Mikususa i dont pay for the game and for this reason i try to use with my beast the coupons that the game give to me. Im lvl 48th with 9k power and i play in S98
I use my coupons for buy low refiniture and medium refiniture and for scroll moods. The reason its easy. U can get item for Battle armor in strong approaching,magatamas every days with events or ninja exam. So u can do it alone if u play for many times,but u cant get so many refiniture or scroll mood(u cant get it withou pay). So i think its better that u use your coupons for this.
Anyway,if u will incresce faster your power u must spend your ingots or coupons in magatama or Battle armor,because it give to you a very strong power in a small time. If you will spend better your money i think its better that u buy refiniture and moods. Ah use the mood only on your main characther,because in future u may change your team so its '*' spend on other characther until you dont Know the 3 teams that you want :)
Anyway this is my opinion..
For the Man that say 'this is impossible if you dont spend'... Emmm i cant pay nothing,but tomorrow at lvl 48th i have all jonin equipe. Im near to full magatamas lvl 3 with all teammate. I have many refiniture lvl 3/4 and many frangments and Battle armor lvl 6 rank 1 since i was lvl 43
In a new server its easy do this if you play all events ^^
This post was last edited by e.l***@gmail.com at 2016-9-19 06:58