Dear Ninjas,
We will be collecting inputs from players for server merger purposes. This thread will be renewed on Monthly basis to ensure continuous communication between players and moderators in regards to server and merger status.
Please be informed that a server needs to be at minimum age of 2 months starting from the date it opened as one of the requirements to be merge. Server merger will take place once every 2 weeks.
We have records of the activity rate, which are taken into consideration for merging.
Kindly provide the information in the following examples within your “Merge Request” together with the screenshots listed below:
- Screenshot of the Power (Top 20)
- Group GNW Ranking
- Group Power Ranking
- World Boss Ranking
Our merger will now prioritize those servers that is yet to be merged. Any merged server that applied for a 2nd merge will be put at the end of our list we hope you understand.
Example 1(Single Server): -
1.Server ID: S1127
2. Server Region: LA
3. Server Age: Estimated 4+ months (ba
4. Time taken to kill World Boss: 8 minutes++
5. World Boss HP on Tuesday: 12M
6. No. of group participating in Great Ninja War: 1 or sometimes none
7. Average Power Rank of Top 5, Top 10, Top 20: AVG Top 5: 20K, AVG Top 10: 18K, AVG Top 20: 15K
Example 2 (Previously Merged Server): -
1.Server ID: S467 (S467 - S484 - S517)
2. Server Region: HK
3. Server Age: Estimated 2 years - merged 1 year ago (ba
4. Time taken to kill World Boss: 12 minutes++
5. World Boss HP on Tuesday: 51 Million
6. No. of group participating in Great Ninja War: 1
7. Average Power Rank of Top 5, Top 10, Top 20: AVG Top 5: 56K, AVG Top 10: 40K, AVG Top 20: 29K
Notes: -
- All screenshots should be showing the Server ID and Date+Time that is presented on the top left header of your browser/client window.
- Any comments unrelated to a server merge request or any replies are subject to be deleted.
- Any posts that will not be in-line with the required information and screenshots as illustrated in the examples; will be deleted.
In case you participated in the previous threads; you may post a new “Merge Request" if you feel the information provided previously is outdated. This will ensure our assessment will always be up to date to your server condition.
Spam posts doesn't help. Please update us with new posts ONLY if there is changes in the information you provided previously.
Naruto Online Operation Team
Please finish last month's server merge request! Or at least give us some kind of information about which servers are getting merged? and who is next? or the reason why it is taking months? any apology for delay ?
1.Server ID: S1438 Shakling Stakes Technique
2. Server Region: U.S. East
3. Server Age: Estimated 6+ months (ba
4. Time taken to kill World Boss: 20 minutes++
5. World Boss HP on Tuesday: 1182970
6. No. of group participating in Great Ninja War: not enough activity points on any group for Great nina War
7. Average Power Rank of Top 5, Top 10, Top 20: AVG Top 5: 50K, AVG Top 10: 40K, AVG Top 20: 35K
We need a Server Merge Desperately please Consider and inform us of something happening
Another topic with no updates for more than a month. Not surprised. But yeah, by the forum rules we should not write here. I get that, but okay, delete. Shut out mouths again. We will swallow, cause we are prob not human for devs. I waited personally approx 4 months already and zero anything.
1. Server ID: S1084 ( S1018 - S1022 - S1038 - S1046 - S1064 - S1072 - S1076 - S1084 )
2. Server Region: HK
3. Server Age: Estimated 21 months - Merged (1) 12 months ago (2) 7 months ago
4. Time taken to kill World Boss: 5 minutes+
5. World Boss HP on Tuesday: 158.4 Million
6. No. of group participating in Great Ninja War: 1
7. Average Power Rank of Top 5, Top 10, Top 20: AVG Top 5: 350K, AVG Top 10: 293K, AVG Top 20: 245K
Top 10 Power, Top 20 Power, Group GNW Ranking, Group Power Ranking, World Boss Ranking
1. Server ID: s1422
2. Server Region: NY
3. Server Age: 4 months (ba
4. Time Taken to kill World Boss: 6 minutes.
5. World Boss hp: 25m
6. No. of groups participating in GNW: 1
7: Average Power of Top 5, Top 10, Top 20
Top 5: 95k
Top 10: 76k
Top 20: 56k
Developer @@ BRING BACK tsunade npc fully features, dont be greedy, dont forces us f2p to find it hard to breakthrough ninjas with only adv or protection vial.
u also make most all ninjas need to be 4 stars to be able skillbroken, do u think that this game will still be run when most of f2p quit this game?
u will lose this game for sure
since no update on last months server merge request, will provide again!! please merge s1397
1.Server ID: S1397
2. Server Region: HK
3. Server Age: Estimated 5+ months (ba
4. Time taken to kill World Boss: 5minutes++
5. World Boss HP on Tuesday: 9+ M
6. No. of group participating in Great Ninja War: 1
7. Average Power Rank of Top 5, Top 10, Top 20: AVG Top 5: 100K, AVG Top 10: 70K, AVG Top 20: 60K
1.Server ID: S1445
2. Server Region: HK
3. Server Age: Estimated 2+ months (ba
4. Time taken to kill World Boss: 15 minutes++
5. World Boss HP on Tuesday: 27 Million
6. No. of group participating in Great Ninja War: 1
7. Average Power Rank of Top 5, Top 10, Top 20: AVG Top 5: 84K, AVG Top 10: 71K, AVG Top 20: 52K
1.Server ID: S11 (S3 - S5 - S9 - S11)
2. Server Region: NY
3. Server Age: 3 years, almost 4 - merged 10 months ago
4. Time taken to kill World Boss: 7 minutes
5. World Boss HP on Tuesday: 553 Millions
6. No. of group participating in Great Ninja War: 2
7. Average Power Rank of Top 5, Top 10, Top 20: AVG Top 5: 699K, AVG Top 10: 592K, AVG Top 20: 490K
Hopefully something will happen, because people are really tired of making these posts and after that seeing closed topics with no progress whatsoever.
Single Server
1.Server ID: S1364
2. Server Region: UK
3. Server Age: Estimated 6 and a half months old.
4. Time taken to kill World Boss: 10 minutes (only 1 person does it)
5. World Boss HP on Tuesday: 13.5M
6. No. of group participating in Great Ninja War: None due to the lack of activity points in the only active group on the server. 3.5 months without GNW btw.
7. Average Power Rank of Top 5, Top 10, Top 20: AVG Top 5: 170K, AVG Top 10: 120K, AVG Top 20: 79K
Server ID: S1369
Server Region: HK
Server Age: I have no idea, 6 months ( I checked on Annié's post of when S1369 server was released and subtracted the month we are in now and the month it was made in.)
Time Taken to finish world boss on: 5 - 6mins
Health of world boss on Tuesday: estimating 52M
Average Top 5: 100k - 200k AVG, Top 10 73k+ AVG, Top 20 55k ( this server dead )
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