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An Open Letter to the Community


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  • Registered: 2019-09-21
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On 2019-09-23 22:03:56Show All Posts
  • RenjiAsuka On 2019-09-23 16:06:42
  • I never told anyone or expected anyone to just sit down and take it. I would rather the community be smart about how we do things. We know the rules of the game, and to win the game, we have to play by their rules. That is my point.

Do we though? I don't know anymore. Right now the rules seem to be, say that Oasis' farts smell like fresh baked cookies while carefully dancing over any words that might be considered to be an attempt to incite drama™ (heck since I said fart right there, this post is probably a goner)

There was plenty worthy of removal, and plenty where removal was over the line. Fact is, there are many of us that are d.o.n.e. at this point, and the only actions that could possible make us trust Oasis, or consider recharging ever again, simply aren't going to happen. There is no community dialogue possible, to get us what we want now. We're disappointed too.

Win the game? Honestly, what does that even look like for you, because I'm genuinely curious.

Play by the rules all we want at this juncture, for me Pandora is out of its box. They could literally throw free epic refines at players now, and that wouldn't solve anything on my end as the system going higher itself, is the problem. We couldn't stop cave key runes, we couldn't stop refines, and we probably can't stop % tactics either. Nothing short of a rollback would actually be a win for me. Updates we hate feel inevitable, things we've been promised for years keep getting pushed back and forgotten, despite being brought up here all the time. I've lost so many in game friends over the last week, and they aren't coming back. I'm beyond mad at this point, and I'm just depressed.

Renji I want you to understand that I appreciate what you're trying to do. It's clear that you love the game just like I do, and you're doing your best to save it as much as possible. I wish you good luck, but it's too late for me. I'm taking a knee and running out the clock, hoping EN doesn't get the Thai treatment

This post was last edited by Drama Incitemen on 2019-09-23 22:07:56.
  • Registered: 2019-09-21
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On 2019-09-24 05:38:42Show All Posts
  • RenjiAsuka On 2019-09-24 02:21:56
  • I can write this because its true. Blame doesn't just go for Oasis, it also goes to the players for violating the rules in the forum. If we as a community want Oasis to listen to us, we can't be showing them that we are a bunch of entitled children who just throw a tempter tantrum. If we want to be heard by Oasis, we have to do things the right way.

Are you actually suggesting that the reason Oasis isn't listening to player feedback is the manner in which we conduct ourselves on the forums?

This post was last edited by Drama Incitemen on 2019-09-24 05:39:52.
  • Registered: 2019-09-21
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On 2019-09-24 12:23:42Show All Posts
  • RenjiAsuka On 2019-09-24 05:43:34
  • Ask yourself this. "Would you listen to a group of people who are throwing insults, attacking you, or being rude to you?" I sure as heck wouldn't. Why would Oasis take us seriously if we can't behave properly?

    @Bakfromute, we simply explain to them the issues and we don't let up until something is done without being rude or attacking them. Just like I have done with my 2 Open Letters to Oasis threads.

Wow, you really are then. Alright, then lets address this.

If I am offering a service to people, and the feedback is overwhelmingly negative, yet I push back directly into their feedback, doubling down on what they are telling me they don't want, then it wouldn't be unexpected for the customer/client to be upset, rude or even hostile towards me. It's awful customer service. Not listening to their honest feedback because of their decorum would be a childish business move and wouldn't even cross my mind. If any of my employees had that sort of attitude, they wouldn't be the type i'd expect to go very far.

But....but let's be very crystal clear here. EVEN IF, that wasn't the case, it would be completely irrelevant. We have confirmation by those who have worked in close contact with Oasis, and we know that

A) They don't actually care what is written on these forums at all, and you're deluding yourself if you think they do

B) They ignore even the consul of the community faces who DO care about what we write here. That's why we have had some big names resign with such a depressed disposition. We are told it's pointless by the very people who are fighting for our interests, with the nearest voice to the ear of the dev.

I know you want to do things the right way, but dude, I just don't know how to say this without sounding like a *; You've got this fantasy world in your head that just isn't helpful. You can scold people here for being angry all you want, but you're just factually wrong, if you think it matters to Oasis. they. dont. care.

This post was last edited by Drama Incitemen on 2019-09-24 12:23:57.
  • Registered: 2019-09-21
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On 2019-09-24 23:07:22Show All Posts
  • RenjiAsuka On 2019-09-24 16:26:18
  • 1, I don't know what service you would be offering. (Yes, details like this matter, as things work very differently from offering fast food, to designing video games, to making movies. Just to name a few.)
    2, If people were kicking and screaming saying they want you to change how you run your business, I guarantee you, you won't be receptive to that feedback and you would double down. Unless you're one of those people who would cave to the pressure, in which case, that is a problem in of itself.
    3, If people were being polite about criticism, wouldn't you be more receptive to it? I know I would.
    4, I don't care if people like you think what I am trying to do is pointless cause you feel that it is. I'm the kind of guy who would call out anyone for doing wrong. So this is a thread telling the community, that they need to control themselves just a bit better. (Yes, I included myself mind you.)
    5, I love this game and I will keep fighting for the community and I will defend or at least try to understand it from Oasis' point of view if need be.
    6, I never once scolded ANYONE for being angry. I am "scolding" as you put it, on HOW they dealt with it in a negative way. There is a major difference you seem to miss.

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