
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all the players, i wish for you the best... (thats ONLY for the players)
unlucky wheel event not lucky wheel,,hahaha
yea the game's getting boring who ever is behind making the events and stuff on this game really doesn't know anything about keeping the players ba
congratulations to all (players are not included to this). i have used 70k coupons on Lucky stars and no Indra...
in Brazil, they spend at Konoha Tree event and they can recruit and also make 4 stars, Obito 10 tails, Shisui susano and Madara 10 tails and here we cant have Indra with 70k coupons. do you know how many months are the 70k coupons? do you?
6 years playing this game. 6 years wasted... thats i m out...
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all the players, i wish for you the best... (thats ONLY for the players)
hello i'm new to this game anyone know what level unlocks season ninja
congratulations to all (players are not included to this). i have used 70k coupons on Lucky stars and no Indra...
in Brazil, they spend at Konoha Tree event and they can recruit and also make 4 stars, Obito 10 tails, Shisui susano and Madara 10 tails and here we cant have Indra with 70k coupons. do you know how many months are the 70k coupons? do you?
6 years playing this game. 6 years wasted... thats i m out...
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all the players, i wish for you the best... (thats ONLY for the players)
Kits my boya D:
congratulations to all (players are not included to this). i have used 70k coupons on Lucky stars and no Indra...
in Brazil, they spend at Konoha Tree event and they can recruit and also make 4 stars, Obito 10 tails, Shisui susano and Madara 10 tails and here we cant have Indra with 70k coupons. do you know how many months are the 70k coupons? do you?
6 years playing this game. 6 years wasted... thats i m out...
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all the players, i wish for you the best... (thats ONLY for the players)
you really spent 70k on an RNG ba
Glad there is a new update. Tomorrow I will definitely play and be able to evaluate the gameplay. As I understand, there will be no fundamental changes.
the game is still the same since release , i mean at this point it's just small/minor updates to keep it from dying
you really spent 70k on an RNG ba
All I got to say is that if you go for Fuku deals stars is one of the best value events because of training potions and refines so not sure who is the clown here and who got baited.
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