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[ Strategy Share ] [Strategy Collection]Ultimate Gameplay Guide pt.1 By Hanzo Black (WIP)


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-09-16 20:18:21Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Are you tired of being "weak" for your level?
Are you just not sure how to manage your resources?
Are you so broke that if someone robbed you it would just be practice(Free to play :P)?

Well this guide may be for you then!
Here you can expect to find advice on managing your character and resources. You wil not find any in deph battle strategy, descriptions of certain terminolgy or any explaination of game mechanics...YET! Also please note that this guide is prettymuh from my experience of playing since the day of release. My first character did NOT follow this, and I made another character a month later on another server and I did do this and it turned out a lot better than my first.

I will be continuously update this guide by adding/updating/correcting information, fixing any spelling/grammar errors, more videos, graphics and other small things.


Especially for free players, it is best to focus on 12 characters for ranked battles and survival trial.

Characters (Not your main character) can level up by eating food or by doing instances and other tasks for exp. You can get food from instances, treasures and many other places. Since food doesn't have any uses outside of leveling at the moment it can be used to level up ALL of your characters to whatever level you want. Id recommend doing this for testing characters against kakashi clones or for characters participating in survival. Its really up to you though since arena is a fine place to test your ninja.

Star Upgrading/Unlocking/Recruiting characters:
Once you have your 12 picked you will need to upgrade them. Usually you can upgrade characters by getting fragments from elite instances
but you c*so get fragments from the redemption shop, survival, events and other places around the game. Focus on upgrading characters from shop whenever possible at your own digression however characters that require stamina through elite instance will be upgraded carefully since you will be upgrading your gear too. Fragments you get from your first win over an unbeaten elite instance are priority over gear since they will only be obtained once but if you do this I recommend spending the rest of your stamina on gear. This subject will be updated more in depth in the future because of how complicated it can be*

Every level(once you unlock cultivation) you will be able to cultivate your characters to further increase their power and strength.You do this by obtaining cultivation runes from a variety of places, most notably the survival trial. Only spend cultivation runes on your 12. If cultivation runes ever become scarce be sure to always cultivate your main 4 first before moving on to the other 8. Also be mindful on how you spend them. For example, Shikamaru has all Ninjutsu skills so cultivating Taijutsu would be a waste of runes. You might also want to cultivate the strengths of your 12 first before anything secondary. For example, Gaara is a tank that has High HP and gains shield based on resist. Cultivate Gaara's HP and resistance first then move on to cultivating the strengths of your other 11. Once completed come back to Gaara and increase his defense and ninjutsu (Gaara uses one tai/nin skill so Tai should be the absolute last stat you cultivate if you decide to cultivate it at all).

Every 5 levels(Once you unlock awakening) you will be able to awaken your characters to further increase their growth,power and strength. You do this by obtaining awakening materials from instances, treasures and many other places. Focus on awakening your main 4 , with your main character always having priority, then onto the other 8. Farming these awakening materials will cost stamina. I strongly encourage staying on top and updated on awakenings at all times if possible for all of your 12 characters but if things get tough focus on your main 4 first then move onto the other 8.

Moods are a way to highlight and increase a specific stat by 5% or more at the cost of reducing another by 5%. The reduced stat always stays at -5% while the increased stat can be increased beyond +5%. Stats chosen to increase/decrease are random and cost 10 coupons per roll by buying meat*. Moods can be strengthened by buying Mood Scrolls for 15 coupons. There is no risk with strengthening moods. I recommend waiting for events or spending coupons meant for magtama on meat* (50 coupons for every 100 you get to save them since getting what you want is a Gamble..) ONLY spend these coupons on meat* for your main 4. Period. When it comes to strengthening them, the +5% increases by 4% each level and it costs 30 coupons(2 mood scrolls) per level. You will only strengthen to level 5 because level 6 and maybe onward cost 10 mood scrolls(150 coupons).

Personally what I did to obtain meat* for rolls is doing events so they were free. I was lucky enough to roll the ones I wanted and I only did it on my main team. After doing that I used the saved coupons to get all of my main 4 to level 5 moods.


Max this out each level until level 40 but feel free to stay maxed out as you level. Beyond 40 pick all or 10 pieces of gear to continue to max out by level. (Money saving tactic while keeping your characters relevant). For example if you have Earth main and you like defenses, you may want to continue adding life and resistance while keeping the rest at 40 A lot of people don't like strengthening because of its extremely small gains, but these small games really add up. Its worth the boosts. IMPORTANT: If you feel the need to add more after 40 do so. You know what you need more than I do.

Always always always keep yourself upgraded at least:

30:Full Chunin Gear
40: Full Chunin +1 Gear
50: Full Jonin Gear
60: Full Jonin +1 Gear
70: Full Kage Gear

This is going to require a lot of stamina to keep up with but its well worth it. If you have the required mats but just not the scroll, feel free to move on to the next level.

This should be your main coupon spending place at least until you hit level 40 in the ninja exam and you have all level 2 magatama.
If you plan to balance your magatama (getting all to lvl 2, then lvl 3, so on and so on) Then you might want to think about using non coupon spending ways to get magatama to level them such as ninja exam(the higher the exam the better obviously), Nine tails invasion, Sage world, Seal treasures, events, etc. If you plan on specializing in one aspect such as life, spending coupons to get higher level magatama from shops IN ADDITION TO GETTING AND USING NON COUPON MAGATAMA isn't a bad option.

Refinement is luck based. It is the safest and most efficient if you use refinement runes on refinement events whenever they come around, whether it gives extra blessing points or extra runes. By the time you unlock refinement you might have a few low refinement runes that you c*e. Try to get everything up to at least refinement level 2. Feel free to focus refinement on a certain gear after that to help a character get faster. I do not recommend spending coupons on these early since they are available at the redemption merchant for group victories and ranked battle points.


When you hit level 50 you are able to obtain summons to help you during battle and increase your power. The summons are split into 3 tiers and levels.

Lvl.50: Blue - you can slot one summon
Lvl.53: Purple - you can slot two summons
Lvl.56: Gold(only obtainable through summon treasure) - you can slot three summons

Once you get to each of the levels listed above be sure to attack every summon with the corresponding color at least once in order to gain the nice 1st time kill rewards which will be runes(explained more in detail below). Also only blue and purple are eligible for these rewards. Try to capture all of the summons because you get rewards(runes) for doing so.

You obtain runes from fighting summons, summon treasure, achievements and other places. When putting runes on your summons try to keep them all balanced for maximum power gain. EX: all runes are at least lvl 1, so get them all to 2, then 3, so on and so on.

This post was last edited by Hanzo Black at 2016-9-21 07:21
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-09-16 20:18:22Show this Author Only

Group Shop:
Personally I would spend my coins on whatever characters you need to unlock/upgrade first (Not Anko if you just want to unlock her though, you get her free in the story). Once he/she is obtained spend the rest on medium refine runes.

Arena Shop:
Spend or save as you like here. Anything is better than getting that shape shifting card though...

Ranked Battle Shop:
Personally I would spend my coins on whatever characters you need to unlock/upgrade first (I dont recommend Zabuza since hes such an easy find). Once he/she is obtained spend the rest on low refine runes.

Survial Shop:
Personally I would spend my coins on whatever characters you need to unlock/upgrade first (??I hear You will eventually get tobi for free?? And you will get 30 Suigetsu fragments from the plot). Once he/she is obtained spend the rest on medium Cultivation runes.

Summoning Shop:
Dont waste your time buying summon fragments. Not even worth it to be honest. It would literally take you months and months to get what you want . Best thing to spend these points are Runes. Use these to place on your summons to increase power.


Just do as much as you can for these lol. You get nice coins and contribution that can be used to upgrade group skills

Group Skills/Donation:
Now the controversial part...To donate or not to donate...PERSONALLY I do NOT donate, or if I do it is minimal. Usually I save my coins to do equipment strengthening and use contribution earned through group activities to increase group skills, which I aim to max 1 at a time (Whatever I feel I need the most at the time). However if I do donate, I would have to be sitting at a certain level for a while and have all the coin I need to get upgraded to the next level, so only extra is donated. This could make some groups unhappy with you so its really between you and your groups rules how you should manage this one.


-This is where ill add in any small extra details that dont deserve a new section and dont fit into an exsisting one-

This post was last edited by Hanzo Black at 2016-9-16 14:47 This post was last edited by Hanzo Black at 2016-9-16 19:50
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-09-16 20:18:23Show this Author Only

-Guide is a work in progress
This post was last edited by Hanzo Black at 2016-9-16 15:01
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-09-16 20:18:24Show this Author Only

-Guide is a work in progress

This post was last edited by Hanzo Black at 2016-9-16 15:00
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-09-17 02:49:37Show this Author Only
I've heard that you get Tobi for free when you complete the Plot Chapter 8. Also nice guide, I unfortunately wasted all my refinements before any refinement events popped up :'(
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-09-17 02:58:58Show this Author Only
  • VxGrim On 2016-09-17 02:49:37
  • I've heard that you get Tobi for free when you complete the Plot Chapter 8. Also nice guide, I unfortunately wasted all my refinements before any refinement events popped up :'(
Yes, Tobi is free at lvl 79, so no need to spend your survival points on getting him, unless you want 4 star tobi, in which case, you'll want to buy 40 more frags from the survival shop.

Like the Guide, love the banner art :$
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-09-17 14:09:57Show this Author Only
  • Kfactor5953 On 2016-09-17 02:58:58
  • Yes, Tobi is free at lvl 79, so no need to spend your survival points on getting him, unless you want 4 star tobi, in which case, you'll want to buy 40 more frags from the survival shop.

    Like the Guide, love the banner art :$
Thanks ^^ And thanks for also sharing that you do in fact get tobi at that level. Ill update it in the guide, wasn't 100% sure when exactly you get him.
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On 2016-09-19 10:24:25Show this Author Only
I just unlocked battle armor and I haven't heard any mention of it before. Where does this rank in priority? And what's the best way to go about raising it efficiently?
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On 2016-09-20 06:11:22Show this Author Only
  • ObeyGiant On 2016-09-19 10:24:25
  • I just unlocked battle armor and I haven't heard any mention of it before. Where does this rank in priority? And what's the best way to go about raising it efficiently?
I apologize for the late response. For some reason I wasnt notified like I usually would be.

Priority wise just do it whenever you can whenever you get the materials.
It gives the biggest boost in power when upgraded but at the same time it has the biggest risk of failure. I personally wouldn't spend any coupons on it since the materials are somewhat easy to get now (atleast for rank 1-3) via strong approach and the mission event going on. If I was to spend coupons it would be in place of coupons spent on Magatama and once all Magatama is around level 3. If youre high enough in ninja exam you could use that to boost Magatama while coupons go onto battle armor.

I could be wrong but this is a "safe" way to approach it. Its still a new system so as more events and mor ways to tackle strong approach at high difficulties are revealed Illbe able to give a more perfect view on it.
Ill most likely make a section on battle armor soon! This post was last edited by Hanzo Black at 2016-9-20 06:12
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On 2016-09-20 13:46:35Show this Author Only
Wow, this is very well done and is a fantastic resource for any new player. Thank you for making it!

As for the Battle Armor thing, I know that China eventually gets the option of buying Advanced Cloth (the purple clothes) in the Group Shop, which is good to know.

I unfortunately don't know about threads, but god*, they are expensive and are impossible to rank up. I'd advise you to go for magatamas, which give a concrete boost in strength, or refinement (getting all your characters to 3-4 refinement), which has a chance of failure, but a larger boost.

I'm sitting here at 45/50 with the battle armor and after like 2 weeks of defeating difficult, unable to level up my battle armor to rank 2. :
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