Dear Ninja,
We would like to thank you all for your support! Below you can check this week's coming updates, which will be coming on 5/20/21! Please, have a look below to check the new events!
New Breakthrough/Skill Trial Added
Obito [Ten-Tails Jinchuriki]
Weekly Strong Ninja
Obito[Great Ninja War]
Naruto [Sage of Six Path]
Kakuzu [“Akatsuki’s” Creation]
#. Theme Arena Unlimited Battle added: May 20th-May 26th
-Different versions of the same ninja can be used in this Theme Arena
1. "Infinite Tsukuyomi Special Rebate" added.
Want your money to be valuable? Then, it's now time to recharge! The more ingots you recharge, the more valuable rebates you can get!
Period: May 13th-July 13th
Requirements: Players must reach Level 30 in order to participate.
How To:
During the event, players who recharge the required amount of Ingots can get different rewards as rebates. The Ingots recharged will be ac*ulated during the event. A Strong Ninja awaits you!
2. "Platinum Recharge" added.
Get neat items and ninja by continuously recharging! The more you recharge, the more you can obtain!
Period: May 20th-May 26th
How To:
1. Recharge a given amount of Ingots every day to claim prizes (last 6 days)! Prizes can be claimed once daily.
2. Recharge that same amount for a given number of days (as long as recharge six days during event period) to claim extra rewards! Prizes can be claimed once during the event period.
3. This event refreshes every day at 00:00 (server time).
3. "Break Golden Eggs" added.
Super value rewards in every golden eggs, recharge and get a hammer! Break golden eggs to see what you can get!
Period: May 20th-May 26th
Requirements: Players must reach Level 11 in order to participate.
How To:
a)Recharge 50 ingots can obtain 1 hammer. Limit of 50 Hammers daily. (50 ingots should be recharged on the same day. if split recharge in different days, you cannot get a hammer.)
b)Consume a hammer and 20 ingots/coupons to break a Golden Egg. Hammer won’t be refreshed daily.
c) Rewards in Golden Eggs random drop:
- Myoboku’s Optional Pack*10,
- Cave Key*10,
- Secret Scroll Pack*2
- Training Potion*10
- New Refine Optional Pack*1
- Advanced Experimental Protect Vial*2
- Karin [Taka Squad]*80
- Coupons*2000
4. "Ino's Flower" added.
Ino loves Fresh Flowers, get rewards by sending fresh flowers to Ino!
Period: May 20th-May 26th
Requirements: Players must reach Level 11 in order to participate.
How To:
a) Sweeping Plot/Elite Instances will reward you with Fresh Flowers. Recharging 50 Ingots will reward you with Fresh Flower*1. Gifting Ino Fresh Flowers will reward players with Coins.
After the event has ended, you will be rewarded according to the Ranking which
is ba
c) Players who want to be part of the ranking needs to gift 250 Flowers at least.
1st prize: Ino’s Gift III*1; Exclusive Secret Scroll Pack*1
2nd and 3rd: Fresh Flower Gift PackII*1; Treasured Tools Ultimate essence*1
4th to 6th: Treasured Tools Ultimate essence*1; Super Value Assist Pack*1
7th to 10th: Treasured Tools Ultimate essence*1, Lv6 Magatama Pack
NOTE: This event is NOT a cross-server-ba
#. Ino’s Gift III (You can select one of the following rewards):
- Suigetsu [Taka Squad]*100
- Madara Uchiha[Ten-tails Jinchuriki]*20
- Jugo[Taka Squad]*100
- Madara Uchiha [Founder of Konoha]*30
- Kimimaro [Halloween]*100
#. Fresh Flower Gift Pack II (You can select one of the following rewards):
- Madara Uchiha[Ten-tails Jinchuriki]*10
- Minato Namikaze[Edo Tensei]*80
- Madara Uchiha [Founder of Konoha]*20
- Suigetsu [Taka Squad]*80
- Jugo[Taka Squad]*80
5. "Colored Banner Gift" added.
Obtain Awesome Items by Spending Ingots/Coupons in the Souvenir Store and win the Colored Banner Competition!
Period: May 20th-May 26th
Requirements: Players must reach Level 30 in order to participation
How to:
a) During the event, purchases made in the Souvenir Store create contribution, increasing your groups banner height; Ac*ulated spending of 100 Ingots/Coupons can increase the height by0.01 meter.
b) When a group’s banner height reaches a certain level, all members of the group can claim a reward. Each reward can only be claimed once per user.
c) At the Settlement, all members of the top 3 groups banner height will obtain an extra reward.
d) Ranking Settlement time: 5/26 23:59:59; when the settlement time ends you won't be able to participate in the event and the ranking rewards will be sent by mail.
Reward Claim Deadline:5/27 23:59:59; please claim your reward on time.
e) The player who doesn’t have a group can purchase in the Souvenir Store but the contribution height won't be retained; to avoid contribution height been reset to 0, we suggest you don't leave the group during the event; at the rewards settlement if there's no group you won't get the rewards.
6. "Total Spending Rebate" added.
Do you have Ingots to use? Use the required amount of Ingots to get all sorts of valuable rewards!
Period: May 20th-May 26th
a) Players must reach Level 21 in order to participate.
b) Sever must be opened for more than 14 days.
7. "Sakura's Gift" added.
Do you like Sakura? If you do, show how much you like her by helping out when she is most in trouble! Get Sakura to like you and she will offer you rewards!
Period: May 20th-May 26th
Requirements: Players must reach Level 40 in order to participate.
How To:
a) Players can find NPC Sakura in West Konoha or click on “Sakura” in the event’s interface to find her;
b) Sakura will give one task to players per day. Complete the given task and return to Sakura to obtain rewards from her – “Sakura’s Foodsack”;
c) Open “Sakura’s Foodsack” to get a random in backpack will random get Rice Onigiri, Salmon Onigiri or Panda Onigiri as gifts. Players also can buy Sakura’s Foodsack in Purchase-Limit Shop;
d) Send gifts (Onigiri) to Sakura in the event interface to increase your Friendliness. (Rice Onigiri: 1 Point; Salmon Onigiri: 3 Points; Panda Onigiri: 5 Points) Players can *exchange Friendliness for items/ninja in the event;
e) This event will reset at 5:00 AM. Complete your old task first in order to receive a new task from Sakura;
f) Reach Friendliness over 1000 to enter the Ranking. The TOP 20 players will get extra awesome rewards! Rewards will be sent to the mailbox once the event is over.
Remark: First place rewards: Obito [Ten-tails Jinchuriki]*100
8. "Time-Limited Ninja Recruitment" added.
Ninja looking forward to getting stronger can enter it to get ninja fragments or new items! Everyone is welcome to check it!
Period: May 20th-May 26th
Requirements: Players must reach Level 30 in order to participate.
How To:
a) Clear Plot/Elite Instances for a chance of obtaining Treasure’s Key for this event.
b) Use a Treasure Key to open the Treasure and earn Treasure Points.
c) The normal situation is for a player to obtain 3 Treasure Points, but the more the times you open the Treasure, the higher the chances of getting more points!
d) Use Treasure Points to redeem for amazing rewards!
e) "Treasure's Key" bought for this week's events need to be used during this given week. Once the event ends, unused "Treasure's Key" will be deleted.
9. "Lucky Board" added.
Want to try your luck? Throw your dice to know what rewards wait for you! Extra points can be used to redeem rewards in its Shop!
Period: May 20th-May 26th
How To:
a) Roll the dice to move on the Lucky Board according to the points you obtained in the dice. Players can get the corresponding rewards marked on the grids;
b) Complete Plot/Elite instances or complete Daily Mission to get free dice. You can get a maximum of 2 free dice per day. The dice c*so be bought directly in the Shop;
c) Get 5 points every time you move into a Prop Grid and 10 Points when you move into a Function Grid. After you have left the Start Grid for the first time, each time you pass the Start Grid you will get a Lucky Ninja Pack.
Note: "Dice" obtained for this week's events need to be used this week, once the events end, the "Dice" you didn't use will be reset to 0.
10. "Refining Rebate" added.
Refining equipment will get you refining materials and other valuable rewards. Power up and get rebates at the same time!
Period: May 20th-May 26th
Requirements: Players must reach Level 40 in order to participate.
How to:
a) Players can get rewards when refining times reach the requirement.
b) This event's Refining Rebate will not provide additional Wish Credit.
11. "Limited Refinement" added.
Get extra Wish Credits and improve your Power level by Refining your Equipment!
Period: May 20th-May 26th
Requirements: Players must reach Level 40 in order to participate.
How To:
a) Players c*e Refine Runes to upgrade their equipment in Refine Equipment (Strengthen interface). Every time you level up your equipment to a new Refine level, you’ll receive free time-limited Wish Credits.
b) Free time-limited Wish Credits will expire when the event ends
12. "Cultivation Limited Rebate" added.
Participate in five nature Chakra training. Great rebates are on their way.
Period: May 20th-May 26th
Requirements: Players must reach Level 54 in order to participate.
13. "Sakura Festival" added.
Complete Daily Missions and receive free prizes for doing so! Strengthen your ninja!
Period: May 20th-May 26th
Requirements: Players must reach Level 30 in order to participate.
How To:
Clear 1 of the Daily Missions to get 1 Wish, you can get a maximum of 5 Wishes daily. Using up 1 Wish will give the player a chance to get a random reward and to trigger the “Sakura Blessing” (a special cute animation that can be activated in this event!). Wish you all the best!
14.New packs are available in the "Purchase Limit" shop interface! Have a look at the new packs, don't miss this chance. Remark: The deadline of the New Server Events and Weekly Events are set according to the players' local time (computer's time), not the server time. Daily Missions and Daily Recharge event (event in which you can get a 4-Stars Gaara if recharging for 5 days) are all refreshed at 5:00 (server time). Don't miss out!
All information present in the game is the final and correct information.
Thank you for all your support to us,
Naruto Online Operation Team
You may also join our Official Naruto Online Discord Channel to know more about the events. Please click HERE to get redirected.
Did they actually do my suggestion for theme arena...? Was not expecting this... You were right not expecting this
3 free events, gg...
I count 9 events that will allow free ninja to obtain free rewards. Free ninja that aren't utilizing rebates or aren't in groups that rank in banner are leaving free resources on the table. Even free coin has value in 8gates. Handle your clicks efficiently and * through your hundreds of millions in one afternoon gaining tons of reds and yellows. There's a clear difference between those of us who play the game fully and those who don't.
Congrats on convincing ninja who don't like your service to continue. Some might even think you were using genjutsu to persuade angry free ninja to keep coming back week after week.
The silent majority thanks all the staff for providing this update.
.Are we finally able to use Cultivate scrolls from items in Cultivation rebate? I don't see mention about only bought scrolls being counted in it anymore.
I know it might just be missing text in forum message, but I can dream, right? Let me have at least a moment, before my dream is over tomorrow after in-game event still keeps saying the messsage.
Are we finally able to use Cultivate scrolls from items in Cultivation rebate? I don't see mention about only bought scrolls being counted in it anymore.
I know it might just be missing text in forum message, but I can dream, right? Let me have at least a moment, before my dream is over tomorrow after in-game event still keeps saying the messsage.
Yeah, this event makes no sense.
I count 9 events that will allow free ninja to obtain free rewards. Free ninja that aren't utilizing rebates or aren't in groups that rank in banner are leaving free resources on the table. Even free coin has value in 8gates. Handle your clicks efficiently and * through your hundreds of millions in one afternoon gaining tons of reds and yellows. There's a clear difference between those of us who play the game fully and those who don't.
Congrats on convincing ninja who don't like your service to continue. Some might even think you were using genjutsu to persuade angry free ninja to keep coming back week after week.
The silent majority thanks all the staff for providing this update.
.The silent aannuuslises thanks all the staff for providing this update. ©
I count 9 events that will allow free ninja to obtain free rewards. Free ninja that aren't utilizing rebates or aren't in groups that rank in banner are leaving free resources on the table. Even free coin has value in 8gates. Handle your clicks efficiently and * through your hundreds of millions in one afternoon gaining tons of reds and yellows. There's a clear difference between those of us who play the game fully and those who don't.
Congrats on convincing ninja who don't like your service to continue. Some might even think you were using genjutsu to persuade angry free ninja to keep coming back week after week.
The silent majority thanks all the staff for providing this update.
.oh my... poor little guy lost it,
F in chat for our beloved brensonlee
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