Tbh, guys, I think Oasis's strategy is awful. More and more new servers, more and more game quitters. At some point (lv 60+) game and PvP are dominated by P2W with the same characters/me
To buy power obviously isn't affordeble for a F2P player like me.
And to freeze isnt even worth it. (Trust me, I tried - 80lv 80k bp).
So.. no new goals (except for ninjas and power, which means possessions), no new stories/modes. The most fun part of the game is in the begging of the game/the new server where theres is actually competition.
what should I do? Im frustrated wit hthe current state of the game? Maybe I should quit at all? Im looking for support and healthy tips.
Joining a new server won't solve those issues.
Also level freezing is useless, I been seeing level 89s with like 300k power if not more.
I'm generally not the kind of guy to say to quit the game, but if you're too frustrated with the game, quit. Then come back sometime later with a fresh perspective. |
You could also do what I do, and just focus on what you enjoy. Do you like collecting ninjas? If yes, just focus on that and don't worry about power. Do you like even playing fields? Then enjoy Arena and 3v3 and Arena Matsuri. You need to create your own fun in the game and not rely on Oasis.
Joining a new server won't solve those issues.
Also level freezing is useless, I been seeing level 89s with like 300k power if not more.
I'm generally not the kind of guy to say to quit the game, but if you're too frustrated with the game, quit. Then come back sometime later with a fresh perspective. |
You could also do what I do, and just focus on what you enjoy. Do you like collecting ninjas? If yes, just focus on that and don't worry about power. Do you like even playing fields? Then enjoy Arena and 3v3 and Arena Matsuri. You need to create your own fun in the game and not rely on Oasis.
Thanks for taking the time to reply. I appreciate it. Good thoughts. Thanks.
And btw, what should I do if what I like is the competition (combined with naruto content)? Since there arent many other naruto free online games, any thoughts on that?
Joining a new server won't solve those issues.
Also level freezing is useless, I been seeing level 89s with like 300k power if not more.
I'm generally not the kind of guy to say to quit the game, but if you're too frustrated with the game, quit. Then come back sometime later with a fresh perspective. |
You could also do what I do, and just focus on what you enjoy. Do you like collecting ninjas? If yes, just focus on that and don't worry about power. Do you like even playing fields? Then enjoy Arena and 3v3 and Arena Matsuri. You need to create your own fun in the game and not rely on Oasis.
thats true :D
Thanks for taking the time to reply. I appreciate it. Good thoughts. Thanks.
And btw, what should I do if what I like is the competition (combined with naruto content)? Since there arent many other naruto free online games, any thoughts on that?
Simple, gain power get a good carry ninja and support ninja, save for rebates (the smarter way in doing it). I however, refuse to save for rebates, cause then it feels like I never get anywhere.
Back during 2.0, I was running Sage Naruto, Hinata, Kabuto and Water Main for nearly a year. Then when Jin 2 Dropped, i decided to work towards Roshi/Han/Sailor Sakura, and ran that for about a whole year, until I picked up 4th Hokage Minato, where I ran Minato, Pakura, Jigokudo with Water main for a few months until I got Edo hiruzen, and ran a Edo Hiruzen Blitz team (P1 Fire Main for CC with Bani Chakra), then threw in Edo Itachi about 4 months later. Now, I have SoSP Naruto, Madara (Founder) Fire Main, Edo Itachi. And I'm working towards my Edo Hashirama, so I can run him with my fully SB Sage Naruto.
My point is, even if you pick up Ninjas or use them for a long time, * it out, work towards getting good ninjas and run them for as long as you can keep them working. It can get boring mind you running the same team, but its something you have to do. If it isn't broke, don't fix it you know?
Thanks for taking the time to reply. I appreciate it. Good thoughts. Thanks.
And btw, what should I do if what I like is the competition (combined with naruto content)? Since there arent many other naruto free online games, any thoughts on that?
Tbh, this game takes time and planning. You have to know what you want first and what is acceptable to you long-term. For example, you have to ask are you happy as long as you can play with a certain ninja and ok with losing with them some of the time? If so, you can plan which events you do and how to spend your coupons. You also have to not be tempted to spend coupons on things that will slow you from achieving your goals. For tougher goals, it's ok to spend a little here and there.
Most healthy thing, pull back hard from the game. Do things that give you coupons, moon coins, and sun coins and do the freebies from events. Then decide if you want to continue playing the game if it gets back to a state that you want to play. If not, then either continue or find a different game.
Oasis is at a cross roads right now. They are catching up to CN Naruto online in terms of expensive items and will either release at the same time as CN or they will actually give us quality of life updates.
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