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[ Player Guide ] Discussing Ninja Assist Card bonuses


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2020-06-21 23:14:14Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Hey guys!

I want to talk about the current ninja cards and try to explain which ones to use in what opportunity

Let's start with the most basic 10 ones which were available from the start

There are 5 attributes and 2 of each (one gives attack and defense, second one gives ninjutsu and resistance)

They max out at 20% atk/nin and 30% def/res bonus and personally these ones are still my favorite to use but the catch is that your team should preferably have 2 or 3 ninjas with that same attribute in order for these to be ideal

So I wouldn't use them if you have a team of 1 fire, 1 wind, 1 earth, 1 water ninja for example

The best way to choose between attack vs ninjutsu card is to look at your pos1 and pos2 and see what they need more


Tenten is one the most versatile cards and it really suits damage/blitz teams where you have different attribute ninjas

For example I'm currently using the Kimimaro/Edo Hiruzen/Asuma blitz where there is 1 lightning, 1 fire, 1 wind and 1 earth ninja therefore it's not worth using the attribute cards so Tenten is a much better option to increase your critical chance

She maxes at 20% crit bonus


In my personal opinion this is the most useless card out there, because poisoning itself it limited to 1999 damage per stack so you won't gain much from this (unless it can go over the cap, which I can test later)

Anyway I don't recommend using it


These 2 cards also aren't too useful in real fights personally because you would need damage teams based around tagging or igniting (and keep in mind that there are many immune ninjas nowadays so it'll be useless versus them)

A good example for the Deidara card use would be with Akatsuki Deidara in Ninja Exams or Nature Training events, so you could say that these cards prove to be most useful in those type of events

They max at 20% bonus



One of the best cards to use in Space Time fights if you have a similar speed enemy

Keep in mind that the bonus initiative doesn't show in stats, just in the real fight

Max level = 400 initiative


Also a very unique card which is hard to use because you won't really know when to use it. Your enemy could have a full immune team or they could have a full non-immune team

If you are vs full immune team ninjas then this card shows more useful than other cards in terms of damage done

max is 30% bonus


Another card similar to Minato but a bit different

Also only useful versus enemies who are just slightly faster than you

Max is 3% speed gain per mystery hit


Rasa is the most defensive out of all cards, but you need shields for his effect so he is best used with Earth Main, Kazekage Gaara etc.

If you really want more defense and survivability then he wouldn't be a bad choice

Max is 20% def/res


The only card so far that increases chase damage.

This is pretty versatile because there are no limitations with attributes or anything, but it's not for all teams

I would recommend using this card with ninjas who bypass def/res with their chases (for example: Kakashi Summer, Obito, Asura etc...) because those ninjas hit super hard with their chases, it could be stronger than a mystery

Max is 50% damage increase


This post was last edited by ICExx on 2020-06-21 23:14:14.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2021-12-24 00:43:29Show this Author Only

Team healing increased (From 4% to 32% at lvl 8 max)

I think for Hanzo, the dmg bonus is when your ninja attacks the opponent ninja who are already poisoned/strongly poisoned.

  • Registered: 2018-05-29
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On 2021-12-24 17:44:09Show this Author Only
  • Ongjming On 2021-12-24 00:43:29
  • Tsunade
    Team healing increased (From 4% to 32% at lvl 8 max)

    I think for Hanzo, the dmg bonus is when your ninja attacks the opponent ninja who are already poisoned/strongly poisoned.

i agree with you. i think, after your enemy get poison, your damage them will increase

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