*In the Hokage room*
Naruto: *sigh* This is a lot of work...
Shikamaru: What did you've thinked? Being Hokage is not so simple.
Naruto: I know... at least, it's good being recognized by everyone.
*Suddenly, somebody knocks the door*
Naruto: Pass.
*Midnight passed*
Midnight: Good morning, Lord Seventh.
Naruto: Oh, it's you... Midnight Blade, also known as the Darkslayer of Konoha, and the father of the Speedster of Darkness, Saori.
Midnight: Yeah, that's true.
Naruto: How can we help you?
Midnight: I've got the information that Konohamaru, the leader of your son's team, have a temperature, so he won't be making missions for some days.
Naruto: Oh...
Midnight: Also I want to make Saori the leader of your son's team, at least for a while. She's a bit cold as me, but... she want to test the power of the next generation.
Naruto: ... How old is your daughter?
Midnight: She and her brother have 22 years.
Naruto: 22 years... okay... Well, bring Saor-
*Saori teleported to the Hokage's room, performing the Darkslayer Trick*
Saori: Yes, Lord Seventh?
Naruto: From now on, you'll be the leader of the Team 7!
Saori: Thanks, Hokage.
*Naruto gived her the Jounin cloth and then, Saori said thanks and she and her father left the room*
*1 week later, in the Training Grounds...*
Boruto: *sigh* Anyone knows who's the new leader of our team?
Sarada: Mmmmm, no...
Mitsuki: I've heard that is the daughter of the Darkslayer of Konoha, Saori Blade.
Boruto: Saori Blade?
Sarada: I've heard some news that she was the brain in the Temen Ni Gru tower's resurrection one year ago.
Boruto: Hah... that doesn't surprise me.
Mitsuki: I also heard that she doesn't have mercy with nobody.
Boruto: Maybe she likes acting. I don't know who can be so-
???: Evil?
*A lot of rose summoned swords appeared above the Team 7 and they avoided them*
Boruto: Who's there?!
*Saori appeared with new clothes (Jounin green clothes, Tsunade's pants, Azure's Speed of Light's shoes, black nails, and DMC5 Vergil's coat in a green color)*
Boruto: You're Saori?
Saori: Yes, from now on, I'll be replacing Konohamaru. You're Naruto son... *looks Sarada* You're Sasuke's daughter... *looks Mitsuki* And you're Orochimaru's son.
Sarada: What do you want from us?
Saori: Show me your strength... I want to see the power of this new generation.
Boruto: Hah! Come on, guys!
Sarada: Yes!
Mitsuki: Got it!
Saori: ...
Boruto: Rasengan! *throws his invisible Rasengan*
Mitsuki: Thunder Style: Electric Snake!
Sarada: Fire Style: Fire Ball Jutsu!
Saori: ... *recieves the 3 attacks at the same time*
*When the smoke curtain dissapeared, Saori dissapeared too*
Boruto: ...
Sarada: Where's she?!
Mitsuki: That couldn't kill her.
*Saori appeared above a rock, completely clean without any wound*
Saori: If you want to be trained by me, you have to give me at least... one strike... between the 3 of you.
Boruto: Hah... that will be easy.
*Very fast, Saori appeared behind the 3 of them. They couldn't saw her*
Saori: ... It's not.
*In one second, Saori striked the 3 of them a lot of times. She saw Boruto in the air, with some wounds, and then, she punched him in the stomach, making he crash a giant rock. After him, she kicked Sarada in the chest, making she crash a tree. And finally, she made one uppercut to Mitsuki, making he lose some blood*
Boruto: G-GAH...!!
Sarada: N-NGGGGG...!!
Mitsuki: ...
Saori: You think that you have a easy work to do, because you're three against one. However, you don't know what I'm able to do.
Sarada: H-How can y-you move s-so freaking f-fast?!
Boruto: ... (In one second, she striked the three of us without any problem... How can be that possible...?!)
Mitsuki: *felt in the floor*
Saori: ... Pathetic. I'm very dissapointed.
Boruto: How... did you've made that...?
Saori: You 3 can move so fast as the falling water drops of a rain in a storm mode. However... that's nothing for me.
Sarada: "Nothing"?
Saori: You must know... that it doesn't exist persons more faster than my father and me.
Mitsuki: And the Hokage...?
Saori: I won't lie, he have enough power and speed... but he cannot match my speed.
Boruto: What?!
Saori: ... My father and me we are very faster... My father and me we fight at 300.000 kilometers per second!
Team 7: !!!
Mitsuki: Incredible...
Sarada: That's enough to make 7 spins in the complete Earth in one second...!
Saori: That's right... my father and I we move at the speed of light. And if we use our devil form... we double that speed.
Boruto: Speed of light... we cannot move so fast.
Saori: Don't worry, I won't move so fast.
Boruto: N-Ngg...
Saori: Tell you what. Use your full power. Don't hold back... DO IT!
Mitsuki: Our... full power?
Sarada: If we want to get a chance to win, we must do it... even if our enemy is somebody like her...
*Boruto sighed and he activated the Karma Seal, Mitsuki activated his Sage Mode, and Sarada activated her Level 3 Sharingan*
Saori: ... Come.
*The team 7 rushed her, punching and kicking her. But Saori could avoid and block all the attacks. She tried to counterattack, but then, the 3 of them took distance. Boruto prepared a purple chakra Rasengan, Mitsuki prepared a Wind Style jutsu, and Sarada was ready to make a Lightning attack*
Saori: ...
Boruto: Karma Seal: Space Time Rasengan!
Mitsuki: Wind Style: Vacuum Storm!
Sarada: Lightning Style: Thunder Fang!
Saori: ... *sigh*
*The devil woman recieved the triple attack. The entire grounds were shaking about that explosion*.
Boruto: ... Did we've beated her...?
Sarada: No... remember that she can move at the speed of light...
Mitsuki: If she said that... there's no chance to win...
Saori: ... *jumps to the water*
Boruto: Look!
Saori: ... The only ones who can stop me, are my father and my little twin brother. Nobody else... However, they're not here... *takes Yamato*
Team 7: Tsk!
Saori: But that would be nice for the 3 of you... now DIE!!! *She made a giant cut, and when she covered the Yamato, all the trees and 3 mountains were destroyed for Yamato's slash. That move made a powerful shake, making the team 7 be pushed for that wave*
Saori: ... Rest in piece, useless team 7.
Boruto: N-Ngg... are you 2 alive yet...?
Sarada: S-She's a complete m-monster!
Mitsuki: We should escape...
Saori: That won't be a problem... I'll sent the 3 of you to the hell!
Boruto: WATCH OUT!
Saori: Thunder Style: Lightning Plasma!
*She charged her right arm with lightning energy, and she made a lot of waves that striked them. They were screaming of pain*
Saori: You're very arrogant and persistant... let my Yamato end you 3 now... *walks to them slowly with Yamato in her hand*
Saori: ... Kazuya?
Kazu: They're just 3 kids... and you're an adult. That's a shame!
Saori: You know me, little bro. I don't have mercy... with nobody *deadly stare*
Kazu: You're completely insane! What would think Raiden about you...? What would happen if he knows that his auntie is a merciless killer?
Saori: ... I... don't know.
Kazuya: Stop. THIS.
Saori: ... all right, but with one condition.
Kazuya: ...
Saori: Show me that Jutsu you've learned from mom and Azure.
Kazu: ... You mean... that one?
Saori: Yes... I know you're a Wind chakra user, and Azure teached you something of Water style. With that you could mix those natures.
Kazuya: Oh...
Kazuya *with 7 years*: Haaaaaaah! *tries to make a jutsu but falls to the floor, tired*
Breeze: Kazu... I think that's enough for today...
Kazu: No, Mom... I want to show my sister... that I'm not a weakling...!
Azure: Still, you need to rest, dear.
Kazu: But... Auntie Azure...
Azure: Kazu... she doesn't know your true potential?
Kazu: Huh?
Breeze: If your sister is being trained by your father, that doesn't mean you can't overcome her.
Kazu: ...
Azure: Mommy is right, my baby. If Saori keeps getting stronger, you can do it too...
Kazu: R-Really?
Breeze: Of course you can! You're Midnight's son too... and mine.
Kazu: ...
Azure: Let's show him one more time the jutsu, Breezy!
Breeze: Okay. Pay attention, dear!
Kazuya: Yes! *smiles*
*Azure made a Water jutsu and Breezy mixed it with her Wind jutsu, making one Ice Style jutsu. Kazuya was surprised*
*End of Flashback*
*Kazuya rised his arms and took both of his hands*
Saori: ...
*Kazu made a ice tornado that it was covering him. The team 7 escaped from that place*
Saori: ... Shoot.
*Kazu shooted a cold wind blast cannon, that Saori blocked it. After that, a giant ice explosion covered everything with snow*
Kazuya: ... *pant* *pant* It happened a lot of years that I didn't perfomed that jutsu... *pant*
Saori: ... Nice movement, bro. You overcomed your older sister.
Kazuya: !!!
Saori: I'm p-proud... o-of you... *falls to the floor, unconscious*
Kazu: NEE-SAN! *catches her and holds it with his arms*
Saori: Take me... to home... nii-chan...
Kazu: Got it! *opens a portal with Yamato and goes to home*
*Some hours later, at 00 AM*
Saori: *sleeping*
Baby Raiden (Azure's and Kazu's son): Auntie... *tries to be above the bed*
Kazu: *spies him*
Raiden: Auntie... *cries*
Kazu: ... Don't cry, son... Here, let's go to your auntie... *holds Raiden and lays next to Saori*
Raiden: Auntie, daddy! *points Saori and hugs her arm*
Kazu *crying like one idiot, and blushed*: He's very adorable, my love...!
Azure: -_-
*Meanwhile with Saori...*
Saori: *opens her eyes slowly and looks Raiden sleeping while hugs her arm*
Raiden: zzz
Saori: ... heh... my baby... *holds it with her arms, lays him in her chest, hugs him, kisses his forehead, covers him and her with a bed sheet, and sleeps again*
The end
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