Hey guys!
This choice really depends on your own team whether you want to remove your own buffs/shields
I chose Y for most of the teams and didn't put any buff/shield ninjas
Just a small upgrade
A decent upgrade for when you use your mystery, especially round 1
But depending on your team (for example some I made have passively immune pos1-2 ninjas) you c*e Y version for bonus damage
Good upgrade
Small upgrade
For breakthrough priority I'd say:
Mystery > Passive , Chase 1 > Chase 2 > Standard
1. Earth Main
A pos1 here could also be many other ninjas such as all kinds of Minato, all kinds of Naruto, Hashiramas etc
2. Earth Main 2
Something more f2p and arena ba
3. Fire Main
Again something more f2p ba
4. Lightning Main
An old team which could definitely work, but these days 6 paths naruto is simply better I guess
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