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[ Player Guide ] [Nine-Tails Invasion] Scarlet Blaze Guide


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On 2016-09-18 04:56:46Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Hey guys, due to a lot of people asking about what to run for World Boss, I made a video on what the top Scarlet Blazes use on our server: Scarlet Blaze - Nine-Tails Invasion

The lineup: Fire main, Anko, Wind Blade Asuma, Iruka (check the video for the formation, as well as talents and summon)

The strategy:

Round 1: Start off with Anko barrier, to increase the damage of all fire ninjas. After, use the extra chakra gained from WB Asuma to use Iruka's mystery.

Round 2: Use Fire main's mystery.

Round 3: Wait until after Iruka attacks, and before the Fire main's clone attacks. Then, use Anko's mystery (this way all ninjas gain the bonus from the barrier with their standard attack before you use it). Also, with x2 speed, skills are slightly delayed when queued, so that's why you want to use it before the clone attacks, otherwise the round may end.

Round 4: Immediately after using Anko's mystery, spam the hotkey (Q, W, E, or R) for Anko to re-apply her barrier. Then, use Fire main's mystery and Iruka's mystery.

Round 5: If you're strong enough to survive the Tailed Beast Bomb, just retreat. Your damage will fall off after round 4 and it'll only slow your Damage-Per-Minute.

If you guys want to see any other guides, let me know. Feel free to ask any questions or let me know what I can improve on.
This post was last edited by Lazyboi at 2016-9-18 05:15
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On 2016-09-18 18:34:15Show this Author Only
I need a lineup for my team. Would you be kind enough to suggest me on that?
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On 2016-09-19 03:43:44Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-09-18 18:34:15
  • I need a lineup for my team. Would you be kind enough to suggest me on that?
It looks like you already got help, but feel free to ask for help if you need anything else :P.
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On 2016-09-19 05:01:31Show this Author Only

I would suggest using fire main's mystery at 3rd round instead of 4th round.
Iruka's buff only last 3 rounds
Edit: oh nvm I forget that Anko needs 40 chakra
This post was last edited by zha*** at 2016-9-19 05:05
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On 2016-09-19 08:35:34Show this Author Only
  • Nova15 On 2016-09-19 05:01:31

  • I would suggest using fire main's mystery at 3rd round instead of 4th round.
    Iruka's buff only last 3 rounds
    Edit: oh nvm I forget that Anko needs 40 chakra
    This post was last edited by zha*** at 2016-9-19 05:05
Interesting comment, I wonder if running Death Mirage for extra chakra would be worth it. Thanks for giving me an idea!
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On 2016-09-19 11:09:01Show this Author Only
Suggestion: When making builds, stop suggesting Iruka, not everyone has a bunch of money to * on the cheat character
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On 2016-09-19 12:13:35Show this Author Only
  • XanderCade On 2016-09-19 11:09:01
  • Suggestion: When making builds, stop suggesting Iruka, not everyone has a bunch of money to * on the cheat character
Well the people messaging me and asking me HAD Iruka, so this was for them (a demonstration on how to use it). My Strong Approach guide didn't have Iruka (Sai, Sakura, Kakashi all easily obtained). I would suggest Anko, Guy, and Tenten for f2p Fire mains for World Boss.

If you look at my replies on suggesting lineups for other people, you would hardly see me recommend Iruka ever (because he's actually not that great in PVP at high levels)... Anyways, I can make a guide for f2p players if you guys want to see how I would run it.
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On 2016-09-25 05:29:01Show this Author Only
Im f2p and Im using anko, guy and Tenten, but I got Shurado from a free draw, can i replace Tenten? Or she does more damage than shurado? or maybe replace Guy? Ty. This post was last edited by LoveMachine at 2016-9-25 05:30
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On 2016-09-25 05:36:47Show this Author Only
  • LoveMachine On 2016-09-25 05:29:01
  • Im f2p and Im using anko, guy and Tenten, but I got Shurado from a free draw, can i replace Tenten? Or she does more damage than shurado? or maybe replace Guy? Ty. This post was last edited by LoveMachine at 2016-9-25 05:30
From the Chinese forums, there are people that use Shurado even over Iruka. However, I do not have him so I can't comment with certainty. I would replace Guy for Shurado in your case, as I believe Tenten's crit buff helps a lot (but I'm not sure; Guy's Taijutsu buff might be better). Try replacing Guy with Shurado and see what the average % damage you do to World Boss is after 5 runs. Then do the same, but switching Tenten for Guy. I'm quite curious to know which is better.
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On 2016-09-26 13:22:27Show this Author Only
Can you put up a guide for F2P?, getting WB Asuma and Iruka are mostly luck and event based.
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On 2016-09-26 13:52:59Show this Author Only
For F2P use Anko/Ukon Sakon/Guy.
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On 2016-09-26 13:55:34Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-09-26 13:22:27
  • Can you put up a guide for F2P?, getting WB Asuma and Iruka are mostly luck and event based.
Sure, for F2P players, I recommend getting Anko, Tenten, and Guy. The Fire main is still the best damage dealer in every lineup (even probably among the other classes) for World Boss, so you want to form a team that buffs him.
Anko's barrier is a must (until there's a better barrier ninja in the future) as it increases damage by 40%. Tenten increases critical hit as well as chases High Combo for extra damage. Guy increases Taijutsu damage for the entire team, which still benefits the Fire main, as well as doing decent damage himself.

For talents and summon, you want to use the same thing as in the video. Prioritize your best gear on Fire main, Tenten, Guy, then Anko.

Round 1: Use Anko's mystery immediately to activate her barrier.

Round 2: Use Fire main's mystery.

Round 3: Use Guy's mystery. Then, WAIT until everyone has attacked to use Anko's mystery as it will dispel her barrier. You should be on 2x speed so it may be hard to time it after your clone attacks, so I would recommend activating it after Tenten attacks, or before or as the clone is attacking. This is to get the extra damage from Anko's barrier before you dispel it.

Round 4: Use Anko's mystery immediately (there are hotkeys for each skill Q, W, E, R) to re-activate her barrier. Then, use Tenten's mystery and Fire main's mystery.

Round 5: Since, I respawn with coupons I recommend not trying to fight Kyuubi after round 4 as your Damage-Per-Minute will fall (instead of spending 30 coupons for extra 30% damage, reviving 10 times at 3 coupons each may increase your overall damage to World Boss. This varies with every server so try to determine this for your own server).

Now both my builds requires a few key things. One, is that you are able to survive until Round 4. Early on, Kyuubi's damage may be too much to put Anko in the front. In that case, move Anko and the Fire main to the middle row, so the clone will tank and die. If you can't even survive with that, you may need to use a lesser damage team that can survive. I started out with Naruto, Anko, Tenten with Naruto in the center so his clones would tank.

This lineup should be similar to my video above, but let me know if you need a video showing how to use this team as well as if you have any other questions. Here is the formation for the ninjas.
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On 2016-09-29 23:43:15Show this Author Only
  • Lazyboi On 2016-09-26 13:55:34
  • Sure, for F2P players, I recommend getting Anko, Tenten, and Guy. The Fire main is still the best damage dealer in every lineup (even probably among the other classes) for World Boss, so you want to form a team that buffs him.
    Anko's barrier is a must (until there's a better barrier ninja in the future) as it increases damage by 40%. Tenten increases critical hit as well as chases High Combo for extra damage. Guy increases Taijutsu damage for the entire team, which still benefits the Fire main, as well as doing decent damage himself.

    For talents and summon, you want to use the same thing as in the video. Prioritize your best gear on Fire main, Tenten, Guy, then Anko.

    Round 1: Use Anko's mystery immediately to activate her barrier.

    Round 2: Use Fire main's mystery.

    Round 3: Use Guy's mystery. Then, WAIT until everyone has attacked to use Anko's mystery as it will dispel her barrier. You should be on 2x speed so it may be hard to time it after your clone attacks, so I would recommend activating it after Tenten attacks, or before or as the clone is attacking. This is to get the extra damage from Anko's barrier before you dispel it.

    Round 4: Use Anko's mystery immediately (there are hotkeys for each skill Q, W, E, R) to re-activate her barrier. Then, use Tenten's mystery and Fire main's mystery.

    Round 5: Since, I respawn with coupons I recommend not trying to fight Kyuubi after round 4 as your Damage-Per-Minute will fall (instead of spending 30 coupons for extra 30% damage, reviving 10 times at 3 coupons each may increase your overall damage to World Boss. This varies with every server so try to determine this for your own server).

    Now both my builds requires a few key things. One, is that you are able to survive until Round 4. Early on, Kyuubi's damage may be too much to put Anko in the front. In that case, move Anko and the Fire main to the middle row, so the clone will tank and die. If you can't even survive with that, you may need to use a lesser damage team that can survive. I started out with Naruto, Anko, Tenten with Naruto in the center so his clones would tank.

    This lineup should be similar to my video above, but let me know if you need a video showing how to use this team as well as if you have any other questions. Here is the formation for the ninjas.
if you can do video guide for this f2p formation it will be more helpful. I am currently running fire main, guy, kakashi and sasuke for nine tails event.
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On 2016-09-30 15:57:58Show this Author Only
  • Blaz On 2016-09-29 23:43:15
  • if you can do video guide for this f2p formation it will be more helpful. I am currently running fire main, guy, kakashi and sasuke for nine tails event.
I'll start recording at tomorrow's World Boss. :P
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On 2016-09-30 18:08:38Show this Author Only
  • Lazyboi On 2016-09-30 15:57:58
  • I'll start recording at tomorrow's World Boss. :P
Thank you. :)
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On 2016-10-04 07:57:52Show this Author Only
how about the skill..? what should i use..?
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On 2016-10-04 14:06:55Show this Author Only
Fire main skill: 2-2-1-3-1 with tonton summon.
This setup is pretty simple to use and ninja's are easy to get. But, you have to play it manually to maximize dmg. A few thing to note:
Round 3 : You should wait till your main does standard on round 3, and hit anko just after that, no need to wait. Since anko's barrier only buff fire type ninja, it make no difference guy/tenten does their attack upon barrier or not. For this, you may want to change main and guy move order, but its not very important.
Round 4 : You should use anko barrier immediately at round 4. But if for some reason you fail to do this(due to lagging or late key press) and anko does her standard, dont wait then. Use main and tenten without barrier.

This post was last edited by Sourav at 2016-10-4 14:15
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On 2016-10-15 00:34:37Show this Author Only
  • Lazyboi On 2016-09-30 15:57:58
  • I'll start recording at tomorrow's World Boss. :P
Is there any substitution for Asuma WB in your nine tails lineup video? Can i use tenten instead of him or any other suggestion?
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On 2016-10-16 11:59:25Show this Author Only
  • Blaz On 2016-10-15 00:34:37
  • Is there any substitution for Asuma WB in your nine tails lineup video? Can i use tenten instead of him or any other suggestion?
Yes, I ran with Tenten before I got Asuma WB. However, I would then change formation with Anko in the front, since you would no longer need your ninjas to be full HP and Anko increases her Ninjutsu when she gets hit.
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On 2016-10-26 14:04:39Show this Author Only
would you recommend fire\anko\guy\tenten or replacing guy with iruka?
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