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[ Suggestions ] Pay 2 win


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On 2016-09-24 15:28:00Show this Author Only
  • s24 NaraShikama On 2016-09-24 11:57:35
  • Please be more specific then making the game more fair. How is the games catering to pay to win? The packs can be bought with coupons that you can have saved up. The refines can be obtained from group shop and ranked battle. The only event cashers have access to the rebate event which is long overdue and the rewards aren't even that special. Everything there a free to play player will have access to eventually. I understand that English isn't your native language but please offer more concrete suggestions or modify the existing events in a way that anyone can understand.
I opened this because of the p2w events but i wanted to know your oponion about the pay users... i know this game is really fair thanks for reply
love this game ;D
My ranking battle: 24
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On 2016-09-24 16:29:03Show this Author Only
You say " i know this game is really fair thanks for reply" but in your very 1st post you said "Please, make the game easier... the power of "Pay 2 win" is remarkable, normal users haven't a oportunity to face an active pay 2 win user". Which is it? You're contradicting yourself.

If you want to get stronger fast, cough up some money. If you can't, prepare to spend tons of time, months or even years to get what you want. If you can't do both, you have no business playing an online game.
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On 2016-09-24 20:01:14Show this Author Only
Just Enjoy the game stop whinning about it at s55:Asuma server there are like 10 people or more that pay lot of money so instead of whinning about it i just play because the reason why F2p can play this game is because of this P2W player if no one paying the server will be down and now f2p player cant play the game anymore because the server cant afford it anymore to keep the server up This post was last edited by 110***@google at 2016-9-24 20:02
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On 2016-09-24 23:41:34Show this Author Only
  • KenR On 2016-09-24 16:29:03
  • You say " i know this game is really fair thanks for reply" but in your very 1st post you said "Please, make the game easier... the power of "Pay 2 win" is remarkable, normal users haven't a oportunity to face an active pay 2 win user". Which is it? You're contradicting yourself.

    If you want to get stronger fast, cough up some money. If you can't, prepare to spend tons of time, months or even years to get what you want. If you can't do both, you have no business playing an online game.
If you want to get stronger fast, cough up some money. If you can't, prepare to spend tons of time, months or even years to get what you want.
This, this right here is exactly what needs to be said (even though it was harsh, i mean *.. man..). This post was last edited by hellRated at 2016-9-24 20:45
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On 2016-09-24 23:41:46Show this Author Only
Eh, I found the P2W. It's on medium threads. No free player will ever get rank 4 battle armor if this doesn't change.

The game is otherwise pretty fair. Yes, the Jonin medal users get extra (as they should). It's not overwhelming. Massive expenditures can create a short to midterm unbeatable advantage, but few really spend that heavily. All of the ninja exam and PvE events can be beaten with freely available ninjas (up to ninja exam 80 is my experience).

The fact you can only buy medium threads or get them from cycling events (ie. mission box, random drop) just burns me. Well actually, it doesn't burn me too much - I'm a Jonin medal user. I can farm the 1,900 coupons in about a month. F2P can't and that locks them out of the single most powerful upgrade to the main character in the game.

Good luck in a few months...extremely disappointed about this.
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On 2016-09-25 00:45:30Show this Author Only
Be happy people are paying, so you can play for free. They need to give their paying users something. People like you are actually a problem to the game.
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On 2016-09-25 01:04:41Show this Author Only
  • Yunomegasai On 2016-09-25 00:45:30
  • Be happy people are paying, so you can play for free. They need to give their paying users something. People like you are actually a problem to the game.
"enter generic excuse"
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On 2016-09-25 01:54:12Show this Author Only
  • Spike37 On 2016-09-25 01:04:41
  • "enter generic excuse"
Here is your generic excuse: Iam a f2p player myself and understand the concept of such games.
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On 2016-09-25 02:14:09Show this Author Only
  • Yunomegasai On 2016-09-25 01:54:12
  • Here is your generic excuse: Iam a f2p player myself and understand the concept of such games.
i am free too, yet making excuses as payer make this game runing, yes they do. does it improve services? absolutely no. what does payers contribute towards then? longevity of platform.
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On 2016-09-25 04:31:53Show this Author Only
I opened this because of the p2w events but i wanted to know your oponion about the pay users... i know this game is really fair thanks for reply
love this game ;D
My ranking battle: 24
In my first post i said another thinks contradiction is a good word for that BUT read again, "I wanted to know your opinion about the p2w users" I never expected that this issue became this
my 100% honest opinion is the last thing that i said (THIS) please, stop replying this, again, my first post was not my honest opinion THIS Reply, yes.
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On 2016-09-25 07:21:19Show this Author Only
Well, this is all cool but Customer service is not the right place for your little survey. Sorry.

If you have any suggestions how to improve the game, it's functions or events feel free to create new thread with them.
Quicky Post

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