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An Open Letter to the Community


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On 2019-09-24 07:06:35Show this Author Only
  • RenjiAsuka On 2019-09-24 06:29:22
  • So a few things, abiding by the rules does help, it prevents posts from being deleted and threads from being locked. Abiding by the rules let's us keep threads opened so we can voice the concerns.

    "But yet you say be loyal dogs to oasis? and listen and be polite?"
    I never made such claims. I am simply stating we should do things a certain way that Oasis won't remove threads or posts. I'm not here to tell you to keep playing the game and that things will get better. I'm not telling you to also leave the game. I am simply trying to fight for change in a way that maybe Oasis would listen.

    There is also a difference in being polite and acting like there is nothing wrong. We can still voice our concerns, but if we do it the wrong way, why would Oasis even want to listen?

    the game seems find let add more B.S i was many players like you that tried to fix stuff through kindness and critism,which you need both in order to improve."
    Which is why not only this Thread was made, but both my Open Letters to Oasis. Things aren't just Oasis' fault. I am willing to call out not only Oasis, but also the community cause I know we all can be better.

    There was so many things wrong with how Daiske claimed what the survey was (aka not official) and threw the other mods under the bus. (Not only that but one of the Mods and was one of the people in Naruto Online Community Discord had acted like it was official, heck, even Daiske did. Though, Daiske claims he has learned from that mistake in making it more clear that it wouldn't be official in the future.

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On 2019-09-24 10:46:12Show this Author Only

After all the stuff that has happened in this game u want us to be calm we have spoken up several times nothing has changed they do things because they want to not what we want I respect your letter but it's useless at this point

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On 2019-09-24 10:49:45Show this Author Only

It's difficult to gauge what our next move as a community should be.

A PR outrage and revenue decreases is easily one of the best ways to make a company change tactics. The latter is practically impossible since the servers are so heavily disconnected and there's no universal chat room where we can tell all the whales to stop.

The former, if we are to do it, must be done very calculatedly and carefully. Anything that Oasis deems over the top is deleted for "inciting drama", though a large amount of these posts would help foster change through a PR outrage. The system's completely against us. We can't get the whales to stop and we can't get an outrage loud enough to be impactful, otherwise posts will be deleted.

I don't mean to criticize the mods who are doing the deleting, but rather the policy as a whole. It's just built against the voice of the player.

This post was last edited by Dosu on 2019-09-24 10:49:52.
  • Registered: 2019-09-21
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On 2019-09-24 12:23:42Show this Author Only
  • RenjiAsuka On 2019-09-24 05:43:34
  • Ask yourself this. "Would you listen to a group of people who are throwing insults, attacking you, or being rude to you?" I sure as heck wouldn't. Why would Oasis take us seriously if we can't behave properly?

    @Bakfromute, we simply explain to them the issues and we don't let up until something is done without being rude or attacking them. Just like I have done with my 2 Open Letters to Oasis threads.

Wow, you really are then. Alright, then lets address this.

If I am offering a service to people, and the feedback is overwhelmingly negative, yet I push back directly into their feedback, doubling down on what they are telling me they don't want, then it wouldn't be unexpected for the customer/client to be upset, rude or even hostile towards me. It's awful customer service. Not listening to their honest feedback because of their decorum would be a childish business move and wouldn't even cross my mind. If any of my employees had that sort of attitude, they wouldn't be the type i'd expect to go very far.

But....but let's be very crystal clear here. EVEN IF, that wasn't the case, it would be completely irrelevant. We have confirmation by those who have worked in close contact with Oasis, and we know that

A) They don't actually care what is written on these forums at all, and you're deluding yourself if you think they do

B) They ignore even the consul of the community faces who DO care about what we write here. That's why we have had some big names resign with such a depressed disposition. We are told it's pointless by the very people who are fighting for our interests, with the nearest voice to the ear of the dev.

I know you want to do things the right way, but dude, I just don't know how to say this without sounding like a *; You've got this fantasy world in your head that just isn't helpful. You can scold people here for being angry all you want, but you're just factually wrong, if you think it matters to Oasis. they. dont. care.

This post was last edited by Drama Incitemen on 2019-09-24 12:23:57.
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On 2019-09-24 12:26:43Show this Author Only
  • MrFlo On 2019-09-23 22:42:18
  • Stop trolling with fake account, we dont take you seriously.

hes not a fake acct lol

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On 2019-09-24 12:35:16Show this Author Only

It's sad, really. What do u expect if they wouldn't even listen to the ppl. Like I said before, they still do what they want to do. If we players keep letting them do it. It start w/ us, not w/ them. So? Please, I beg of my fellow players to start this change. I know most of us are still blind of what they do because of love for this game. I think this is the time for us to wake up and do something if we want to keep this game as long as it would. And pls. to the mods out there. Please, I beg of u, do the right thing don't be too blinded by the society. Even though the survey is "UNOFFICIAL". Respect the result of it.

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On 2019-09-24 14:26:02Show this Author Only

This community is probably one of the most fractured communities I was ever apart of. You have people who have been playing this game for 3 years and you have people who just started on a new server and have ronin Naruto already. There are so many different things people want from the game that no matter what the updates are, a lot of people are going to feel neglected.

Honestly, as long as there are those heavy spenders on this game, it isn't going to change.

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On 2019-09-24 16:26:18Show this Author Only
  • Drama Incitemen On 2019-09-24 12:23:42
  • Wow, you really are then. Alright, then lets address this.

    If I am offering a service to people, and the feedback is overwhelmingly negative, yet I push back directly into their feedback, doubling down on what they are telling me they don't want, then it wouldn't be unexpected for the customer/client to be upset, rude or even hostile towards me. It's awful customer service. Not listening to their honest feedback because of their decorum would be a childish business move and wouldn't even cross my mind. If any of my employees had that sort of attitude, they wouldn't be the type i'd expect to go very far.

    But....but let's be very crystal clear here. EVEN IF, that wasn't the case, it would be completely irrelevant. We have confirmation by those who have worked in close contact with Oasis, and we know that

    A) They don't actually care what is written on these forums at all, and you're deluding yourself if you think they do

    B) They ignore even the consul of the community faces who DO care about what we write here. That's why we have had some big names resign with such a depressed disposition. We are told it's pointless by the very people who are fighting for our interests, with the nearest voice to the ear of the dev.

    I know you want to do things the right way, but dude, I just don't know how to say this without sounding like a *; You've got this fantasy world in your head that just isn't helpful. You can scold people here for being angry all you want, but you're just factually wrong, if you think it matters to Oasis. they. dont. care.

1, I don't know what service you would be offering. (Yes, details like this matter, as things work very differently from offering fast food, to designing video games, to making movies. Just to name a few.)
2, If people were kicking and screaming saying they want you to change how you run your business, I guarantee you, you won't be receptive to that feedback and you would double down. Unless you're one of those people who would cave to the pressure, in which case, that is a problem in of itself.
3, If people were being polite about criticism, wouldn't you be more receptive to it? I know I would.
4, I don't care if people like you think what I am trying to do is pointless cause you feel that it is. I'm the kind of guy who would call out anyone for doing wrong. So this is a thread telling the community, that they need to control themselves just a bit better. (Yes, I included myself mind you.)
5, I love this game and I will keep fighting for the community and I will defend or at least try to understand it from Oasis' point of view if need be.
6, I never once scolded ANYONE for being angry. I am "scolding" as you put it, on HOW they dealt with it in a negative way. There is a major difference you seem to miss.

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On 2019-09-24 17:29:06Show this Author Only

At the beginning i thought this game had a lot of potential, mind you i dont mind MTX and such, but the way they done things over the span of 3 years, then coming out with bs excuses, doesnt seem right, it's called common sense, people arent dumb, they will figure it out, even if it's not there in front of them they can see the statistics, and it doesnt lie, look i would be fine if they've been transparent from the beginning, i would mind spending more for it, and showing support for not only a good game, but an amazing support team behind it.

Coming out with excuses such as "our polls were never official...we learned now...." it's just dissapointing, it's common sense when people see something and it's not even a disclaimer saying "it's not official" or something similar, then people take the word from a mod, who is the bridge between the devs and the community, i know and i've been there aswell(from other game), so i know how it is, the ultimate decision falls upon the dev team, mods can advise and report feedback and suggestions provided by themselves or the community, that's the max they can do regarding pushing updates and changing things.

I dont have faith in this game anymore, to me there's no margin of improvement anymore, can only go downhill from here on out, from a business standpoint yes, was lucrative short term, but i wonder long term, if they will meet the fate of turkish, italian and soon taiwanese servers, give it time, and we we'll see.

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On 2019-09-24 21:18:34Show this Author Only

I'm a player who plays this game for 1 and a half year with 400k+ and almost 34k ini. I was considering and even started to recharge last week so I could get Ronin, maybe... But when this update came with pretty middling events, it's too much... I love this game, I truly do, because it's like home, where I get to know people and become friends.

This update pushed me an idea:

You don't know how long you will be playing this game. But at least now, I truly want to enjoy it....

When I first time joined on the new server, I always thought, I definitely wont be playing after 1 year because I think I won't be interested or real life stuff takes me over and whenever happens. Of course, I had ideas about quitting, because other people in my server made me cry. But, I'm still here.

Epic runes feels like unreachable goal. They not free, you still need space time chips or group points, sun scrolls to redeem them. For example, I had many space time chips saved up, but I'm already out of them. As for group shop, we still need more of advanced runes instead of epic ones. And even in sun scroll shop at least I prefer to go for advanced runes, because I just finally got my position 2 first level 10 refine this week.

I never been investing much in advanced refines, but mostly in 3 months I gather 1.400 ish refines. Now, how about epic refines. If in general I need 5.100 - 6.000 epic runes does that mean I need, lets say in best way "1 year" to have max on of one tool. Does that mean I need 20 years so I could finish .....

It's sad.

Power upgrades doesn't bring you enjoyment, but only pride. I wish this game would understand, that it needs content which would be fun to play, even when you're 100+ level character. Because it's really exciting when you just start on the new server. But after 2-3 months players quits because then its just a daily routine. I wish this game would offer some new side missions or story which contains Suit ninjas, Kimono ninjas, Summer/Christmas ninjas or many other ones to fight against and could only be unlocked if you fulfil some specific criteria. But this is just idea.

I know, its just a waste of time for hopes. But I want to believe in the future.

This post was last edited by BunnY/ on 2019-09-24 21:18:58.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-09-24 22:01:59Show this Author Only
  • Dosu On 2019-09-24 10:49:45
  • It's difficult to gauge what our next move as a community should be.

    A PR outrage and revenue decreases is easily one of the best ways to make a company change tactics. The latter is practically impossible since the servers are so heavily disconnected and there's no universal chat room where we can tell all the whales to stop.

    The former, if we are to do it, must be done very calculatedly and carefully. Anything that Oasis deems over the top is deleted for "inciting drama", though a large amount of these posts would help foster change through a PR outrage. The system's completely against us. We can't get the whales to stop and we can't get an outrage loud enough to be impactful, otherwise posts will be deleted.

    I don't mean to criticize the mods who are doing the deleting, but rather the policy as a whole. It's just built against the voice of the player.

Hmm, make our own FB/Discord/Forums?

Advertise like hell to get people to get over there.

Proceed to ignore this forums

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On 2019-09-24 22:19:29Show this Author Only
  • 2xMachina On 2019-09-24 22:01:59
  • Hmm, make our own FB/Discord/Forums?

    Advertise like hell to get people to get over there.

    Proceed to ignore this forums

That is like feeding the devil... if they wont bring updates with 100% logic, in the nxt 2 weeks, just ignore them.... we've done our part as a community... they didnt move a finger so far!

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On 2019-09-24 23:07:22Show this Author Only
  • RenjiAsuka On 2019-09-24 16:26:18
  • 1, I don't know what service you would be offering. (Yes, details like this matter, as things work very differently from offering fast food, to designing video games, to making movies. Just to name a few.)
    2, If people were kicking and screaming saying they want you to change how you run your business, I guarantee you, you won't be receptive to that feedback and you would double down. Unless you're one of those people who would cave to the pressure, in which case, that is a problem in of itself.
    3, If people were being polite about criticism, wouldn't you be more receptive to it? I know I would.
    4, I don't care if people like you think what I am trying to do is pointless cause you feel that it is. I'm the kind of guy who would call out anyone for doing wrong. So this is a thread telling the community, that they need to control themselves just a bit better. (Yes, I included myself mind you.)
    5, I love this game and I will keep fighting for the community and I will defend or at least try to understand it from Oasis' point of view if need be.
    6, I never once scolded ANYONE for being angry. I am "scolding" as you put it, on HOW they dealt with it in a negative way. There is a major difference you seem to miss.

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On 2019-09-25 01:30:15Show this Author Only
  • 2xMachina On 2019-09-24 22:01:59
  • Hmm, make our own FB/Discord/Forums?

    Advertise like hell to get people to get over there.

    Proceed to ignore this forums

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On 2019-09-25 01:34:19Show this Author Only

There's a lot of downsides Renji, i know u trying to believe in the small good in all this, and believing people can still do good or do right by this, whatever you call it, but i think u need to see logic here and follow it, majority know they wont lift a finger to change things, there's a limit on how stubborn you can be.

This post was last edited by UchihaShay on 2019-09-25 01:34:43.
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On 2019-09-25 06:17:50Show this Author Only
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On 2019-09-25 07:21:37Show this Author Only

Funny.. I was considering coming back to the game after not playing for a year and would probably have spent some. But looking at upcoming changes and how the community is getting silenced I will not even bother anymore.

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On 2019-09-25 08:35:21Show this Author Only

This is ridiculous.

I just hope that things smoothen out eventually, as... uncertain as that future is.

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On 2019-09-25 22:18:14Show this Author Only

quit deleting meh post!

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On 2019-09-25 22:52:03Show this Author Only
  • ⛈ⱢĘṼĮ⛈ On 2019-09-25 22:18:14
  • quit deleting meh post!

stop inciting drama OMEGALUL

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