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[ Fanfiction ] Naruto Online Anniversary Event: Fanfic Section


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On 2021-07-12 23:31:36Show All Posts
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On 2021-07-13 00:09:23Show All Posts
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On 2021-07-13 00:34:39Show All Posts
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On 2021-07-13 00:51:32Show All Posts

Server ID: 1577 Hermit Group

In Game name : Awalone

UID: 300015772487663

-Create your own breakthrough event.

Shisui [ Kotoamatsukami ] Breakthrough:

Requires advanced vials to skill break

Requires 4 star to skill break

New debuffs:

Silence - While this debuff is active, the unit cannot be targeted. Also, the damage to this unit is reduced by 20%.

Intimidation - When a unit with this debuff attempts to use a skill, there is a 50% chance that the skill will not activate and the champion will lose his turn. The skill he was trying to use goes on cooldown.

Ninjutsu Kotoamatsukami – Radiance [Prompt]: Causes damage to up to 7 of the opponent’s units. The selected unit will have all Shields and Buffs canceled and will suffer Knockdown and Chaos (Chaos effects for the affected unit will last for 2 rounds)

Battlefield Cooldown: 1 Cooldown: 2 Chakra: 40

Mystery +1
Ninjutsu Kotoamatsukami – Radiance [Prompt]: Causes damage to 9 enemy units. The selected unit will have all shields and buffs canceled, and it will undergo Knockdown and chaos (the chaos effects for the affected unit will last 2 rounds)

Battlefield Cooldown: 1 Cooldown: 2 Chakra: 40

Ninjutsu Kotoamatsukami – Radiance [Prompt]: Deals 30% increased damage to 9 enemy units. The selected unit will have all shields and buffs canceled, and it will undergo Knockdown and chaos (the chaos effects for the affected unit will last 2 rounds)

Battlefield Cooldown: 1 Cooldown: 2 Chakra: 40

Mystery Y
Ninjutsu Kotoamatsukami – Body blink Technique [Prompt]: Deals damage to an enemy unit. The selected target Knockdown, receives the Intimidation debuff.

Battlefield Cooldown: 1 Cooldown: 2 Chakra: 40

Mystery Y+1
Ninjutsu Kotoamatsukami – Body blink Technique [Prompt]: Deals Unmissable Ninjutsu damage to an enemy unit. Selected target gains the Intimidation debuff (1 Round) .After using this skill, Shisui increases his critical rate by 9% (Stackable)

Battlefield Cooldown: 1 Cooldown: 3 Chakra: 20

Standard Attack
Taijutsu, Ninjutsu Uchiha Style – Halo Dance: Attacks and causes Ignition to up to 2 of the opponents’ units, this attack has a high chance of causing Repulse.

Standard Attack+1
Taijutsu, Ninjutsu Uchiha Style – Halo Dance: Attacks and causes Ignition to up to 3 of the opponents’ units, this attack has a high chance of causing Repulse.

Standard Attack+2
Taijutsu, Ninjutsu Uchiha Style – Halo Dance: Attacks and causes not removable Ignition (2 rounds) to up to 4 of the opponents’ units, this attack has a high chance of causing Repulse.

Standard Attack Y
Taijutsu, Ninjutsu Uchiha Style – Halo Dance: Attacks Unmissable damage and causes Ignition to up to 3 of the opponents’ units, this attack has a guaranteed chance of causing Repulse.

Standard Attack Y+1
Taijutsu, Ninjutsu Uchiha Style – Halo Dance: Attacks Unmissable damage and causes to up to 3 of the opponents’ units, this attack has a surpress super armor of causing Repulse.

Ninjutsu Genjustsu Barrier- Radiance: At the beginning of the battle, launches Barrier “Radiance”. All Fire, Lightning and Wind attribute units will have their Attack and Ninjustsu increased by 40% while this Barrier is Active.

Ninjutsu Genjustsu Barrier- Radiance: At the beginning of the battle, launches Barrier “Radiance”. All Fire, Lightning and Wind, attribute units will have their Attack and Ninjustsu increased by 45% while this Barrier is Active.

Ninjutsu Genjustsu Barrier- Radiance: At the beginning of the battle, launches Barrier “Radiance”. All Eath, Lightning and Wind attribute units will have their Attack and Ninjustsu increased by 45% and Crit.Rate 15% while this Barrier is Active.

Passive Y
Ninjutsu Genjustsu Barrier- Radiance: At the beginning of the battle, launches Barrier “Radiance”. All Uchiha clan in the field units they receive a crit rate of 15%. Attack, Ninjutsu 30%

Passive Y+1
Ninjutsu Genjustsu Barrier- Radiance: At the beginning of the battle, launches Barrier “Radiance”. All Uchiha units on the field have increased damage from mystery by 50%, Crit. Rate +15, but from auto attacks and chases, the damage is reduced by 20% . While the field is active, Shisui is immune to Debuffs.

Taijutsu Uchiha Style – Gale Sword Attack: Chases and Attacks a Repulsed unit, causes Low Float and Tag.

Chase +1
Taijutsu Uchiha Style – Gale Sword Atack: Chases and Attacks a Repulsed unit, causes Low Float, igniton and Tag.

Taijutsu Uchiha Style – Gale Sword Attack: Chases and Attacks a Repulsed unit, causes Low Float and Not removable Tag.
Chase Y
Taijutsu Uchiha Style – Gale Sword Attack: Chases and Attacks a Repulsed unit, causes Low Float and Igniton (Unmissible).
Chase Y+1
Taijutsu Uchiha Style – Gale Sword Attack: Chases and Attacks a Repulsed unit, causes Low Float and Igniton (Unmissible) .Increases crit rate by 10% (Stackable) Decreases mystery cooldown by 1.

Ninjutsu Teleportation Jutsu– Very high chances of evading Mystery Skill, Standard Attack or Chase Skill suffered by this unit. Can be triggered once every round.

Ninjutsu Teleportation Jutsu– 20% chances of evading Mystery Skill, Standard Attack or Chase Skill suffered by this unit.

Ninjutsu Teleportation Jutsu– 40% chances of evading Mystery Skill, Standard Attack or Chase Skill suffered by this unit.

Passive Y
Ninjutsu Teleportation Jutsu– Imposes the Silence debuff on itself at the beginning of the battle.

Passive Y+1
Ninjutsu Teleportation Jutsu– At the beginning of the battle, imposes the Silence debuff on itself and one random Uchiha unit.

Quicky Post

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