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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-09-21 16:48:03Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Ohio guys! My nick is Narutlih and i play on 1st Server for Crimson Fist. And yes, this guide was wrote just for "strategy revard". But dont think that its just useless text, no! Today i cleared all 12 floors on full hp and thought that i can help peoples which cant do this.

Well, to start with, im not p2w player(just bought Gaara, cuz really need tank in ranked) and have 21k power. On my server its not big deal, i'm just 134 in overall power rating. So you dont need to be top-10 to clear all surv. You need time and... Crimson Fist.

Well, some general advices, which you can find in all surv guides:
1) "Run, Forest, RUN!" - if you see, that opponent did to you too much dmg - retreat. Change formation/lineup and try again. Just try to achive the best result. Wait until moment, when opponent doesnt do any combo or does it on Tsunade.
2) Interruption and Accupunture are you friends.
3) Try different formations. If opponent have powerful Gaara - use Saske and delete his barrier. If you dont know what to do with Tobi-combo on 2 turn or Kimimaro on 3 - use Neji and accupunture him. If you see Hinata, dont try to use Lee.
4) Sacrifice you ninjas if you cant beat opponents with your main team. As example - opponent have Konan, Tendo Pain and Tobi. Its hard for f2p player kill this 4 vs 4. So use something like Tobi+Neji+Guy+Lee and kill the weakest and most annoying men in opponent's team. In example it's Konan. After this even if ooponent kill all this team - you can just finish him with main, 4 vs 3 is easy.
5) Dont lose your main until 12 floor. Without him you havnt any chances to beat it. Just with full Pain-team, but with them you dont need this guide.
6) About "Addition" floors. Dont expect that you'll get good staff from it. Its totally rigged, even if you can open 4 cards from 6 - you'll alwayse get money/awoken staff/useless Kimimaro fragments. Btw from main survival you can get very nice staff like seal scrolls/80 3-star ninja's fragments.

And now we'll talk about surv for Fists. As main team i uses Kankuro-Tsunade-Hinata team from this great guide. Now i'll explain why i use exactly this formation.

1) Hinata's mystery can dodge all auto attacks, which is very good vs lightning and fire. Also she's very tanky. And the main reason - combo's with accupunture. With right timing and nice rifind you can interrupt any spell. Very usefull in surv, cuz after some tries you'll already know which mystery opponent will use on each turn.
2) Tsunade is you Guardian Angel. She can clear poison/sleep/paralyse/ignition, heal 2 times in turn. Also if you're lucky, she can do crit and Chaos. It's just best debuff - paralyse+interruption+sleep. And the main reason to pick her - Mystery. If she have less hp then others in your team, computer will do his mysteries on her. And after this you use mystery - and dont lose any hp.
3) Kankuro gives you guarantee combo with accupunture on 1st turn, even then opponent have Hinata. Also his mystery deals very nice dmg. And his puppet can tank some dmg from lightning Auto or be a goal of Fire main's mirror.
4) Crimson Fist. I think he is the best class for surv. He can stay 1st, so he c*e mystery first. He immune to combos. He can shield all your team. He can absorb all dmg on first turn. Omg, he's so amazing.

Today i cant reset surv, later i'll explain my advices with examples. And maybe add something else, dont know. Enjoy!
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-09-27 09:58:27Show this Author Only
nice guide , make me want too switch too Crimson next lvl :)
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On 2016-09-27 16:23:54Show this Author Only
What lineup do you recomend against an empress build? I was using the same lineup (Hinata, Tobi, Tsunade, Crimson Fist) upto stage 11 until my Hinata died. I tried to subsitute her with my remaining ninjas but Breeze Dancer just melt my lineup until none left.

This post was last edited by fuj*** at 2016-9-27 16:49
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-09-27 16:41:32Show this Author Only
  • Ryurial On 2016-09-27 16:23:54
  • What lineup do you recomend against an empress build? I was using the same lineup (Hinata, Tobi, Tsunade, Crimson Fist) upto stage 11 until my Hinata died. I tried to subsitute her with my remaining ninjas but Breeze Dancer just melt my lineup until none left.

    This post was last edited by fuj*** at 2016-9-27 16:49
Try to use GNW neji and/or interuption main's mystery. This Wind's formation deals dmg just with main's r@sengan, so if you interupt it - you'll win. Also try to kill Karin as fast as you can - she can dispell accupunture.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-09-27 16:53:25Show this Author Only
  • Narutlih On 2016-09-27 16:41:32
  • Try to use GNW neji and/or interuption main's mystery. This Wind's formation deals dmg just with main's r@sengan, so if you interupt it - you'll win. Also try to kill Karin as fast as you can - she can dispell accupunture.
Thanks for the feedback! I will try it when survival trial resets tomorow.

Finally cleared lv 12 using this line-up


I tried using GNW neji + main's stone fist jutsu but for some reasons Breeze dancer mystery always come first and as a result she already fired her
rasengan before I can interupt her so I just improvised by using Guy. The battle ends up in maximum fighting round reached with 3v1 remaining and me winning the match. xD

This post was last edited by fuj*** at 2016-9-28 13:13
Quicky Post

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