a guy in S504, name S504-Banana was using */cheat in EVERY Sage world battlefield
4 months ago i began to watch him, i see very STRANGE strange how can a guy 250k power can do 15~22 streaks in ALMOST Sagebattlefield ?
So, i observed him, then i find out his movement is very Sus_picious. he can run Super Fast in Sagebattlefield, and hardly people can tough in him (system will show: the target too far, unable to attack) if there is anyone was trying to attack him. Not only me, i told my friends (from 20 servers) and they also saw it
2 months ago, i feel it's enough. I reported him in "Customer Service", but a staff "Customer Support671" he replied i need to post this problem on forum.I was wondering why? Post here so that Banana can see it also (right?) (and he would stop some days to evade the cheating-investigating)
and welll you know, they did nothing
the last 2 months, Banana did use */Cheat every Sagebattlefield he joined, and he still safe.. (and sound xD)
today, he autoplayed in Sagebattefield and afk but easily won 16 streaks ^^
I find it there is a tool/* can help him something like:
- exit the victory screen faster (than normal speed)
- auto evade opponents in "edited List"
- auto find and click on weaker opponents
- move super fast in Sagebattlefield
- and block almost players who try to click on him, (their system will show: the target too far, unable to attack)
Please follow him and verify it
I checked it so many times, Now, it's your turn.
Hello, do you have any pictures or videos of this player using any bot or program? Also, when they stated to post it on the "Misbehavior Thread" They were referring to the post in this section of the forum titled as such, so it could be reported as such a case.
If you have any screenshots or videos, feel free to PM them to me via a li
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