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[ Lineup ] Shizune [Moon Fairy] Lineups


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2021-07-18 20:35:15Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Hey guys!




Mystery: Nothing too special, and sadly it has a 1 round battle cooldown. It could be useful with non-immune ninjas and gives you some extra healing

Standard Attack: Extra damage

Chase: The damage shouldn't be high because she's a support pos3-4 ninja but it's something

Passive 1: This is her greatest trait and serves as a good team buff

Passive 2: Support healer/debuff remover

Overall a good free support ninja. Mostly very useful for pos1-2 ninjas that do a lot of high/low floats so they can get buffed and do a lot more damage over time.

1. Fire Main


A good f2p option for newer servers. Fire main optimized to do a lot of low floats and high floats so he can get a huge buff from Shizune's passive

2. Water Main


3. Water Main 2


4. Lightning Main


A good f2p option for newer servers. Lightning Main optimized to do high float and low float with his standard and chases so he can get buffed

5. Earth Main


Minato only gets buffed with his standard attack but it's still a good ninja worth considering

  • Registered: 2021-07-16
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On 2021-07-22 01:26:09Show this Author Only

How about this lineup??? its power is not really high, but with shizune's passive, this one's combos is gonna hurt a lot XD


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