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Skill number lies


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  • Registered: 2020-05-14
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On 2020-11-11 03:40:11Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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I know this will fall on deaf ears, but it will take less than 1 minute to type, so why not?

I think you should remove the numbers from so called "chance" based skills, they are completely inaccurate

Fully sb edo minato says "50%" but in reality he dodges at least 95% whereas edo tobi sb says "60%" yet he dodges less than 10%

Suigetsu says "increases evasion by 30%" he dodges upwards of 70%, and yet madara's explosive mode says "increases evasion by 35%" but in truth he dodges less than 2% of attacks.

You dont need to explain to me how it works, I know it is supposed to be calculated per attack not over all, so if your minato gets attacked with 100 standards he is not going to dodge exactly 50 of them, I know thats not how it works, but the percentages used are wholely inaccurate , they are like the percentages in Xcom if anyone has played that, they mean absolutely nothing and you should ignore them. And this is a minor change that has no affect on the game play or players themselves, it just takes away the flat out untrue odds that characters are claimed to possess, even just changing the numbers out for the other wording " a certain chance" serves exactly the same purpose and isnt advertising false information in the process


  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2020-11-11 10:51:57Show this Author Only

dodge chance is also base on the current defense and resistance that ninja has, in addition to the base chance (50% for minato and 60% for tobirama). the more defense you have, the more you dodge and vise versa, the more defense the opponent has, the less you dodge

for example edo minato at pos 1 and edo tobirama at pos 2, which means minato will probably have a lot more def and res than tobirama. so the chance of him dodging standard attacks is way more than tobirama's

same mechanic for suigetsu's and madara's dodge

so like... a p2-p4 hitting minato compare to a p1 hitting tobirama, minato will have a lot more higher chance to dodge

This post was last edited by YujinTakara on 2020-11-11 10:53:25.
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