so i created this acc when i was 12 or something and because of quarantine i had nothing to do so i decided to recover my acc and what i first saw is that im lvl 67 with around 16k power and i learned about this lvl freezing but i dont care and started doing the story and i leveled up and leveled up till lvl 77 and now i got 26k power and then i got deep into this level freezing and i need your help guys...
should i start level freezing? or should i jst level up since i got no chance with the whales
You'll never have any chance with whales unless you spend for getting tsukuyomi rebate. What I would recommend is stopping with the story missions and just focus on everything else. It isn't a true level freeze but there are heavy spender level freezers so you ain't gonna be getting away from those people.
well don't stake level. it's bad you lose a lot .. here when you go up to level 105 you won't be able to win xp .. now if you want to go up fast i recommend you save at least 3600 coupons per month for the grate plates event .. since you're spending 3600 .. they give you vial keys .. refine very good ninja fragments. and many items all you spend is valued at + 30k / 40 coupons .. if you need help. watch my video. there it shows you that it is true. Talk to me and I'll tell you what to do
thanks for all of your replies guys!!
but can you tell me what are the best power items to prioritize and where to get them?
also i was thinking of starting fresh on a new server... is that good or should i just continue my orig. server?
thanks in advance!
Training potions by far the best power feature to focus on and then cave keys.
for training potions, as for now, best place to get them from is Lucky stars, preferably when there is a fuku deals.
for cave keys, you can get them from the moon shop or if you want more you can spend on great plates event.
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