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[ News ] Server Merges - May 2021


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2021-05-27 01:11:05Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Dear Ninjas,

We would like to thank all of the players of Naruto Online for their understanding and patience. In order to give everyone an excellent gaming experience, we have now fully designed the way Server Merging will occur, and we are now ready to deliver you this new service. On the 25th May, we will be putting our servers under maintenance. We ask all players to please be patient and do not try to login into the game during 4 hours, the expected time for this maintenance. We apologize for any inconvenience caused and we would like to offer our biggest gratitude for your patience.


HK Servers:

S1441(1441 1445 1449 1453)

S1457(1457 1461 1465 1469 1473 1477)

S1481(1481 1485 1489 1493 1497)

S1497(1497 1501 1505 1509 1513) Merge

S1517(1517 1521 1525 1529 1533)

S1537(1537 1541 1545 1549 1553 1557)

S1565 (1565 1569 1573 1577 1581) Merge

Time :May 25th, 02:00 PM - 06:00 PM HK Time

UK Servers:

S1404(1404 1408 1412 1416)

S1420(1420 1424 1428 1432 1436)Merge

S1440(1440 1444 1448 1452)

S1456(1456 1460 1472 1476 1484)

S1464(1464 1468 1480 1488 1492)

S1540( 1540 1544 1548 1552 1556)

S1560(1560 1564 1568 1572 1580) Merge

S1496(1496 1500 1504 1508 1512)

S1516(1516 1520 1524 1528 1532 1536)

S1584 (1584 1588 1592 1596 1600 1604) Merge

Time :May 25th, 06:00 AM - 10:00 AM UK Time

NY Servers :

S1438(1438 1442 1446 1450)

S1454(1454 1458 1470 1478 1486 1490 1502)

S1462(1462 1466 1474 1482 1494 1498 1506) Merge

S1510(1510 1514 1518 1522 1526)

S1530(1530 1534 1538 1542 1546)

S1550(1550 1554 1558 1562 1566 1570 1574)

S1578(1578 1582 1586 1590 1594 1598) Merge

Time :May 25th, 3:00 AM-7:00 AM NY Time

LA Servers:

S1359(1359 1363 1367 1371 1375 1379 1383 1387 1391 1395 1399)

S1403(1403 1407 1411 1415 1419 1423 1427 1431 1435 1439)

S1443(1443 1447 1451 1455 1459 1463 1467 1471 1475 1479)

S1483(1483 1487 1491 1495 1499 1503 1507 1511)

S1515( 1515 1519 1523 1527 1531 1535 1539 1543 1547 1551) Merge

Time :May 25th, 0:00 - 4 AM LA Time

We’re now, more than ever, taking into account server merging requests to proceed with future server merging. We ask that you all be patient and we would like to once more thank you all for your support!

Server Merging will be done in accordance to the number of players online and power level as selection factors.We have in our interest that every player enjoys the best gaming experience and social environment possible.

If you notice any abnormality during gameplay or have any suggestions, please, contact us via our Naruto Online customer support.Other servers that also want to take part in server merging, please, wait patiently and wait for an official announcement in our website.

Note: After Server Merging, the logging in method will not change.We appreciate all the support given to Naruto Online and we wish to enjoy everyone a wonderful gameplay!

Best Regards,

Naruto Online Operation Team

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