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6p Naruto is making the game so much worse than it already is.


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On 2021-06-07 03:07:24Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Ok so im 260k power versing a 190k power guy on sage, I use Sasuke rinne, Suigetsu taka and Nagato, the guy i was versing had 6p Naruto ofcourse, like the 99% of the player population, which to me is sad, i lost the fight ofcourse because he dealt abnormal amounts of dmg with his standards, its just funny how theres so much stat and power difference between us and he is able to win in a fight against me. I really dont know who thought its a good idea to release this level of broken skill trial for such low amount of coupons. Whats even more denser to me is that they are pushing every player and their grandmas to go for Naruto or else u cant stand a chance? Why is that even allowed and why is everyone okay with it? Why cant u just rush fun teams that are also hella pricy, why cant they stand a chance against a ninja thats cheaper than them, I took a 6 month break from the game and its just worse and worse whenever i come back...

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On 2021-06-07 04:03:27Show this Author Only

totally agree with the topic

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On 2021-06-07 10:50:15Show this Author Only
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On 2021-06-07 14:01:16Show this Author Only

70k diff is a lot but imagine losing vs -150k power

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On 2021-06-07 14:09:10Show this Author Only

Of course ur right...I believe SOSP should get a major nerf. Since that'll never happen why don't you go for SOSP instead :/

We already know that naruto online doesn't go on basis of the anime when they made 13 yr old rin more OP than most healers; so there's no point complaining lmao

This post was last edited by Kenichi_ on 2021-06-07 14:09:44.
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On 2021-06-07 17:13:19Show this Author Only

try madara etr + nagato edo , and mabui,

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On 2021-06-07 18:17:54Show this Author Only

true, naruto six patty should be deleted or reworked

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On 2021-06-07 20:05:20Show this Author Only

Whats even more denser to me is that they are pushing every player and their grandmas to go for Naruto or else u cant stand a chance?

simple, force a broken meta, then milk the counters, how come the most viable counters are paywalled (obito 10t and madara 10t indra etc) and soon other hard counters will be very expensive, simple frustration drives sales sadly

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On 2021-06-08 00:04:00Show this Author Only
  • Kenichi_ On 2021-06-07 14:09:10
  • Of course ur right...I believe SOSP should get a major nerf. Since that'll never happen why don't you go for SOSP instead :/

    We already know that naruto online doesn't go on basis of the anime when they made 13 yr old rin more OP than most healers; so there's no point complaining lmao

The thing is, i get that, but i dont want to be the meta slave and be forced to buy a ninja thats not enjoyable for me to use just for the sake of being stronger, its just doesnt go well with my character. I feel like everyone should be like that but unfortunately thats not the case.

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On 2021-06-08 00:05:17Show this Author Only
  • infamous jak On 2021-06-07 14:01:16
  • 70k diff is a lot but imagine losing vs -150k power

Thats when u know theres something wrong with the game

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On 2021-06-08 00:06:26Show this Author Only
  • The_X On 2021-06-07 20:05:20
  • Whats even more denser to me is that they are pushing every player and their grandmas to go for Naruto or else u cant stand a chance?

    simple, force a broken meta, then milk the counters, how come the most viable counters are paywalled (obito 10t and madara 10t indra etc) and soon other hard counters will be very expensive, simple frustration drives sales sadly

Yeah exactly, what im saying is, even whales are using 6p naruto for the exact reason of how broken he is, when the biggest whales in the game use 6p naruto in most cases thats when u know a ninja is broken.

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On 2021-06-08 02:49:53Show this Author Only

I remember Minato dodging almost every single attack that wasn't 'unmissable' for 2 years and counting.

P1 Def/Res Kush lasts all 10 rounds and finishes with full health against Narutochan.

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On 2021-06-08 11:13:20Show this Author Only

There was a time when normal roshi was considered god tier, because he was unbeatable due to the fact that he was immune to all debuffs, then came kushina habanero as a counter, likewise SOSP wont be unbeatable for a long time, infact if u really want to whoop some SOSP players start collecting edo madara frags and 4* him before the SB are out in english version.

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On 2021-06-08 11:51:56Show this Author Only
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On 2021-06-08 19:13:59Show this Author Only

use wind main, pos 1 madara etr , pos 2 hashirama, pos 3 nagato with bt pasive 1

This post was last edited by akaridesu on 2021-06-08 19:14:11.
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On 2021-06-08 22:27:26Show this Author Only
  • brensonlee On 2021-06-08 02:49:53
  • I remember Minato dodging almost every single attack that wasn't 'unmissable' for 2 years and counting.

    P1 Def/Res Kush lasts all 10 rounds and finishes with full health against Narutochan.

Yeah def/res Kushina can survive, but that's pretty much all she can do. Your only chance to win in that situation is to hope that a) your pos 1 Kushina has higher max health than their P1 Naruto so when you both have full health at the end of r10 yours will be higher, and b) hope that somehow you manage to make it come down to a 1v1 with your Kushina vs their Naruto, which is unlikely since they will probably wipe your pos 2-4 ninja in round 2 before you can take out theirs (def/res Kushina doesn't do a lot of damage and your supports won't be around long enough to do much to theirs).

Saying "oh def/res Kushina can last 10 rounds against SOSP" is factually true but also almost entirely pointless, not only because of the reasons I just listed above but also because if you haven't noticed, people are saying gameplay has gotten boring and repetitive because of SOSP, and stalling for 10 rounds with Kushina is the definition of boring and repetitive gameplay.

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On 2021-06-09 06:26:38Show this Author Only

so i can win 400k ish difference with obito 10 tails vs six paths. The fact that the hard counter for six paths is an expensive meta is one thing but its not the only counter. While there are less expensive counters most players will not take the time to find out unless someone has posted it on Youtube. Pay attention to the game and actually play it. Zetsu, Gnw madara, Konan are also counters to six paths teams. at least one of those ninjas is free. I challange ppl to find other counters not previously seen on youtube.

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On 2021-06-09 10:06:55Show this Author Only

Same. I used Rinne Sasule Full BT, Kisame BT, Water Main, and Suigetsu with 701k power. I lost to a standard Sixpaths, WIndMain, Iruka, and Asuma with 490k power. It's tiring. If OASIS is planning to fix the game, they should let Madara Edo Tensei Release to be breakthrough at 3 stars.

This post was last edited by Liez07 on 2021-06-09 10:52:36.
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On 2021-06-09 13:32:48Show this Author Only

If they are stacking Position 1, and you aren't then you are likely around the same power. Battle Power is really a very poor indication of strength except at the macro level (100k vs 500k vs 2000k).

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On 2021-06-09 14:05:46Show this Author Only

exactly the same thing happened to me. I used sasuke Dps .. carry was fantastic but since the advent of naruto six path arrived, it was something disastrous you cannot use a different ninja because it kills you very easy com normal tks romepr armor controls have everything .. and I say it up to date next 3 times or 5. worse, the moderators have banned me 2 accounts for telling the truth .. I have SASUKE RINNE 5 mi. My favorite ninja now I have him in offensive mode because he can't stand Naruto's atk. and did you know that sasuke was nerfed by the time of confusion. and when you raise your ultimate ability you lose the talent to get a standart atk when you defeat.

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