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Employee cheat


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On 2020-10-28 07:08:18Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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This complaint, along with over a dozen screenshots proving it to be true were submitted both through the "support" system and in the "misbehaviour thread" and to nobodies suprise the mods deleted the words that incriminate a *bag staff cheater and no action has been taken, so good news to some of you because it means the rules dont matter, you can run as many alts as you want and use them to benefit your main account, if they wont ban a paid member of staff for breaking the rules, they have no right to ban paying customers for doing the same thing to a much much lesser extent.

The company wont take action against this cheating whale, the only thing I can do then is let people know the type of person they are playing against, anyone wondering how a terrible player somehow "beat" multiple people with over 1 million power, how a crap player somehow made it all the way to the finals in space time, how a crap player has the rare clothing reward, how a bad player has the titles he loves to brag about, how a bad player running ronin gets streaks in sage and to any other groups that have faced toratsuki in cross server gnw and faced 3 waves of def stacking kushi, its because with the exception of Liz they are all ajins accounts now and he sets all them to run kushi and set it to auto because he cant beat people fairly in a 1vs1 setting ofcourse he cant beat people fairly in gnw.

Heres your answer, its all because he is cheating plain and simple, without cheating he would be lucky to make it past the first match in space time and would be lucky to get a 3 streak in sage. This is a long read, but its true and it helps to explain why this game is in such bad shape, if these are the types of people that oasis are paying to give them " feedback" from real players despite being in a dead group and the only interacting he does with players is begging stronger staff members on discord not to log their alts or to pity spare him in sage so he can attack weak people, more often than not, his own weak accounts or sharing some of his many alts the once in a blue moon an actual person logs into a tora player account. I know kagari has done something similar, he has used his access to loco account to give his main wins back when loco was stronger than kagari, but at least he got to the finals on his own power, Ajin, cheated his way through the entire season

Name of offender: Ajin

Server ID: 233 Guard of Sand

Short description of the situation : No is brief but is true and worth saying, Any time alts are mentioned in the forums your moderators are quick to remind us that alts are acceptable as long as they are not used to gain advantages for your main, that is against the rules and is grounds for being banned, but you are not holding your employees to the same standard.

The player is leader of a dead group, which they maintain almost single-handedly by running dozens, literally dozens of alts.

He attacks weak alts for free streaks in sage

He has evidently begged other staff not to use the multiple strong accounts they use to attack him in sage

Rather than lose a streak to a real player will self attack with his Toyota account in sage that way even with losing the streak one of his multiple accounts still gets the points for a win. - the screenshots for this will be harder to get because im not in that boring ass server anymore. but if we get in the same field in sage again I will try to capture when he self attacks

Logs upwards of 15 alts for rogue ninja capture. Has weak players carry whales like liz and takauri and has them use their borrowed power to pick on real players and bully people. if that isnt enough and the group isnt winning, will log more alts and have the weak ones attack even more players to buy his strong alts time to get some more rogue ninja points.

And now he has just cheated their way to the final round in space time without competing in a single legitimate match.

In round 1 Ajin faced AndreaHygua, a member of his group and an account that ajin frequently "pilots"

Round 1

In round 2 Ajin faced Norin, not *t but a guy in the same server as Ajin who knows how obsessive and petty ajin is and how many past whale accounts he has at his disposa

Round 2

In round 3 Ajin faced Plex, one of ajins dozens of alts

Round 3

In round 4 Ajin faced Kazuto, a guy who could wipe the floor with ajin, but who talk to each other in discord and miraculously kazuto did not show

Round 4

In round 5 Ajin faced Liz, a whale account, member of ajins group, someone who often does not show up for space time anymore but conveniently was invested enough in this season to save ajin from actual opponents

Round 5 and 6

In round 6 Ajin faced Loco, an account frequently piloted by ajins fellow employee Kagari, a guy ajin talks to in discord

Both Liz and Loco could have beat Ajin blind folded and using a single character, yet both of these accounts were logged in just long enough to take out the competition in the brackets and then both of them decided when faced against Ajin that was the time to drop out of the competition and not show up.

Even if you want to chalk up Kazuto,Liz and Loco to incredible coincidence that they all competed just long enough to beat players who could whoop ajin only to then hand ajin a free win, even if you want to discard norin because it was his choice not to show up andreahygua and plex are accounts ajin has direct control over and those wins are direct and literal violations of the rules about not using alt accounts to gain advantages for your main.

And now a coward level freezing GL,a guy so afraid of having a single legitimate match he has made deals with the powerhouses in our cluster to leave him alone, a paid member of your staff has abused alts and their ties with other staff players/pilots and progressed through to the final stage without having competed in a single fight. A casher who also gets paid gl wages in coupons directly broke the rules, abused multiple alts and had other staff thin the herd, robbing real players of an opportunity so that he could walk to a free win, he cheated and successfully got default wins, free reward chests, free seal scrolls,a free title and free battle armor. That is not acceptable, either something needs to be done about this or you need to acknowledge that the rules dont matter, paid employees should be people you can trust to lead by example, but that is unequivocally not the case here, the only question now is are you going to do anything at all about it or are you going to publicly admit that your employees have free reign to run things as they want? Giving players one more reason to stop logging in, and 4 years of poor business decisions later yet one more reason to ignore the existence of space time, the "rng" events are rigged by your company and you are letting the "pvp" events be rigged by your own pathetic staff, as if they dont have enough unfair advantages effectively having admin accounts, inside knowledge in upcoming items, characters, breaks and getting paid monthly in coupons for doing literally nothing to aide your company.

I am barely active in that server anymore but I do drop in to see how my friends are coming along with their accounts as I have not met many people who speak my native tongue and this dudes cheating is getting worse and oasis refuse to do anything. That server only 2 "active" groups and one is now compeltely a a facade to boost the ego of the biggest liar ive personally ever encountered, but since originally making this complaint I have once been in the same field in sage as Ajin, people were surprised to see that he had somehow got the space time clothing and for obvious reasons he did not go into detail but he instantly admitted that people handed him free wins, what he neglected to mention was that at absolute minimum 3 of those "people" giving him " free passes" were himself logging into to others accounts, directly breaking a rule that is a bannable offense and that the mods in these forums are always quick to remind us mere mortals of

free passess

I am aware this will get deleted for "inciting drama", ofcourse oasis cant have the truth their staff dont need to obey the rules we actual players do, but these words are all true, and they tell you the type of staff that already have a world of unfair advantages over real players can get away with anything, they decide the rules, not oasis, either set it to auto enter battlefield and go do something else or like most people dont even bother with pvp stuff anymore because no matter how much you want a challenge, no matter how much of a chance you think you might have, if there is a staff member in your cluster they are already pulling the strings to benefit themselves

As expected Jiburiru was quick to delete my thread in the general discussion and told me to make this complaint in the misbehavior thread or contact support directly, ignoring the very first line of this post. They refuse to act on the information thats on them, but if staff are allowed to control the game and are openly allowed to cheat then players deserve to know that.

imtranslator...... removedthe link as I dont think they are allowed but left this translate watermark as explain, hope you can understand for any grammar or translate mistakes

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On 2020-10-30 02:58:55Show this Author Only

yeah unfortunately this seems to happen a lot. remember when Tobei quit? he revealed that they would give them unfair advantages in the game from stuff like this to 40k coupons every month

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On 2020-10-30 04:18:00Show this Author Only

When I delete posts from the Misbehavior Thread, that does not mean I'm ignoring them. Posts are deleted as promptly as I submit them so that no reprisals are taken against the submitting party. So when you see these posts being submitted, you should not assume they are not just being ignored.


This post was last edited by Tachibana Saeko on 2020-10-30 04:22:51.
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