So on the 3rd of April 2020 I bought 2 edo hashi fragments which give 200 lucky credits but when the result were out the winners were mostly people with 24 credits there for it puzzles me that so many people with 24 credits won the treasure essence and I lost. and this isn't the first time that it happened. it was the same for 2nd April may I ask is there something wrong that I am missing on how to win the lucky feast? Currently on the 4th of April 2020 I am trying again with and I will see the results again so do tell me whats going on thanks!!!
Hi! Thank you so much for asking.
"Lucky Feast" is a feature of the "Shinobi Feast" event which allows players a chance to win the "Lucky Draw" prize featured the respective day. In order to qualify for "Lucky Draw", you need to have used ingots to buy packs and other items in "Lucky Feast" to get "Lucky Credits". Every 12:00 AM Server time, Lucky Credits will be reset and the system will choose its winners from the TOP 50 (ba
Hope that helps!
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