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Edo hashi skill trials


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On 2019-11-22 06:27:19Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Everyone kinda knows already that you need to 4 star him to unlock skill trial but still had a little hope that Oasis is gonna some to sense this time and release it as 3 star since Edo Hashi cost a fortune to both p2w and f2p.

I honestly wonder why you release a feature that only few people can enjoy. What about people who work their ass off to get the character through years of playing?

At this point, there is no hate anymore, just disappointment.

Ps: Mods-tachi, are you going to tell me that his frags/skill books will be available in coupons soon? xD

Update: According to what I have read on Senbon Youtube Channel, right after maintenance you can sb Edo Hashirama at 3 star, but oasis shorty close the server and make it 4 star. That kinda explain how some people already got Sb, or they just have 4 star Edo Hashi

This post was last edited by Shiro1 on 2019-11-22 06:27:19.
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On 2019-11-21 19:08:08Show this Author Only

Where is the problem? You just need to buy 4000 seal scrolls and a ton of advanced trial potions.

It costs 'only' 500k ingots to make him viable, just to discover that he is useless the same if you don't sit on 700k+ power

This post was last edited by Scarlettblue on 2019-11-21 19:08:58.
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On 2019-11-21 19:32:00Show this Author Only

These skill trials they keep making 4 star instead of 3 like they did in china really is absurd i guess they found they didnt get enough money from players because people had 3 star already when they put them out. this is one of the worst skill trial ninja for them to force 4 star trials on and they know it i havent even seen any of the super whales with a 4 star edo hashi because he costs so much to do.

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On 2019-11-21 21:45:35Show this Author Only
  • Scarlettblue On 2019-11-21 19:08:08
  • Where is the problem? You just need to buy 4000 seal scrolls and a ton of advanced trial potions.

    It costs 'only' 500k ingots to make him viable, just to discover that he is useless the same if you don't sit on 700k+ power

I guess you are being sarcastic but making edo hashi trial at 3 star does bring a lot of team possibilities. Sure it might not helps much if you have a big power gap; but if you fight equal power folks with edo hashi, he sure makes lots of difference with his trial skills

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On 2019-11-21 23:45:07Show this Author Only

I usually don't care what oasis does, but honestly who the * has 4 star edo hash. No wonder why players and mods keep leaving your game. I suggest you make atleast one smart decision.

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On 2019-11-22 00:35:11Show this Author Only
  • litty titty On 2019-11-21 23:45:07
  • I usually don't care what oasis does, but honestly who the * has 4 star edo hash. No wonder why players and mods keep leaving your game. I suggest you make atleast one smart decision.

What do you mean who? Those people who do full tsuko rebates. There's like 1-2 on each merged server. Also plants, just to incentivize the former to do so. At this point it *s they didnt make him 5*, because why not. Maybe not having instant access or having to do tsuko 3 times in total would make them go for brains and start dictating their own terms.

This post was last edited by Zathroth on 2019-11-22 00:39:20.
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On 2019-11-22 05:27:15Show this Author Only
  • litty titty On 2019-11-21 23:45:07
  • I usually don't care what oasis does, but honestly who the * has 4 star edo hash. No wonder why players and mods keep leaving your game. I suggest you make atleast one smart decision.

Already vs a guy in DB with Edo Hashi BT and Madara Founder BT. 350K gap, I had so chance. HAHAH

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On 2019-11-22 05:45:08Show this Author Only
  • Broken Screen On 2019-11-22 05:27:15
  • Already vs a guy in DB with Edo Hashi BT and Madara Founder BT. 350K gap, I had so chance. HAHAH

yeah, that's either plant or the top 1% who throw money in the face of the company

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On 2019-11-22 06:42:37Show this Author Only

I'm actually surprise they didn't paywall deidara akatsuki creation

This post was last edited by Bakfromute on 2019-11-22 06:43:10.
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On 2019-11-22 06:52:37Show this Author Only
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On 2019-11-22 06:56:19Show this Author Only
  • Broken Screen On 2019-11-22 05:27:15
  • Already vs a guy in DB with Edo Hashi BT and Madara Founder BT. 350K gap, I had so chance. HAHAH

But even without those BT ninjas, he would have slapped you around because of the different in power.

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On 2019-11-22 15:43:22Show this Author Only

Some people in Hk got it at 3 star u what happened with kakuzu...I hope they penalize them for abusing it by giving 5k ini and crit and injury reduction when using him or reset.Really messed up the dynamic.Please don't flame tho.(Please delete if not allowed,thx) .

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On 2019-11-22 21:49:01Show this Author Only
  • Shiro1 On 2019-11-21 21:45:35
  • I guess you are being sarcastic but making edo hashi trial at 3 star does bring a lot of team possibilities. Sure it might not helps much if you have a big power gap; but if you fight equal power folks with edo hashi, he sure makes lots of difference with his trial skills

Yes, i was sarcastic of course.

But, the part about 700k power was not, given our current way way ultraunbalanced stats distribution if your move 2 is not very close to your move 1 and your move 3/4 is not made of paper tissue then hashi edo, even full sb, do close to nothing since to be able to use him correctly you need or to use him as a big supporting move 2 to your move 1 or as a strong move 1 that needs to be supported by a move 2 that doesn't get obliterated in 10 seconds.

This post was last edited by Scarlettblue on 2019-11-22 21:51:39.
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On 2019-11-23 00:57:54Show this Author Only

Since our version need 4 star for SB, does that mean every SB ninja is zenith are 4 stars and not 3 stars like the rest of the ninja?

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