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[ Events ] Event Cycle - April 23rd


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2020-04-22 16:43:54Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Dear Ninja,

We would like to thank you all for your support! Below you can check this week's coming updates, which will be coming on 04/23/20! Please, have a look below to check the new events!

Weekly Strong Ninja



Minato Namikaze [Edo Tensei]

Madara Uchiha [Edo Tensei-Release]

1."Infinite Tsukuyomi Special Rebate" added.

Want your money to be valuable? Then, it's now time to recharge! The more ingots you recharge, the more valuable rebates you can get!

Period: April 9th-May 31st


a) Players must reach Level 30 in order to participate.

How To:

During the event, players who recharge the required amount of Ingots can get different rewards as a rebate. The Ingots recharged will be ac*ulated during the event. Strong Ninjas await you!

2."7 Days of Welfare" added.

Hokage is here to send ninjas gifts! By completing the missions during the event, ninjas will receive amazing rewards!

(1) 7 Days of Welfare - Recharge Rebate

Period: April 23rd-April 29th

Requirements: Players must have reached Level 10 in order to participate.


a) During the event, players can get extra rewards by recharging the required amount of Ingots. The rewards will be changed every day. Don’t miss out!

b) Each reward can only be claimed once daily.

c) Please claim event’s rewards on time! After all 7 days’ event period, the rewards cannot be claimed either cannot be sent via Email!

(2) 7 Days of Welfare - Task

Period: April 23rd-April 29th

Requirements: Players must have reached Level 10 in order to participate.

How to:

a) Finish the required tasks each day to get rewards.

b) Day 1 - Clear Plot/Elite Instances

Day 2 - Draw the Five Kage Treasure

Day 3 - Win battles in the Arena

Day 4 - Win the Ranked Battle

Day 5 - Draw the Great Ninja War Treasure

Day 6 - Cave Exploration

Day 7 - Refine Equipment

Each reward can only be claimed once daily. The rewards will be changed every day. Don’t miss out!

(3) 7 Days of Welfare - commemorative coins

Period: April 23rd-April 29th

Requirements: Players must have reached Level 10 in order to participate.


a) The Commemorative Coin can be obtained from the “7 Days of Welfare” event.

b) Find the “Commemorative Coin” icon at the bottom of the “7 Days of Welfare” event interface.

c) Use Commemorative Coin to redeem for various rewards.commemorative coins you obtained during the event will disappear after the event is over.

3."Platinum Recharge" added.

Get neat items and ninja by continuously recharging! The more you recharge, the more you can obtain!

Period: April 27th-May 3rd

How To:

1. Recharge a given amount of Ingots every day to claim prizes (last 4 days)! Prizes can be claimed once daily.

2. Recharge that same amount for given number of days (as long as recharge six days during event period) to claim extra rewards! Prizes can be claimed once during event period.

3. This event refreshes every day at 00:00 (server time).

4."Crazy Slot Machine" added.

Recharge Ingots to have a chance at spinning the Slot Machine! Super rare ninja and other rewards are waiting for you!

Period: April 27th-May 3rd

How To:

a) During the event, for each time you Recharge 100 Ingots in the game, you will get a spin for a chance to get a neat prize! "Spins" obtained for this week's events need to be used in time, once the events end, the "Spins" you didn't use will be reset to 0.

b) Every time you spin it, there is a guaranteed prize! Outstanding ninjas and other fantastic prizes can be obtained! The prizes awarded will be in accordance to your matches in the Slot Machine!

c) 1st Prize: Slot Machine Jackpot Package VI*1

You can select one of the following rewards:

Shisui [Susano’o]*80

Madara Uchiha [Ten-tails Jinchuriki]*100

Obito [Ten-tails Jinchuriki]*100


2nd Prize: Slot Machine Super Value Package*1


Madara Uchiha [Founder of Konoha]*40

Kimimaro [Halloween]*80

Tsunade [Fifth Hokage]*80

3rd Prize: Slot Machine Lucky Pack

Minato Namikaze [Edo Tensei]*5

Itachi Uchiha [Edo Tensei]*5

Sasuke[Rinne Sharingan]*5

Madara Uchiha [Great Ninja War]*5

Killer Bee [Eight-Tails Jinchuriki]*6

Hashirama Senju [Edo Tensei]*1

4th Prize: Seal Scroll*1/ Lv4 Rainbow Magatama/ Cultivation Pill*1/Cave Key*20/Epic Refine Rune*5/ Advanced Refine Protection Vial*5

5thPrize: Lv3 Magatama Pack/Myoboku ‘s Training*10/Charm Material Pack*1/Cultivation Scroll*5/Advance Refine Rune*5/Purification Breakthrough Pill

5. ''Fukurokumaru's Deals" added.

Use Coupons and get rebates for doing so! Use both Coupons and Ingots to get fantastic rebates and purchase exclusive Gift Bags!

Period: April 23rd-April 29th

Requirements: Server must be opened for more than 14 days.

How To:

a) Reach the given usage of both Coupons and Ingots to get free rewards and be eligible to buy specific gift bags and exclusive prices.

b) All Ingots used in ALL functions, systems, events and interfaces are accountable for "Fukurokumaru's Deals".

c) In what concerns the usage of Coupons, ONLY Coupons used in "Weekly Events" (Hot Topics), "Shop", "Mysterious Cave" and "Battle Armor" will be accountable for "Fukurokumaru's Deals". For example, Coupons used in "Eight Inner Gates", Offer Gifts purchased with Coupons in the Home system to offer to visiting Ninja, Coupons used to refresh the Black Market and Coupons used to revive Characters are not accountable for "Fukurokumaru's Deals".

Remark: by spending 25k ingots or coupons, you can get Minato Namikaze[Edo Tensei]*100 or Itachi [Edo Tensei]*100

6."Time-Limited Shop" added.

Get points by Logging in, Clearing Instances and Using Ingots. Rewards are waiting for you!

Period: April 23rd-April 29th

Requirements: Players must reach Level 45 in order to participate.

How To:

a) Players can obtain 1 Point by logging in daily and can obtain more points by completing Plot/Elite Instances.

b) By Spending 10 Ingots daily, you will also get 1 Point.

c) Remember to use the Points before the deadline of the events (which is according to the computers’ time) or it will be reset to 0.

d) Players can redeem following rewards in this event:

Madara Uchiha [Great Ninja War]

Explosive Heart Gift Pack

Purification Protection Runes

New Refine Optional Pack

In-training Ball of the Eight Inner Gate

Ninja Assist Optional Pack

7."Total Spending Rebate" added.

Do you have Ingots to use? Use the the required amount of Ingots to get all sorts of valuable rewards!

Period: April 27th-May 3rd


a) Players must reach Level 21 in order to participate.

b) Sever must be opened for more than 14 days.

8."Colored Banner Gift" added.

Obtain Awesome Items by Spending Ingots/Coupons in the Souvenir Store and win the Colored Banner Competition!

Period: April 23rd-April 29th


Players must reach Level 30 in order to participation

How to:

1. During the event, purchases made in the Souvenir Store create contribution, increasing your groups banner height; Ac*ulated spending of 100 Ingots/Coupons can increase the height of by0.01 meter.

2. When a group’s banner height reaches a certain level, all members of the group can claim a reward. Each reward can only be claimed once per user.

3. At the Settlement, all members of the top 3 groups banner height will obtain extra reward.

4. Ranking Settlement time: 4/29 23:59:59; when the settlement time ends you won't be able to participate in the event, and the ranking rewards will be send by mail.

Reward Claim Deadline:4/30 23:59:59; please claim your reward on time.

5. The player who doesn’t have a group can purchase in the Souvenir Store but the contribution height won't be retained; to avoid contribution height been reset to 0, we suggest you don't leave the group during the event; at the rewards settlement if there's no group you won't get the rewards.

9."Lucky Stars Wheel" added.

Use your Lucky Stars during the event to redeem for powerful ninjas and items!

Period: April 23rd-April 29th

Requirements: Players must reach Level 30 in order to participate.

How To:

a) Spin the wheel to obtain a random prize.

b) All players have a Free Spin at the wheel every day.

c) Extra Spins can be obtained by using Coupons/Ingots to spin the wheel. (Daily limit: 500 times.)

b) Use the obtained Lucky Stars to redeem them for amazing rewards.

Remark:There is a chance to get Shisui[Susano’o]*100

10. "Lucky *" added.

Want stronger ninja? Use Ingots or Coupons to draw them in the Lucky *!

Period: April 23rd-April 29th


Players must reach Level 65 in order to participate.

How To:

a) Use Ingots or Coupons to Draw and have a try!

b) Every Draw is rewarded with a prize!

Besides having a chance at drawing amazing rewards from this event, fixed rewards will also be awarded to players who draw a given amount of times, check below:

Draw 50: Ninja Assist Cultivation Pack*1

Draw 100: Lucky * Gift Pack*1

Draw 200: Lucky * Gift Pack*2

Draw 300:Lucky * Gift Pack*3

Draw 500: Lucky * Gift Pack*4

Lucky * Gift Pack: You can select one of the following rewards:

Kakuzu[Earth Grudge Fear]*10

Deidara[Edo Tensei]*10




11."Lucky Board" added.

Want to try your luck? Throw your dice to know what rewards wait for you! Extra points can be used to redeem rewards in its Shop!

Period: April 23rd-April 29th

How To:

a) Roll the dice to move on the Lucky Board according to the points you obtained in the dice. Players can get the corresponding rewards marked on the grids;

b) Complete Plot/Elite instances or complete Daily Mission to get free dice. You can get a maximum of 2 free dice per day. The dice c*so be bought directly in the Shop;

c) Get 5 points every time you move into a Prop Grid and 10 Points when you move into a Function Grid. After you have left the Start Grid for the first time, each time you pass the Start Grid you will get a Lucky Ninja Pack.

Note: "Dice" obtained for this week's events need to be used this week, once the events end, the "Dice" you didn't use will be reset to 0.

12."Refining Rebate" added.

Refining equipment will get you refining materials and other valuable rewards. Power up and get rebates at the same time!

Period: April 23rd-April 29th

Requirements: Players must reach Level 40 in order to participate.

How to:

a) Players can get rewards when refining times reach the requirement.

13. "Limited Refinement" added.

Get extra Wish Credits and improve your Power level by Refining your Equipment!

Period: April 23rd-April 29th

Requirements: Players must reach Level 40 in order to participate.

How To:

a) Players c*e Refine Runes to upgrade their equipment in Refine Equipment (Strengthen interface). Every time you level up your equipment to a new Refine level, you’ll receive free time-limited Wish Credits.

b) Free time-limited Wish Credits will expire when the event ends

14." Cultivation Limited Rebate" added.

Participate in five nature Chakra training. Great rebates are on their way.

Period: April 23rd-April 29th


Players must reach Level 54 in order to participate.

How To:

a) Rewards can be claimed after reaching the required requirements.

b) Cultivation times will not be counted after using cultivation scrolls.

Remark: Only Cultivation through coupons/ingots can be counted.

15."Naruto’s Ramen Party" added.

Take Naruto out for Ramen to get points, redeem the obtained points for awesome rewards!

Period: April 23rd-April 29th

Requirements: Players must reach Level 10 in order to participate.

How To:

a) Login every day and clear Plot/Elite instances to get Ichikaru’s Ramen. It can be directly bought from the Shop.

b) Get 1 every time you take Naruto out for Ramen during the event. Use the points to redeem for rewards!

c) Players can get up to 20 free daily Ichiraku’s Ramen.

d) Ramen Points will be reset once the event ends.

16. New packs are available in the "Purchase Limit" shop interface! Have a look at the new packs, don't miss this chance.

18.Last but not least, the "Comemomerative Coin", "Limited Point", "Dice", "Lucky Star","Wish Credit", "Ramen" obtained for this week's events need to be spent this week. Once the events end, the "Comemomerative Coin", "Limited Point", "Dice", "Lucky Star", "Wish Credit", "Ramen" will be reset to 0. Please remember to use them in time!

Remark: The deadline of the New Server Events and Weekly Events are set according to the players' local time (computer's time), not the server time. Daily Missions and Daily Recharge event (event in which you can get a 4-Stars Gaara if recharging for 5 days) are all refreshed at 5:00 (server time). Don't miss out!

All information present in the game is the final and correct information.

Thank you for all your support to us,

Naruto Online Operation Team

This post was last edited by Annié on 2020-04-22 16:43:54.
  • Registered: 2018-05-27
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On 2020-04-22 16:45:15Show this Author Only

save week

  • Registered: 2019-02-17
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On 2020-04-22 16:48:57Show this Author Only

What is "in-training ball of the inner gates" ?

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On 2020-04-22 16:56:16Show this Author Only
  • Perfect_Cell On 2020-04-22 16:48:57
  • What is "in-training ball of the inner gates" ?

Gives you chakra for the exchange chakra function. Don't remember how much it was.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2020-04-22 16:56:27Show this Author Only

Where is Konoha's great Tree? Vanished for several weeks. 50% recharge stuff again, 7 days of *, a great Fuku and will pray for a good dice for those people who will do the Fuku. Other than that, meh. Ok, but still not that good cause not many places to spend coupons on considering dice during last times had very very bad rewards.

This post was last edited by Eligosiel on 2020-04-22 16:58:09.
  • Registered: 2018-08-17
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On 2020-04-22 16:58:17Show this Author Only

Lucky * is horrible. Again. I don't understand, why you give such a bad selection of ninjas. Kakuzu EG and Edo Deidara have been in every single event cycle for over a year. Nobody is gonna pick them from this event. Why 2 Kakashi in the same event? Please rotate the ninja a bit, or do your programmers also only copy and paste?

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On 2020-04-22 17:01:03Show this Author Only

Nice week

  • Registered: 2018-11-07
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On 2020-04-22 17:14:51Show this Author Only

i want naruto 6P fragments for every events, plsss

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On 2020-04-22 17:15:24Show this Author Only

7."Total Spending Rebate" added.

Do you have Ingots to use? Use the the required amount of Ingots to get all sorts of valuable rewards!

Period: April 27th-May 3rd


a) Players must reach Level 21 in order to participate.

b) Sever must be opened for more than 14 days.

mmmmh there must be something wrong here.

  • Registered: 2019-02-17
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On 2020-04-22 17:15:36Show this Author Only
  • Pupsiiiii On 2020-04-22 16:56:16
  • Gives you chakra for the exchange chakra function. Don't remember how much it was.

Oh great thanks!

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2020-04-22 18:07:45Show this Author Only

Nothing new whatsoever.


This post was last edited by HolotheWiseWolf on 2020-04-22 18:09:59.
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On 2020-04-22 18:10:02Show this Author Only

we got almost 1 year without major updates in game. bring finaly new power system(NOT LVL 15 RUNE STONES). update finaly groceries storage and add there materials for skill trial. ppl getting bored and quit

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On 2020-04-22 18:15:35Show this Author Only

nice events

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On 2020-04-22 18:19:11Show this Author Only

there is mostly visual content. there are many not added thing before it that would improve gaming experience

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On 2020-04-22 18:21:13Show this Author Only
  • MinatoNаmikaze On 2020-04-22 18:19:11
  • there is mostly visual content. there are many not added thing before it that would improve gaming experience

I'm happy with both options, a little something soon would be awesome

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On 2020-04-22 18:21:42Show this Author Only

I can't believe there is someone who does Cultivation Limited Rebate! This *eless event, so please, JUST DELETE IT ALREADY

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On 2020-04-22 18:27:41Show this Author Only

When the commentary are more interesting than events :/

  • Registered: 2018-08-16
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On 2020-04-22 18:30:55Show this Author Only

Where "breakthrough"? Already cut it? From Shinobi training go out book, you will leave soon only recharge ......... Oasis.

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On 2020-04-22 19:35:39Show this Author Only

super glad I picked up 4* minato last week and edo itachi last week as well.

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