Dear Ninja,
We would like to thank you all for your support! Below you can check this week's coming updates, which will be coming on 3/4/21! Please, have a look below to check the new events!
New Ninja added
Kurotsuchi [Rinne Festival]
Weekly Strong Ninja
Obito[Great Ninja War]
Naruto [Sage of Six Path]
Kakuzu [“Akatsuki’s” Creation]
#. Time-Limited Treasure II added: March 4th -March 17th
1. "Infinite Tsukuyomi Special Rebate" added.
Want your money to be valuable? Then, it's now time to recharge! The more ingots you recharge, the more valuable rebates you can get!
Period: Mar 4th-May 5th
Requirements: Players must reach Level 30 in order to participate.
How To:
During the event, players who recharge the required amount of Ingots can get different rewards as rebate. The Ingots recharged will be ac*ulated during the event. A Strong Ninja awaits you!
2. "Shinobi Feast - Recharged Rewards" added.
Let's celebrate the Shinobi Feast! By recharging Ingots, players will be able to spin a wheel to get valuable rewards!
Period: Mar 4th-Mar 10th
Requirements: Players must reach Level 21 in order to participate.
How To:
During the event, players can get one chance to spin the wheel by recharging 100 Ingots. You can obtain a daily maximum of 1000 spins.
It’s time to get powerful Ninja! Each day, the spins will be reset to 0 at 00:00 (server time). Don’t miss out!
3. "Shinobi Feast - Lucky Feast" added.
An opportunity to get amazing items and ninjas at amazing prices! The more you buy, the higher your chances at getting the lucky prize from its Lucky Draw!
Period: Mar 4th-Mar 10th
Requirements: Players must reach Level 21 in order to participate.
How to:
a) During the event, use Ingots to buy packs and other items to get Lucky Credits.
b) Lucky Credits will influence your rate of being a winner in the Lucky Draw. Every 0:00 AM (server time), Lucky Credits will be emptied and the system will choose 7 winners, the more your Lucky Credits, the higher the chances of being one of the winners in the Lucky Draw.
c) This is a Cross-Server event. Winners will receive their prize in the in-game’s mailbox.
4. "Shinobi Feast - Arena Training" added.
Let's celebrate the Shinobi Feast! During the event, players can get specific rewards by winning victories in the Arena!
Period: Mar 4th-Mar 10th
Requirements: Players must reach Level 21 in order to participate.
Remark: All the rewards can only be claimed once during the event.
5. "7 Days of Welfare" added.
Hokage is here to send ninjas gifts! By completing the missions during the event, ninjas will receive amazing rewards!
(1) 7 Days of Welfare - Recharge Rebate
Period: Mar 4th-Mar 10th
Requirements: Players must have reached Level 10 in order to participate.
a) During the event, players can get extra rewards by recharging the required amount of Ingots. The rewards will be changed every day. Don’t miss out!
b) Each reward can only be claimed once daily.
c) Please claim event’s rewards on time! After all 7 days’ event period, the rewards cannot be claimed either cannot be sent via Email!
(2) 7 Days of Welfare - Task
Period: Mar 4th-Mar 10th
Requirements: Players must have reached Level 10 in order to participate.
How to:
a) Finish the required tasks each day to get rewards.
b) Day 1 - Clear Plot/Elite Instances
Day 2 - Draw the Five Kage Treasure
Day 3 - Win battles in the Arena
Day 4 - Win the Ranked Battle
Day 5 - Draw the Great Ninja War Treasure
Day 6 - Cave Exploration
Day 7 - Refine Equipment
b) Each reward can only be claimed once daily. The rewards will be changed every day. Don’t miss out!
(3) 7 Days of Welfare - Gingersnap
Period: Mar 4th-Mar 10th
Requirements: Players must have reached Level 10 in order to participate.
a) The Gingersnap can be obtained from the “7 Days of Welfare” event.
b) Find the “Gingersnap” icon at the bottom of the “7 Days of Welfare” event interface.
c) Use Gingersnap to redeem for various rewards. Gingersnap you obtained during the event will disappear after the event is over.
6. "Konoha Outlets" added.
On Sale, Discount items in Konoha! Come and Participate in Konoha Outlets, gather Scratch Cards, and redeem Ninja or Powerful Items!
Period: Mar 4th-Mar 10th
Requirements: Players must reach Level 40 in order to participate.
How To: “Konoha Outlets” event is divided into three tabs.
a) Each Store will be opening at the specific time. The detailed time will show up in the Discount Store Interface.
b) Every Store has the fixed closed time, once closing time reached, the specific Store will be closed that players cannot buy anything in this Store.
c) All Stores are on sale!
a) Consume the required amount of Coupons or Ingots in Konoha Outlets event to get Scratch Card.
b) Moving your mouse to scratch the card to get different Word Plates. The Word Plate you obtained can be used in Reward Center to redeem rewards.
c) Remark: If you don’t obtain the Word Card after scratching, please cle*l shadow regions.
7. "Total Spending Rebate" added.
Do you have Ingots to use? Use the required amount of Ingots to get all sorts of valuable rewards!
Period: Mar 4th-Mar 10th
a) Players must reach Level 21 in order to participate.
b) Sever must be opened for more than 14 days.
8. "Fukurokumaru's Deals" added.
Use Coupons and get rebates for doing so! Use both Coupons and Ingots to get fantastic rebates and purchase exclusive Gift Bags!
Period: Mar 4th-Mar 17th
Requirements: Server must be opened for more than 14 days.
How To:
a) Reach the given usage of both Coupons and Ingots to get free rewards and be eligible to buy specific gift bags and exclusive prices.
b) All Ingots used in ALL functions, systems, events, and interfaces are accountable for "Fukurokumaru's Deals".
c) In what concerns the usage of Coupons, ONLY Coupons used in "Weekly Events" (Hot Topics), "Shop", "Mysterious Cave" and "Battle Armor" will be accountable for "Fukurokumaru's Deals". For example, Coupons used in "Eight Inner Gates", Offer Gifts purchased with Coupons in the Home system to offer to visit Ninja, Coupons used to refresh the Black Market and Coupons used to revive Characters are not accountable for "Fukurokumaru's Deals".
Remark: [30k Milestone: Fukurokumaru's Optional Pack X*20], [60k Milestone: Advanced Fukurokumaru's Optional Pack*80]
#. Fukurokumaru's Optional Pack X (select one of the following rewards):
- Naruto [Sage of Six Path]*5
- Kakuzu [“Akatsuki’s” Creation]*4
- Tsunade [Swimsuit]*6
- Kabuto [Sage Mode]*5
- Battle Power Pack III*1
#. Advanced Fukurokumaru's Optional Pack (select one of the following rewards):
- Tsunade[Reserve Seal]*1
- Fukurokumaru Power Pack*1
#. Fukurokumaru Power Pack contents (select one of the following rewards):
- New refine optional pack*6
- Charm material pack*6
- Cave key8 55
- Training potion*75
9. "Lucky Stars Wheel" added.
Use your Lucky Stars during the event to redeem for powerful ninjas and items!
Period: Mar 4th-Mar 10th
Requirements: Players must reach Level 30 in order to participate.
How To:
a) Spin the wheel to obtain a random prize.
b) All players have a Free Spin at the wheel every day.
c) Extra Spins can be obtained by using Coupons/Ingots to spin the wheel. (Daily limit: 500 times.)
b) Use the obtained Lucky Stars to redeem them for amazing rewards.
Jackpot Prize: Madara Uchiha [Ten-Tails Jinchuriki]*100
10. "Wheel of Fortune" added.
Obtain strong ninja, scrolls, and essences by spinning the wheel daily, 100% wins!
Period: Mar 4th-Mar 10th
Requirements: Players must reach Level 25 in order to participate.
How to:
a) During the event, players can spin the wheel once for free every 24 hours. Each spin has a guaranteed reward from the wheel!
b)Players c*so buy Lucky Voucher in the Shop to get more rewards. Lucky Voucher can be bought with Ingots and Coupons. Mysterious Strong Ninjas await you! Daily limit: 1000 times. (Free draws will not be ac*ulated)
c) "Lucky Voucher" bought for this week's events need to be used this week, once the event ends, the "Lucky Voucher” you didn't use will be reset to 0.
d) Spin Once = 1 Point, get fixed rewards by getting a given amount of Points! After the event ends, the TOP 10 players of this event will get more rewards (this ranking is not a Cross-Server Ranking).
1st: Treasured Tools Ultimate Essence;
2nd-3rd: Lucky Key Gift Pack*2
4th-10th: Advanced Refine Pack*3
e) Once the event ends, rewards for your Ranking can be acquired by refreshing the game or waiting for 1 hour after the event ends.
11. "Fateful Choice" added.
Decide the fate of the Shinobi World! Which side are you on? Will the next generation of ninja live to tell another day, or will all of us be part of an endless dream? Contribute to your side to get rewards!
Period: Mar 4th-Mar 10th
Requirements: Players must reach Level 11 in order to participate.
How To:
a) Players can choose one side to contribute their Orb of Vitality to. Every contribution will get random points to their side. Land a Critical and get extra points to your side for it! (Critical values and Critical chances are random)
b) The contributions that you manage to get to your side will also be added in the same value as points (Flying Raijin Kunai and Kusari, depending on the side a player picks). Contributions from different sides can only redeem for rewards from that side in the redeeming interface of the event.
c) Orbs of Vitality can be obtained by doing given missions once daily. Orbs of Vitality c*so be bought in the Shop.
d) The event will be open until Mar 5th; however, players won’t be able to take part in it on Mar 5th. On Mar 5th, only players on the winning side can redeem rewards from the event.
12. "Recruitment Feedback" added.
Draw from specific Treasures to get more rewards in this event! Make the best use out of your Seal Scrolls!
Period: Mar 4th-Mar 17th
Requirements: Players must reach Level 50 in order to participate.
How To:
a) Draw Five Kage Treasure, Jinchuriki Treasure I, Jinchuriki Treasure II, Great Ninja War Treasure, Time-Limited Treasure II to claim rewards! (“Free Draw” is not accountable)
13. "Summon Rebates" added.
Claim Summoning Scrolls Gift Packs by using Summoning Scrolls! Summons are waiting for you!
Period: Mar 4th-Mar 10th
Requirements: Players must reach Level 50 in order to participate
14. "Jonin Medal Renewal" added.
Get a huge rebate in Coupons by renewing your current Jonin Medal during this event! Don't miss this chance!
Period: Mar 4th-Mar 10th
Requirements: Players must reach Level 40 in order to participate.
How To:
a) During this event, players who renew their current Jonin Medal will have a return of 50% of the Ingots spent (the rebate will be given in Coupons). Every character can claim this event’s rebate 3 times. A total of 2832 Coupons can be obtained by participating.
b) Players who didn’t Activate their Jonin Medal during the event or are activating the Jonin Medal for the first time will not be able to receive Coupons.
15. "Everlasting Bonds" added.
To better develop and protect konoha village! It's time to call back all your friends! Claim rewards and fight together!
Period: Mar 4th-Mar 17th
Requirements: Players must reach Level 30 in order to participate.
How To:
a) During the event, players who meet the requirements in the “Manage Friends” interface and “Group Members” list, will have a special *on displayed “Call Back to Konoha”(the requirement: Players who didn’t log in since 2020/12/1 and their level is above 30)
b) All players that “Call Back to Konoha”, will be able to meet the requirements of given tasks and get the rewards!
c) Daily Sign-In: Can be claimed every day when you login during the event period.
d) Everlasting Bonds: Can select one of your friends and invite him or her get Bond Rewards together. Can only be claimed once during event period.
e) Brothers in Arms. Every day, create a Team with your returned friend and get a Victory in a Team Instance or in Decisive Bonds, both of you can claim the rewards. The rewards can be claimed once per day.
f) Back to Konoha. Can claim rewards when your Group has 3 or more players with “Call Back to Konoha” icon on the Group Members.
g) Two Minds One Will: Have 3 or more players with “Call Back to Konoha” *on on the Group Member list and get a victory in Great Ninja War, then you can claim the rewards.
Rewards have been updated, thousands of coupons await you.
16. "Activity Lucky Bag" added.
Complete missions to receive rewards, awesome new items are awaiting!
Period: Mar 4th-Mar 10th
Requirements: Players must reach Level 6 in order to participate.
How To:
a) Click “View Details” in the right bottom of the interface to check the missions.
b) Complete the required missions to get activity points. Lucky bags can be opened with ac*ulative amounts of the points. You can open 25 bags per day in total.
17.New packs are available in the "Purchase Limit" shop interface! Have a look at the new packs, don't miss this chance.
18.Last but not least, the "Gingersnap", "Lucky Star", "Orb of Vitality", "Lucky Voucher" obtained for this week's events need to be spent this week. Once the events end, they will be reset to 0. Please remember to use them in time! Remark: The deadline of the New Server Events and Weekly Events are set according to the players' local time (computer's time), not the server time. Daily Missions and Daily Recharge event (event in which you can get a 4-Stars Gaara if recharging for 5 days) are all refreshed at 5:00 (server time). Don't miss out!
All information present in the game is the final and correct information.
Thank you for all your support to us,
Naruto Online Operation Team
is Sage of Six Paths Naruto one of the lucky stars wheel point prizes?
wow 60k first ive seen this. what's inside fuku's pack?
Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooot, one of the best event. I thank the team for bringing up the event.
I hope Madara 10 tails drop rate is little higher because last time when I tried with 30k cps no luck.
I was able to recruit him last time the lucky stars wheel event was last active. I got him by spending 2980 coupons on Server 117 Zaku.
Oasis, I didn't understand where to spend 60k, where are the events on this list? Lucky stars 10k every day? Konoha Outlets, where no one participates but you? Or a useless Wheel of fortune? Or Fateful Choice, where there are only 6 expensive options for useless old ninjas and items?Or wait another week, are you serious? Add Crazy Slot Machine, the events for the recharge are just awful - only Shinobi fest and 7 Days of Welfare, where there are no adequate recharges at all. Infinite Tsukuyomi Special Rebate is a minimum 10-15k recharge, please lower the greed bar.
WTF OASIS 60 k fuku are u out of your mind? only ppl who spend that amount weekly( who are in new servers/ started to whale) will go for it. Did u forgot that in the world is smth cold COVID-19? fuku should look 20k and Tsunade 40k. and if u can't do that then why did germany had that? STOP with your money politics or this dead game (0 TRUE new content in over a year) will die even faster.
Wow such big Fuku, how can anyone have enough coupons for it without knowing about it upfront and when all Fuku before at max were 40k like for real you could have at least kept froggy for longer for some moderate spenders...and nice move giving Tsunade and releasing her counter Kurotsuchi....
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