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[ Lineup ] Hanzo Salamander breakthrough lineups


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2020-01-26 06:25:33Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Hey guys!


This choice really depends on your own team whether you want to remove your own buffs/shields

I chose Y for most of the teams and didn't put any buff/shield ninjas



Just a small upgrade


A decent upgrade for when you use your mystery, especially round 1

But depending on your team (for example some I made have passively immune pos1-2 ninjas) you c*e Y version for bonus damage



Good upgrade


Small upgrade


For breakthrough priority I'd say:

Mystery > Passive , Chase 1 > Chase 2 > Standard

1. Earth Main



A pos1 here could also be many other ninjas such as all kinds of Minato, all kinds of Naruto, Hashiramas etc

2. Earth Main 2



Something more f2p and arena based

3. Fire Main



Again something more f2p based

4. Lightning Main



An old team which could definitely work, but these days 6 paths naruto is simply better I guess

  • Registered: 2020-09-06
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On 2020-09-06 20:39:08Show this Author Only

I got hanzo breaks a while ago but since he is only used in my ranked team this has slipped my mind, but as far as I can tell strong poison is no different at all to regular poison, the damage is identical and any technique that removes regular poison removes this just as easily, so my question is what is "strong poison" supposed to do?

  • Registered: 2018-03-12
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On 2020-09-07 12:55:22Show this Author Only
  • nzo On 2020-09-06 20:39:08
  • I got hanzo breaks a while ago but since he is only used in my ranked team this has slipped my mind, but as far as I can tell strong poison is no different at all to regular poison, the damage is identical and any technique that removes regular poison removes this just as easily, so my question is what is "strong poison" supposed to do?

Its explained in a different post, but Strong Poison in this game is like another debuff. The poison debuff can only stack 4 times. Strong poison is another debuff so you can stack them both on top of each other. It also helps when there are ninjas that 'remove one layer of debuffs' they will remove one of the poisons but not the other.

You get the most use from this using poison tai teams of water main. But its not that useful with all the immune ninjas in the game. Would have been better if Strong Poison could go through immunity.

Quicky Post

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