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New ninja collection system explained (from what we know so far)


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On 2020-08-13 19:56:26Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Ok, so me and a few of my fellow group members have figured this much out so far. In addition to what you see in the screenshots above...

If you havnt already figured out where to find redeem ninja fragments now, ill start by telling you to just check recruitment tab, click exchange up top, its in there.

Next, about where your power boost came from and how to get more power from the new system.

The more you level up, awaken and cultivate ninja's, the more power will stack up, even if those ninjas are not currently equipped in your team. I have tested this after one of my members mentioned it, i went on a levelling, awakening, and cultivating spree, and managed to gain at least 1.5k power just from that. I think its safe to assume that upgrading their moods will also add power. So this leads me to the conclusion that, the power boost that everyone noticed when they logged in today, is from the amount of ninjas you have levelled up, awakened, cultivated, and possibly mooded. Also, in theory, upgrading the stars of ninjas should also stack power.

Added Note: If you click on "upgrade stars" in ninja tab now, it shows stat boosts... i think this is now the way to see your stat boosts from stars collection, the stat boosts that were on the scrolls in collection before... this is where those have been transferred too i think.

Apologies if my explanation doesnt make much sense, ive never really been good at explaining things, but if it helps anyone at all, ill be happy to have been of assistance :)

If anyone else figures out more details, please dont hesitate to post here for all to learn ^_^

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On 2020-08-13 20:54:59Show this Author Only

Anyone else think its an bad change? back to selecting individual elite instances to grind for frags instead of simply selecting the character(s) you are prioritizing and sweeping all possible instances in a few clicks and lets not beat around the bush, the design for the page to exchange for frags is ugly af, nobody can honestly tell me that any time or thought whatsoever was put into that design.

The scrolls were not perfect,but they were more appealing to look at and a more sleek,elegant solution to a monotnous part of the game -grinding frags, than an ugly ass shop page that clearly no effort at all was put into . Just my two cents but I would much rather have the scroll system back instead of a power boost an uninspired new page and another part of the game that is jut now another shop interface even though we already have mysterious shop which only has 3 outfits, and after you get those has literally nothing else of note, if they wanted to do shop overhauls why not address the utterly redundant shop that we already have? It is just such a waste of time that could have been better spent addressing any of the million other problems,bugs, missing aspects or long recommded suggestions any of which would better the game, improve the opinion everyone has of oasis and be a good thing for both company and players.

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On 2020-08-13 21:11:04Show this Author Only

Complete agree with this !

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On 2020-08-13 21:34:44Show this Author Only

Thx Morpheus!

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On 2020-08-13 22:17:06Show this Author Only

does it mean that freezing is no longer an option??

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On 2020-08-13 23:24:33Show this Author Only

EDO NAGATO fragments is gone from redeem in ninja collect/exchange feature. D@mn u oasis

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On 2020-08-13 23:48:14Show this Author Only
  • narutoman On 2020-08-13 23:24:33
  • EDO NAGATO fragments is gone from redeem in ninja collect/exchange feature. D@mn u oasis


Just write Nagato, for the next time


Thank you~

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On 2020-08-14 00:34:44Show this Author Only

It's right time to release % tactics as soon as possible.

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On 2020-08-14 09:34:01Show this Author Only
  • Aika〆 On 2020-08-13 23:48:14
  • Hey,

    Just write Nagato, for the next time


    Thank you~

what lvl / bp need to unlock him, i cant find him too (did try typing "nagato")

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On 2020-08-14 10:22:41Show this Author Only
  • Odachanyo On 2020-08-14 09:34:01
  • what lvl / bp need to unlock him, i cant find him too (did try typing "nagato")

type 'Nagato' not 'nagato'

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On 2020-08-14 23:54:20Show this Author Only

I suppose I'll post my own findings of the new function here.

1. As stated earlier, the ninja recruit scrolls have been relocated to the recruit tab. It may not look as good, but there are some upsides to this.

-The fragments now work similarly to how the Grocery store works, as they restock every day a certain amount. If you don't buy all of them, lets say you buy 15 Enma frags, the 20 will be added and the remaining 5 will be added to that, resulting in 25 available frags the next day. If you were to not get any Sasori fragments one day, it starts at 10, the next day it would be at 20. I'm not aware of any caps as of the time of writing this, but I'm assuming it's something like 80-100 frags. Perhaps lower for those like Nagato or Hanzo, which I could see only being 20 or 30. I hope I'm wrong in those cases.

-They have added two new redeemable ninja to the roster of redeemable ninjas, being GNW Shikamaru and Sage Mode Jiraiya. On the downside, they have removed 1 ninja from the roster, being make-out paradise Kakashi (Formerly the only coupons redeemable frags in there.).

2. As also stated earlier, ninjas now give you a buff, and it is worthwhile to level, cultivate, and awaken them. I got around 20k from using all my resources on various ninja last night. I also did a bit of an experiment and worked out how exactly the stats work for them. Each ninja gives initiative and an X% stat. For example, Kurama Mode Naruto, or Kuramato, gives like, 5% life. That said, this is calculated based upon the ninja's own stats. I experimented with Jinin Akebino and only got Taijutsu from leveling, awakening, and cultivating him. In short, you get a percentage of whatever stat from a ninja added to your entire team. I have heard, however, that mood does not affect this. I haven't tested to confirm this yet, but I have indeed heard that mood makes no difference from a few other players.

I'm not sure how much of what I said was restated, or if this makes any difference whatsoever, but I hope this reply helps!

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On 2020-08-15 03:53:49Show this Author Only
  • Resilliance On 2020-08-14 23:54:20
  • I suppose I'll post my own findings of the new function here.

    1. As stated earlier, the ninja recruit scrolls have been relocated to the recruit tab. It may not look as good, but there are some upsides to this.

    -The fragments now work similarly to how the Grocery store works, as they restock every day a certain amount. If you don't buy all of them, lets say you buy 15 Enma frags, the 20 will be added and the remaining 5 will be added to that, resulting in 25 available frags the next day. If you were to not get any Sasori fragments one day, it starts at 10, the next day it would be at 20. I'm not aware of any caps as of the time of writing this, but I'm assuming it's something like 80-100 frags. Perhaps lower for those like Nagato or Hanzo, which I could see only being 20 or 30. I hope I'm wrong in those cases.

    -They have added two new redeemable ninja to the roster of redeemable ninjas, being GNW Shikamaru and Sage Mode Jiraiya. On the downside, they have removed 1 ninja from the roster, being make-out paradise Kakashi (Formerly the only coupons redeemable frags in there.).

    2. As also stated earlier, ninjas now give you a buff, and it is worthwhile to level, cultivate, and awaken them. I got around 20k from using all my resources on various ninja last night. I also did a bit of an experiment and worked out how exactly the stats work for them. Each ninja gives initiative and an X% stat. For example, Kurama Mode Naruto, or Kuramato, gives like, 5% life. That said, this is calculated based upon the ninja's own stats. I experimented with Jinin Akebino and only got Taijutsu from leveling, awakening, and cultivating him. In short, you get a percentage of whatever stat from a ninja added to your entire team. I have heard, however, that mood does not affect this. I haven't tested to confirm this yet, but I have indeed heard that mood makes no difference from a few other players.

    I'm not sure how much of what I said was restated, or if this makes any difference whatsoever, but I hope this reply helps!

aside from the intial gain in stats from an entirely new power system that takes all of our characters into account, do the stat buffs matter though?

I gained a ton of power, I leapt up 14 places in the power rankings, but the numbers are worthless, every single person I overtook still has better stats and all by the same margins as before, in terms of actual gameplay literally not a single thing changed in that sense, we just have a more ugly interface to get frags through. It appears to be more of a change for the sake of ego than anything else, it allows you to inflate your numbers, like throwing together a fake power team, but other than place in the power ranking, the numbers themselves are worthless

I am not saying that this change should have gave me an unfair amount of power, I had no idea it was coming, and frankly I dont like the change. But my point is valid, if I can gain enough power to overtake over a dozen guys who have been stronger than me since day 1 and somehow despite the supposed raw power advantage now tilting fairly heavily in my favour in some cases, every single one of my stats that was lower before are all still lower now , and the gap between them is identical as before it has to mean the stat changes they provide are microscopic, they are just empty numbers

This post was last edited by why tho? on 2020-08-15 03:54:13.
  • Registered: 2020-02-21
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On 2020-08-15 05:12:39Show this Author Only

So as far as I'm understanding it, leveling up, cultivating, and awakening any of the ninjas you own boosts the power of your current team, but the only thing that boosts initiative is actually upgrading the stars of ninjas in your collection, correct? The other boosts seem to just be to all other stats.

I'm not really too bothered about the new layout of the ninja recruitment/exhange interface, it's easier to search for individual ninjas and the caps for now many frags you can redeem have gone up. It may not be as "aesthetically pleasing" as the collection scrolls but it's more efficient imo, and to me that's more valuable.

I do agree with SetANickname about the annoyance of going back to grinding elite instances for many ninjas now. Imo, they should have increased our stamina cap by 100 alongside this update since we now are going to have to be sweeping a lot more to a) get frags to upgrade ninja stars and b) get awakening materials since awkening is now more important. It is now much more frustrating to choose between which to prioritize, frags or awakening materials. Previously, I had starred up most of the ninjas I cared about so I was just stockpiling awakening mats with the stamina I had. Now I'm gonna have to do both.

Overall I'm not mad about the update, but I do think it could have been implemented a bit better.

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On 2020-08-15 20:49:17Show this Author Only
  • Korren On 2020-08-15 05:12:39
  • So as far as I'm understanding it, leveling up, cultivating, and awakening any of the ninjas you own boosts the power of your current team, but the only thing that boosts initiative is actually upgrading the stars of ninjas in your collection, correct? The other boosts seem to just be to all other stats.

    I'm not really too bothered about the new layout of the ninja recruitment/exhange interface, it's easier to search for individual ninjas and the caps for now many frags you can redeem have gone up. It may not be as "aesthetically pleasing" as the collection scrolls but it's more efficient imo, and to me that's more valuable.

    I do agree with SetANickname about the annoyance of going back to grinding elite instances for many ninjas now. Imo, they should have increased our stamina cap by 100 alongside this update since we now are going to have to be sweeping a lot more to a) get frags to upgrade ninja stars and b) get awakening materials since awkening is now more important. It is now much more frustrating to choose between which to prioritize, frags or awakening materials. Previously, I had starred up most of the ninjas I cared about so I was just stockpiling awakening mats with the stamina I had. Now I'm gonna have to do both.

    Overall I'm not mad about the update, but I do think it could have been implemented a bit better.

"the only thing that boosts initiative is actually upgrading the stars of ninjas in your collection, correct?"

is this true? almost all of my characters are 5 stars, I have always been a collector who likes experimenting with different lineups. unlike the vast majority of players there are very few of mine that are not 4-5 stars, leveled up and cultivated already, and while my init grew when the system was implemented in terms of pvp compared to my common opponents my init is exactly the same as it was before, slower than the people I was slower than before and faster than the people I was faster than before. I can confidently say I have more 5 star characters than most people and definetly the most in my server the trade off meaning I am weak because I focus on collecting over power items but thats where I find my fun in this game, i admit there are a number of characters that I will never be able to recruit because no way in hell am I spending that money, but almost every character that has been recruitable through elites, shops or can be pieced together over multiple redeemable events I have 4-5 stars, the exceptions being new additions or absurdly expensive per frag characters like ronin , of the currently released characters there are only 11 that I do not have and despite a new power system that encourages that approach it does not benefit me or even change anything at all, unless you are like me and want to level up characters for the sake of collecting and to get all sb's I fail to see any reason to pay attention to this, unless people like myself are experiencing a bug the numbers do not translate into anything applicable in matches because even if I somehow won the lottery and could recruit and 5 star the missing characters, that would be irrelevant, if hundreds of characters dont even dent the gap between myself and the players I frequently face who I know have always been meta sheep and ignored almost the entire roster available to us, then 11 more in my collection isnt going to miracously give me a boost in matches

This post was last edited by ............... on 2020-08-15 21:36:28.
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On 2020-08-17 20:52:11Show this Author Only
  • Aika〆 On 2020-08-13 23:48:14
  • Hey,

    Just write Nagato, for the next time


    Thank you~

With a capital N because last time I tried looking for asuma WB didnt find him with a lowercase A at first

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On 2020-08-19 17:25:46Show this Author Only
  • Kythara On 2020-08-17 20:52:11
  • With a capital N because last time I tried looking for asuma WB didnt find him with a lowercase A at first

why do you have so many coins saved up T.T gimme some

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