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[ Events ] Battle Armor Event + Costs


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On 2016-09-30 01:33:04Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Hey all. Just wanted to come and give a little insight into the current Battle Armor event and my two cents on this one.

Currently I have my battle armor capped at rank 3 8/50 for rank 4 and every point of progress at this level takes 5 medium threads. This means that, with the cost of 38 per thread, it takes 190 ingots, for one point of progress. Assuming I was at 0 and extremely unlucky, like the most unlucky SoB in the world, it would take me all 50 points to level it up to rank 4. This means it would cost 50 x 190 = 9500 ingots. That's $190 just for that one rank. Now assuming rank 5 takes only 2x as much experience to fill the meter you're looking at 2x the price, 19000 ingots, $380. Now, in reality, most people will not be that unlucky but in order to keep costs realistic you could cut that down by about 20% I'd say, first rank coming at 40/50 and second at 80/100 (if that value holds true). So you're looking at roughly $460 then. Another 20% would be around $350.

I'm not posting this to encourage anger towards anyone who does spend to get these bonuses nor to discourage anyone from spending to get there. I am simply posting this so people have a rough visual for just how much it will cost and can plan to spend for their best interests accordingly. The rewards for getting your battle armor upgraded are good and the actual stats you get from the armor itself are incredible but the price is hefty. Of course I only looked at very generic numbers and didn't include the gift packs that save you 50 cost per 10 threads but in the end that won't change the values too terribly. Even I, as a relatively high, paying player don't intend to invest too heavily into this event, especially before seeing what the new SA stage monday will bring as rewards. So for the large F2P or low paying community I would strongly advise looking into what you want the most and working towards that. If you are only upgrading the battle armor for the scroll bonuses you are better off flat out buying scrolls or doing the dice event, which is also better if you just want random rewards and a chance at rare ninja in boxes. However, if you really desire some long term raw stats, battle armor is a good choice.
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On 2016-09-30 01:39:05Show this Author Only
Great post!!!! Very Helpful!! TBH, I still don't think you should do it if all you want is Tobirama. Just wait until he is added to the Treasure. (It says he will be in Seal Treasure) If you click on him in the ninja tab you can see where to get him....
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On 2016-09-30 01:49:04Show this Author Only
well tobirama is a super super rare ninja in china as you can only get his fragments so in the long run its good to max battle armor for tobirama its easier to get him this way but its still super expensive and only meant for the extremes.
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On 2016-09-30 02:41:12Show this Author Only
you expect 2nd hokage to be 10$ or something? of course it will be expensive lol! , tho as usual they made it super expensive lol. it is for the really rich so they can earn alot of money from them.
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On 2016-09-30 04:33:22Show this Author Only
Business is business, oasgame is all about the money really. they do not care the F2P, wanna know why? I ve seen better event frm other game provider of Naruto online, hey if it was english I will transfer, but unfortunately they are language I do not understand.

Buying Rank 9 BA now is useless, it is encouraging players to go end content faster, once we reached there, you can not find people at your range anymore, my suggestion to OASGAME is that if they will make event, make it something that is fairly hard to obtain but not that hard where you need to spend 200k ingot or 3-4k USD for a single ninja that will be useless once Top Tier ninja comes out in the future.
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On 2016-09-30 04:39:31Show this Author Only
If there was spending event till 300k ingots. I have no problem *ing 6k on the game but i will get jack * now for it lol just battle armor and 1 char its useless.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-09-30 16:36:26Show this Author Only
10k$ tobirama - nice
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On 2016-09-30 16:57:16Show this Author Only
  • Rin kagura On 2016-09-30 04:39:31
  • If there was spending event till 300k ingots. I have no problem *ing 6k on the game but i will get jack * now for it lol just battle armor and 1 char its useless.
yes exactly, like that guy in germany, he topped up 100 000 ingots to do 900 pulls from kage treasure, he got sasuke susanoo for that and german naruto oasis team sent him back 50% so 50 000 coupons back next day !!!!

If this is a "thing" even on our platform, or it will be in furute I will top up even 200 000 ingots and spend them on anything.

honestly me as big spender and I believe other big spenders too, want to see some rabate events first, to spend 5-6k $ for anything in this game.
it was normal for other browser games or even for non-authorized naruto games, why shoud be this problem here, if admins/devs are "listening" to our feedbacks.
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On 2016-09-30 17:29:00Show this Author Only
  • ainsxz On 2016-09-30 04:33:22
  • Business is business, oasgame is all about the money really. they do not care the F2P, wanna know why? I ve seen better event frm other game provider of Naruto online, hey if it was english I will transfer, but unfortunately they are language I do not understand.

    Buying Rank 9 BA now is useless, it is encouraging players to go end content faster, once we reached there, you can not find people at your range anymore, my suggestion to OASGAME is that if they will make event, make it something that is fairly hard to obtain but not that hard where you need to spend 200k ingot or 3-4k USD for a single ninja that will be useless once Top Tier ninja comes out in the future.
You're comparing our version (which has been out for roughly 2 months) to versions of the game that have been out for years. It's not even that enticing to up BA for Tobirama, because it's as you say he's not game breaking (thankfully, because battle rank 9 with a OP ninja would be just dumb).

It just looks like an event that will come back every few months and people may want to spend to upgrade their BA for extra rewards.
mad*** posted at 2016-9-30 16:57
yes exactly, like that guy in germany, he topped up 100 000 ingots to do 900 pulls from kage treas ...

Seeing how the events have gotten better and the pace in which they're releasing updates, I don't know how anyone can think they aren't "listening" to our feedbacks. I believe Aristeaus stated Oasis never even had intentions to release EU servers, but they did, to cater to their players. Be patient and stop expecting this newly released game to have the same content and events as their MUCH older versions.
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On 2016-09-30 17:36:29Show this Author Only
  • Lazyboi On 2016-09-30 17:29:00
  • You're comparing our version (which has been out for roughly 2 months) to versions of the game that have been out for years. It's not even that enticing to up BA for Tobirama, because it's as you say he's not game breaking (thankfully, because battle rank 9 with a OP ninja would be just dumb).

    It just looks like an event that will come back every few months and people may want to spend to upgrade their BA for extra rewards.
    mad*** posted at 2016-9-30 16:57
    yes exactly, like that guy in germany, he topped up 100 000 ingots to do 900 pulls from kage treas ...

    Seeing how the events have gotten better and the pace in which they're releasing updates, I don't know how anyone can think they aren't "listening" to our feedbacks. I believe Aristeaus stated Oasis never even had intentions to release EU servers, but they did, to cater to their players. Be patient and stop expecting this newly released game to have the same content and events as their MUCH older versions.
nice try but not works for someone who spent ten thousands of $ on games for last X years

if you open/implement new event in game where ppl need to spend 5000-6000$ there is absolutly no problem to add 1 rabate event with even like 20-50% rabate back in coupons.

that rewards for upgrading battle armore are jokes... for example u will get like 90 medium threads for rank 5 i believe, u need 200x5 (with no crit luck) to get rank what is 90 compared to 1000 ? a serious joke
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On 2016-09-30 17:53:47Show this Author Only
  • Hasahyo On 2016-09-30 17:36:29
  • nice try but not works for someone who spent ten thousands of $ on games for last X years

    if you open/implement new event in game where ppl need to spend 5000-6000$ there is absolutly no problem to add 1 rabate event with even like 20-50% rabate back in coupons.

    that rewards for upgrading battle armore are jokes... for example u will get like 90 medium threads for rank 5 i believe, u need 200x5 (with no crit luck) to get rank what is 90 compared to 1000 ? a serious joke
What doesn't work because you spent thousands on other games...? What other game did you spend thousands on during its first 2 months of release and got 50% return the next day from the company?

Sure, but I highly doubt this event was made intending its players to spend 5k-6k. You ignored my post in that this event looks like it will come back again in the future, and each time you may spend a bit to get to the next rank of rewards.

Again, if you were already almost there, you could spend a bit to get rank 5 and those 90 medium threads for a jump start towards rank 6. You act like this event was the only event that came out this week and you absolutely need to use it in its entirety.
Quicky Post

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