so the team below I recently discovered is quite broken(in my opinion) since karui decreases chakra usage for Hayate and herself and makes it 20, then Hayate boosts my damage to ninjas like kushina(hbh) Minato(edo), and others with immunity and/or super armor by 40%, we all know what rin does but for those who don't know, she increases healing by 25% and takes away 90% of the damage given to my team from the first mystery, she also makes it so that I can't be killed by a chase, now given the proper set up(water main might be better) this team is *, I've gotten very close to taking out the fourth-strongest ninja in my server(in a fair fight, his actual power was 1.5mil) and I could never before, sure they one flaw I find annoying is that I cant interrupt any mysteries but I don't mind since I barely take any damage to boot, but idk this is just from my noobish mindset, what do you guys think? also, this isn't my true power, I'm always experimenting my true power is around 113000
what if I wanna use fire main?
fm is not compatible with this team, I tried it and the only good thing he has is that he puts a shield on and transfers debuffs, this team relies on tai hp recov and nin hp recov would lower the chances of surviving, water main is much better because of poison tai and healing/healing tips
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