So I recently got Edo Minato by buying frags from fireworks (only had 10 left). Altogether it took me around 2-3 months to get him and a lot of coupons. This week's events had Wheel of Fortune and 7 people have got Edo Minato without spending over 2k coupons. This is completely unfair, if it was maybe one or two people then I'd be okay with it but 7 is just too much. Everybody in my server is exploiting this includingguys who are below level 80 and probably have 20k power,and just getting Edo Minato for cheap whilst I've spent a lot of time and coupons to get him. Im not sure if there is a glitch or if the drop rates are just really high? Is anybody elses server like this? I'm probably being too salty but this is really annoying. (Also I waited until the last day of Wheel of Fortune to post this to prevent people exploiting this if it is a glitch so don't blame me mods if everyone suddenly spins on Wheel of Fortune)
There is no glitch or bug with Wheel of Fortune Event. Everyone has a chance of getting the Jackpot Ninja and having multiple players getting it in a server doesn't mean that the event was bugged or glitched. You chose to piece Minato Namikaze [Edo Tensei] slowly by buying his frags and that is fine, while other people chose to try their luck and got what they want, but there are also who chose to try their luck and didn't get anything, you might've been one of them if you chose to try RNG also.
Additional note, I removed the images you've uploaded. Please be reminded that it is disrespectful to post someone's info without their proper consent. Hope you understand. Thank you.
Its players like the OP, that ruined Lucky Stars for awhile with their partial frags crap. @OP, a piece of advice, DON'T WORRY ABOUT WHAT OTHERS GET. YOU CHOSE THE SMART AND SAFE OPTION, cause there are people who constantly try to RNG the system and get those ninjas and still fail to do so after they drop 10k coupons or more.
Won an RNG gives you a hype, some do enjoy their gamble on RNG. but collecting-frags is more fun for me.
I'd be bored if I have no goals.
Some enjoy the gamble if they only win. If they lose, they make posts like OPs. It is a smart move to redeem ninjas piece by piece rather choosing the dumb move to get ninjas via RNG.
Welp, on S1, yesterday, I bought 1.6k coupons worth of Wheel of Fortune, 400 coupons in, got Edo Minato...didn't expect that on a throw away account x)
something similar happened to me, but i spent 5k for wheel of fortune when it was 180 edo minato frags on *t ended up getting him in first spin
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