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[ Strategy Share ] [Strategy Collection] + Scarlet Blaze 10 combo + heavy cc (Detailed guide)


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-09-28 13:42:37Show All PostsDescending Order
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Hey there guys!
Today i would like to showcase a team that does 10 combo matched with a heavy CC. This lineup is a little better than the other 1 posted ( ... ead&tid=4980&page=1) since it has a little defense from standard attacks and CCs.

Anyway, let's focus on this team. So it consists of Main, Hinata, Karin, Sasuke & shark summon. The debuff you can inflict are ignite + poison + acupuncture + paralysis. This team is another burst team that has a potential to kill a ninja in 1 turn especially if your enemy has no healer? Then it's almost gg for them. Even if there's a healer, the damage you can deal in 2 turns is almost impossible for a ninja to endure. Your targeted ninja will die asap.

Pros: Super high-burst and dps; Doesn't cost a lot of refine since the main only needs the refine; Counters a barrier if you know when to use it using sasuke; Awesome debuffs and damage

Cons: If your main is disabled, you can only rely on sasuke or the dps you can make. But it's almost impossible since you can't be beaten by any other refine since you will only put refine on your main. Straight up max! You can only be beaten by heavy P2W players if both has the knowledge in the game.

Round 1: Use karin's poison over hinata's barrier since you have a clone in front, hinata's barrier is very useless at this rate.
Round 2: Use main's mystery and watch their hp go down
Round 3: If the first target has like 500-1500 hp left, ignore that target then switch to another target. The AoE and poison left will kill that target anyway. So find another essential target in your enemy team. After casting main's mystery, use sasuke's barrier so that on the next round you can do another combo.
Round 4: Use sasuke's mystery and combo again. At this rate, your enemy team is on the verge of losing. There's no way he can back up when you completed all rounds with main's mystery.

This post was last edited by Leeesh at 2016-9-28 14:11
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-09-28 14:10:52Show All Posts
  • Magicians On 2016-09-28 13:56:28
  • Have you tried Hinata/Fire Main/ Tobi/ 4th ?
    6 combos, But tobi does heavy damage with his one chase ~1k (more than sasuke)
    Also has reliable damage with tobi if fire main is disabled or something, and harder to kill cause tobi is tobi.
Ahh yes tobi, i'll go make a guide with him now. Thanks :)
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-09-28 14:55:35Show All Posts
  • Magicians On 2016-09-28 13:56:28
  • Have you tried Hinata/Fire Main/ Tobi/ 4th ?
    6 combos, But tobi does heavy damage with his one chase ~1k (more than sasuke)
    Also has reliable damage with tobi if fire main is disabled or something, and harder to kill cause tobi is tobi.
tobi - main - x
sasuke - hinata - x
x - x - x

Talent 2-3-3-2-1

Does 9 and excellent damage :)
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-09-28 16:26:21Show All Posts
  • Magicians On 2016-09-28 15:34:04
  • Yeah i run something similar to that. I run a healer instead of sasuke tho, to dispel debuffs.
It's a little more defensive if you choose to dispel debuff and use a healer. But since the game demands more damage = more rewards, i'd choose sasuke over a healer for fast kills. The enemy can't sustain the damage anyway even if it's sakura dispelling a debuff. 2 turns is a sure-kill :)
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-09-28 16:27:35Show All Posts
  • Linhvn On 2016-09-28 15:24:15
  • i dont like sasuke,he always use skill early than is my team
He does use skill 1st before main when you go auto. Playing auto won't give you the right tactics you should do. Instead, play manual and you'll do very well and learn what the game is all about.
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