1. i'm defending a friend 2. It is hate and no where in your response was there criticism 3. it's not the "same"; it's the most logical response and every sentence is written in a way for you to understand yet you choose to get triggered and resort to insults
i understand where he's coming from, alot of players are frustrated with the game, come in criticism in many ways, shapes and forms, but there's always one thing i disavow, and that is personal attacks, as a mod the mostly you can do within your grasp is to receive that feedback and send it to the higher ups, and pray for the best, i dont doub it, that some of them wanna see changes as much as we do, but he's not wrong, when it comes to business, you gotta make money, and that goes double for publishers, since they gotta buy the updates from tencent. Problem is, and i see alot of this, the lack of communication, the bridge might be set by mods, but the devs and decisions makers arent event crossing it, let alone care about it, that's what i feel for the past 2 years ish, the mindset lot of us seem to assume from oasis is, "can we make bank from this?" and with all things, there's got to be a balance, between keeping your f2p happy and spenders happy, sure i dont mind having every now and then a week for spenders only, as they do deserve something special for spending, but i feel that even that been lost in the process.
this one is loco's move 2 (a 750k whale that made all his move 1 level 14 recently).
if he didn't do it now he would be more or less in the same situation as Kagari (a 580k whale that didn't make his move 1 runes level 14, but left them at 12)
I'm in the same situation as Zathroth, more or less. I play since january 2017 in s302, i'm a low casher (around 20$ per month) and as you can see i'm 47th currently in my space time bracket, sitting at 340k power.
I still own only 2 level 10 refinements (close to get my 3rd) and in my move 1 slots i have 2/3 level 12 and 2/3 level 11 runes per slot.
I think is sufficient to show how not needed at all was this choice.
" took over 4 years to finish the system " games only been around for 3 years... but that's not my point,i was getting at what happens after you've got max pos1? you'll just quit the game as there's nothing more you'd want to do, the game is designed to let you play having 12+ runes increases the life span of the game, it gives you more ob
the game when you have 2-3 moves very stacked is completely different in comparison with when you have only 1.
once you have 3 moves very highly stacked healers and shielders matter way more, the same for cc supporters since your move 3 can actually control the enemy move 1 or 2 while right now for the majority of the population this happens only in arena.
oh yike ! i hate reading this way too long, not to offense but i dont like so much words.
reasonable person seem to talk less and understandable.
When it comes to this topic, you can't exactly shorten it unfortunately. I did my best to break up the paragraphs so its easier on the eyes.
When it comes to this topic, you can't exactly shorten it unfortunately. I did my best to break up the paragraphs so its easier on the eyes.
You really can't win with him since if you have noticed, some players don't like to bother to read if it is too long if even the argument is good. Better ignore what they think if they aren't willing to at least contribute that way.
I think the reason why our version needs ninja to be 4 star for breakthrough (stop me if I'm wrong) is because just like the players, Naruto online team in China, Europe, North America etc... are in competition. Obviously, their goal is to make more money than the other region. That would explain why China got 3 stars ninja for breakthrough and other cheaper things th*. The community in China is larger so more people are willing to pay.
I think the reason why our version needs ninja to be 4 star for breakthrough (stop me if I'm wrong) is because just like the players, Naruto online team in China, Europe, North America etc... are in competition. Obviously, their goal is to make more money than the other region. That would explain why China got 3 stars ninja for breakthrough and other cheaper things th*. The community in China is larger so more people are willing to pay.
almost true, thing is oasis is the publisher they gotta make money to pay for the updates.
It will depend on the feedback of the players, as well as the decision of the developers ba
Don't mean to rant at you Jib, but feedback doesn't always sway what the developers push out. As we seen just recently rune stone update where the overwhelming majority didn't want it, but it was added. I know they want you to say it adds a change to the game, but it doesn't. Majority of people want more SB and ST, but they are slow paced and are majority of the time locked behind 4 star. If the devs actually cared about the me
Rant over I know the mod team isn't at fault here as should other. I also know the mod team fights for us and I would like to thank you and the mod team. This post isn't meant to cause drama, just saying how I think it is. Been with this game for a long time took a break and came back and things were a little better, but there is still room to improve.
Yeah, I've just become too cynical to care. I stopped paying on this game awhile ago and I honestly regret ever starting to pay in this game. Its just ridiculous how much you have to spend for some of the things in the game. Considering I haven't played games similar to this, I've heard there are even worse games. But I think what I don't like the most about this game is that the devs can hide behind the "we can't please everyone so we won't try." Even if thats not the case, it certainly feels like that. Like the Jiraiya [Sannin War] for July sign in. Their defense was that newer servers need him or he has breakthroughs so let's do give out more fragments.
To me, it's psychotic that they have such a split player ba
These things are not that hard to think about and Oasis has staff monitoring all the forums and what not so they at least get exposed to different ideas. Just sad that it takes a high level employee to come out and quit/get fired for some actual changes to get made.
Yeah, I've just become too cynical to care. I stopped paying on this game awhile ago and I honestly regret ever starting to pay in this game. Its just ridiculous how much you have to spend for some of the things in the game. Considering I haven't played games similar to this, I've heard there are even worse games. But I think what I don't like the most about this game is that the devs can hide behind the "we can't please everyone so we won't try." Even if thats not the case, it certainly feels like that. Like the Jiraiya [Sannin War] for July sign in. Their defense was that newer servers need him or he has breakthroughs so let's do give out more fragments.
To me, it's psychotic that they have such a split player ba
These things are not that hard to think about and Oasis has staff monitoring all the forums and what not so they at least get exposed to different ideas. Just sad that it takes a high level employee to come out and quit/get fired for some actual changes to get made.
Honestly, I would love to see Fuku come 1 time every few months, but have the deadline last the whole month.
Yeah, I've just become too cynical to care. I stopped paying on this game awhile ago and I honestly regret ever starting to pay in this game. Its just ridiculous how much you have to spend for some of the things in the game. Considering I haven't played games similar to this, I've heard there are even worse games. But I think what I don't like the most about this game is that the devs can hide behind the "we can't please everyone so we won't try." Even if thats not the case, it certainly feels like that. Like the Jiraiya [Sannin War] for July sign in. Their defense was that newer servers need him or he has breakthroughs so let's do give out more fragments.
To me, it's psychotic that they have such a split player ba
These things are not that hard to think about and Oasis has staff monitoring all the forums and what not so they at least get exposed to different ideas. Just sad that it takes a high level employee to come out and quit/get fired for some actual changes to get made.
We're getting ahead of ourselves, eh? I don't think I'd say any meaningful change has been enacted just yet...
Hopefully tho in the future.
Taiwan did something amazing, which was bring the ninja on the monthly sign in and give him his skillbooks, which i thought we would do in our version, sometimes copying from other versions is not a negative thing, i think it's a pretty neat idea sometimes.
i see no one has addressed this yet but EN and CN have both done this in the past. we had skillbooks and frags in monthly sign in for sasuke and a couple other basic ninjas. this was quite awhile ago (couple years i think?)
CN has advanced to just giving you tokens for sign in so that you can redeem whatever skillbook you want but im not going to ask for that. it would be nice to bring just the skillbooks back as login rewards
well yeah, but it c*n also be seen like this; the scientist creates an invention, realises even before finishing it that the invention can be made much greater, would the scientist complain about the new finding.. ah nvm the scientist is too lazy and complains about the fact he just discovered a better invention O.O either way my runes are at level 10 so i can't relate with the scientist anyways
lol i would like to be that scientist
I think the reason why our version needs ninja to be 4 star for breakthrough (stop me if I'm wrong) is because just like the players, Naruto online team in China, Europe, North America etc... are in competition. Obviously, their goal is to make more money than the other region. That would explain why China got 3 stars ninja for breakthrough and other cheaper things th*. The community in China is larger so more people are willing to pay.
imho you get more money if almost every ninja (except maybe a bunch of them) is available to everybody and your only chance to beat the enemy is spending on power if you aren't skilled.
Please implement more skill trial ninjas. Kushina for example. Please remove the cap of ninjas being 4 stars before we can do skill trial. Making that 4 stars is like saying this feature are for p2w people only. The game has no variety. Almost all players are running the same Naruto SOP team. Though I can beat those teams, we need more variety to the game. If we c*e AY ST, Sasuke ST, and other ninjas that will bring more excitement to the game. For example, Sage Naruto and Jiraiya, you capped them to 4 stars. Please remove the 3 stars cap so we can enjoy unique teams not Naruto SOP copy paste teams because it's tiring to this point. Imagine if we c*e, Jiraiya and Naruto sage mode along with Water or wind main and Minato? That's a lot of fun don't you think?
Please implement more skill trial ninjas. Kushina for example. Please remove the cap of ninjas being 4 stars before we can do skill trial. Making that 4 stars is like saying this feature are for p2w people only. The game has no variety. Almost all players are running the same Naruto SOP team. Though I can beat those teams, we need more variety to the game. If we c*e AY ST, Sasuke ST, and other ninjas that will bring more excitement to the game. For example, Sage Naruto and Jiraiya, you capped them to 4 stars. Please remove the 3 stars cap so we can enjoy unique teams not Naruto SOP copy paste teams because it's tiring to this point. Imagine if we c*e, Jiraiya and Naruto sage mode along with Water or wind main and Minato? That's a lot of fun don't you think?
here's your problem: c*e doesnt mean will use. does sage naruto and jiraiya help beat the current sosp me
on the other hand, rare ninjas like angry kushina or ay4 have shown that they can somewhat stans up to sosp...so yknow...if you're going to ask to remove a paywall we might as well start there
Long post ahead, apologies...
First off, idk where people draw the line for "whaling" but I believe I would fall into said category when comparing play time to power/team composition. In regards to other high spenders, although I can't speak for us all, the goal isn't really to one shot everybody in PvP. I for sure like the power gain for letting me plow through PvE content because instances, plot/elite/TI, are all monotonous and boring at this point. I primarily recharged because I wanted two things: Cool ninjas/new toys and to compete.
The first major dilemma here is that the new ninjas, even the crappiest of them, end up costing AT LEAST $100 on release. However, even the crappy event ninjas tend to outclass any farmable ones we currently have because they are inherently designed to be better AND we don't have reasonable, or nearly enough, ST/SB to make those farmable ninja usable. So now, not only can F2P and low spenders only look on at the superior new ninja I got BUT there are also recharge events and, oftentimes, rebates as well. So not only do I get the stronger ninja, my lineup in general is strengthened because I get additional resources towards my power. So yes, I achieved one goal but in the same move I pushed the second, and probably the more meaningful of the two, further away, assuming we're speaking from ground zero. I got my new toy but now I faceroll anyone who wasn't able to put in AT LEAST half of what I did and this is only for a ninja that cost $100 and the rebates that came with. Now imagine that scale multiplied multiple levels over because the rebates get vastly better as you spend towards the maximum return. Beyond this, imagine if I didn't even go for a redeemable ninja and strictly used that massive influx of currency and rewards strictly for power? The situation is only exacerbated in every possible sense and scenario. Now I'm not saying rebates are bad because they make spending feel more worthwhile and recharging/spending optimally is, in itself, a rewarding feeling but, they are mostly limited to recharge/ingot usage with few helping smart saving F2P/low spenders. Even then, there has to be a limit, I'm looking at you Tsukuyomi Rebate. >.>
Secondly, and this is just as important and irksome. My other major issue with the game is just the amount of laziness that comes out of the development team, not the moderators and admins but the ones who actually push and publish the content that we get. Now starting with the simple, little issues...why are there still untranslated portions of the game in German? Seriously is it that hard to fix that? Moving on; there is a massive lack of effort put into meaningful match-up conditions. This alone could change the entire game and quell so much of the anger/frustration. I can't speak for all of us spenders but the desire to spend mostly just comes from what I said before; quicker progress and wanting to compete. One shotting someone is fun sometimes, seeing the big numbers being part of the reason, but in reality everyone was drawn to this game because of the depth that the combo system and mystery skills brought. Other flash games, of similar nature, are practically full auto after you put your team in and that gets boring insanely fast. Sadly though, due to the above reasoning, you have to spend a good chunk to either catch up to compete with others, because x-server range is ludicrous, or it just comes from wanting to get ninja as they release. I'm sure there are some a-holes that feel superior because they have more disposable income but I'm sure the majority would much prefer more opportunity to actual test their teams in real combat for more than just one round. The crappy Pos1 me
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