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An Open Letter to Oasis


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  • Registered: 2017-10-25
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On 2019-07-13 18:54:38Show All Posts

The mods care about feedback, but if you were the game's creator you'd do everything to extend the game's life; take for eg clash of clans, they made builder hall to allow the game to progress and increase its life; why? because most players were max th12 and had nothing to do . Oasis aren't making level 14+ runes to annoy their fanbase; it's there for users who have already maxed out their characters [eg players like Thanosthedestroyer from s1 who have been maxed since 2018], the reasons for doing it is to prolong the endgame stages of the game because one day you'll be that 5-10%.

Breakthrough's are being implemented slowly so the players aren't overwhelmed with skillbreaks as that'd break the game for lower levels who've unlocked SB ninjas i mean imagine a lvl 35 with a fully SB hashi which he obtained from a missions giftbox

Of course SO6P naruto./Edo hiruzen is overpowered just like how shisui/minato was in 4.0; but stronger ninjas are already coming out eg edo minato/SBKushi, but they can be countered by playing smart; i mean i've been running sharkbombs to get around it but you've gotta realise stats>ninjas and most top players are slowly moving away from the 6 paths cancer

I'm sure that elemental skills will come around you've just gotta give it time because change is good but forced changes can lead to more backlash, they'll need to test everything thoroughly before adding em in :3 the community just gotta be optimistic

ps plz get rid of dat 50* sasuke from the lucky wheel ^^

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On 2019-07-13 19:03:22Show All Posts
  • newgate446@gmai On 2019-07-13 18:57:24
  • Name some1 that have lvl 12 runes on all 4 ninjas. dont be * there is many things to spend when you done stacking a pos 1 with runes charms and refines.

well most who have maxed their position 1 have already done runes/charms/refines so the next stage would obviously be to get their level 12 runes up to 14 and well stacking pos 2,3,4 would come after pos1 has been stacked yano?

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On 2019-07-13 19:45:44Show All Posts
  • RenjiAsuka On 2019-07-13 19:29:33
  • A couple things, pvp at around level 35, exists for the most part in new servers as the server grows, which doesn't last long. However, a level 35 with Hashi fully skill broken is possible if they want to drop a ton of coupons for the skill trial materials. So the idea that it would be unbalanced at that level, is really a non issue as it is a brief time for the server as a whole. Meanwhile there is Haku, Sakon Ukon, Kimimaro, and a lot of the early ninjas in general that could be useful for that brief window and who knows, it might create a competitive level bracket. (Wishful thinking however.)

    As for your point about extending the life of the game, it shouldn't extend just for the top 1% for example, it should extend for everybody, by implementing features that bring new life and a breath of fresh air to the game for everyone. Like honestly, if I dropped enough cash right now to max my character in everything, let's say power cap is 1 million (example sake), I would get bored. it's like playing a game like Skyrim or Oblivion, giving yourself the best gear, and the highest level possible and so much gold that you don't have to worry about anything then 1 shotting everything as if its on easy mode.

    No, I'm not hating on players who choose to max out things as fast as possible, I just find the idea to max things as quick as possible that brings you closer to boredom to the point of, why bother playing if you can 1 shot everyone? I mean, that is their choice and they can do that all they want, but why should Oasis as a company pander to keep the top 1% entertained? They shouldn't.

    @Dosu, I know all about your Dosu threads, I'm all for it tbh. His skills are in the game already, his art is also in the game, well at least half of it in terms of fighting, just need the icon for the team preview and the pic for Ninja when having him selected as well as the icon for his frags. There has been few times where my feedback actually worked.

    I had suggested sometime last year to bring back GNW Ino as a sign in. (I wanted to 3 star mine cause I could only get her at 2 star when i joined S289). I had also multiple times asked for Asuma WB breakthroughs, Itachi (Normal) breakthroughs, and have even wanted Asuma (normal) breakthroughs as well as Sage Naruto Breakthroughs (My Sage Naruto was 4 star for a long time). And we got all but 1 of my list. I even advocated for bringing back Time-limited Ninja Recruitment, as that was a great event to farm fragments. Which did make a come back. I even asked for Sage Naruto to be released in events again and Oasis did. (Was so mad too cause I had no coupons when they finally put him for 45 coupons per frag).

    But, you see players constantly asking for the Tsunade NPC for MONTHS, and more and more breakthroughs and skill trials, and while yes, we have been getting more, but its only a tiny fraction that we have available. I would love to see Oasis release 2 or even 3 Breakthroughs every couple of weeks and 1 Skill trial every couple of weeks.

yup you're right that it doesn't last long but that's my point which you've explained, the person would need to drop a ton of coupons and materials. To even get a rune to level 13, you'd have to get your rune from 1-12 which means you're already a huge whale (unless you've been saving up for years)

and well the idea of the game being extended for everyone should also be true but not everyone have even done 1/10th of what someone who has maxed out pos 1 has done so they have to get the basics right before their game can be extended, the idea of creating more and more changes for those players would only lead to them not being able to complete their events (eg, only half completing myoboku/potions/elementalchanges) expecting for more brief power up events won't change the fact that the core power ups of getting up refines/charms is lacking thus it'd only lead to them complaining for newer changes etc

imho it's not about maxing things out asap but more about you getting the basics completed rather than seeking for more powerups which would act as a drug and people will just ask for more simple upgrades :/

Oasis aren't entertaining the top 1% but are allowing them to continue their main progress

i feel as though the most patient and longest running players would appreciate the update as it depicts the true powerups getting stronger which most players only complain about as they're not high enough to get em upgraded and feel disregarded as the task which may be impossible to them have been achieved by the whales but like i said it's only the top 5/10% so it's only a fraction at the end of the day

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On 2019-07-13 20:04:22Show All Posts
  • Zathroth On 2019-07-13 19:49:13
  • Heavy spenders (ones you could call whales) from my server dont even have pos2 maxed out, not to mention 3 or 4. Im talking both about refines and cave runes. Top 2 people from my bracket (300-400) who are both over 500k (for comparison active ftp average bp for this server is about 220k) dont have p2 fully maxed (ref10, charm9, rune12) either. Look up what Shadowblaze was writing each time there was discussion about those functions. He is a person who belongs to that very very top bp people bracket and they DIDNT WANT IT. But people responsible for implementation of updates dont care. They never did.

    Personally Ive been playing for over 2.5year now as a moderate spender and got just a few lv12 runes. I dont want more features that use the same resource to further bring discrepancy between position 1 and others. We've had this for a long time, its boring and unhealthy as you dont feel any progress when getting better support ninjas or slowly increasing their bp because gap is already too big. If new power functions have to be implemented, Id much rather see features that upgrade whole lineup at once. Insanely efficient features counterintuitively arent good either (yes, training pots) as Ive already seen people who's team stats without equipment (ones you get from myoboku, training pots, summon cultivation) are already higher than mine with equipment (so with refines, charms, runes and treasured tool). Thats a bit insane if you'd ask me. It's still better than those refines and runes, as over time teamwide functions allow a 4v4 fight, not 4v4 for 1st round and from 2nd to 10th 1v1 between both positions 1.

    Slow implementation of skillbreakthroughs to not overwhelm playerbase? What about Rushing every possible ninja and stuff. There was a long period of time where we got new ninja every week, sometimes multiple per week. Thats a weak argument.

    /*fragment removed due to Renji's request. It still should be talked about tho, somewhere.*/

ya i guess most whales don't even play the game right ... i feel as though runes at 12+ will take forever to get if you're a f2p just like how getting out more SB for 4 star ninjas will only cause more to complain on why they're 4 stars or on how oasis are being annoying and catering to p2w players, it's a losing argument for f2p's we just gotta "deal with it" and accept it even when we know the majority won't get em to even level 12 the more we give it attention the worse we'll feel about em is what im tryna say think of the update as as a new final boss in the game or sumin if it helps

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On 2019-07-13 20:18:35Show All Posts
  • RenjiAsuka On 2019-07-13 20:09:43
  • You brought up another thing that just gets under my skin.

    For the most part, Skill Breaks have set a precedence to require 4 star. However, there is quite a few Skillbreaks we have that CN also has that require 3 star (Sus Sasuke and 4th Raikage for example). When Oasis bumped them up to 4* requirement, it felt like a slap in the face to all f2p who got those ninjas and want to use them, but can't because they don't have the books they want.

    IMO, SR's from treasures as the primary way in getting those frags, should only be 3* as a requirement. I mean Hashirama only needed 3* and Danzo, yet heaven forbid, Sus Sasuke or Ay 4th have them. I mean sure event ninjas to be added would be nice, like Edo Deidara at 3*, but by giving those event only ninjas breakthroughs, it gives players a reason to 4* them so they could Skill Trial them.

That's very true so much stuff yet so little is made accessible to the "f2p/majority" i have no idea why there's disparities in SB of 3 and 4 stars, the only assumption could be that those with 4 star skill breaks are generally more powerful/stronger in this version of the game, CN right now is much more diverse/fluid as everything together works in a chaotic way whilst our version is quite restrained on the things u can/can't yet do; idk i'm hoping future updates can make the game more dynamic to reduce the time of things eg maybe x3 battles or 12 hour treasure cooldowns/ way to obtain SB ninja frags

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On 2019-07-13 20:24:12Show All Posts
  • RenjiAsuka On 2019-07-13 20:21:58
  • 4* Naruto is stronger than Hashi and Danzo confirmed

yup just imagine if chiyo had breakthroughs... deffo be at 5 stars then again that naruto frags are easy to farm

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On 2019-07-13 23:39:12Show All Posts
  • Shadoblaze On 2019-07-13 22:18:56
  • patient and longest running players, so me, i've been playing since day 1. guess what, i didn't want it, i have over 500k bp, most consider me a whale, no1 on the game has played longer as it's impossible to have done so and yet here i am saying its a bad update.

    I've gone over the reasons it's a bad idea before, multiple times in fact, tldr: it took over 4 years to finish the system if you do the full rebate each month before the update, the 800k bp person in my spacetime cluster hadn't finished it, I wasn't even done with my m2 runes. and now, all they have done is make it so I'm not done with my m1 runes either, the stat gains aren't worth investing into compared to other features, so I'm still going to ignore the system outside of what I get with moon coins and I will only use the system 1 DAY A MONTH.

    That's not even going into the emotional or psychological effects of them basically removing progress I made into the system, because while the amount of exp I have in the system didn't change, as I said before, my m1 was done, now hes not, that feels like going backwards to me. Why people bring up runes or charms or refines but never bring up, oh, battle armor ranks or levels always makes me wonder if they understand how many whales have had this SYSTEM finished and for a long time at that. But this system isn't the one that's getting an upgrade or anything, because the devs know that not even the biggest of whales will ever bother trying to max it since the stat gains are so bad.

    The battle armor system isn't one that was considered for an upgrade even though it was the first system I finished, makes you think huh?

" took over 4 years to finish the system " games only been around for 3 years... but that's not my point,i was getting at what happens after you've got max pos1? you'll just quit the game as there's nothing more you'd want to do, the game is designed to let you play having 12+ runes increases the life span of the game, it gives you more objectives i don't know an easier way to justify it ~ i'm out :/

This post was last edited by _Light_ on 2019-07-13 23:55:36.
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On 2019-07-13 23:49:25Show All Posts
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you're hating on someone whose taken the time to reply to your comment in a formal way? calling jib a "bot" "not human" and you wonder why your reply got deleted? disgusting...

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On 2019-07-14 01:37:11Show All Posts
  • Do I Care? 2 On 2019-07-14 00:02:26
  • To be completely honest, I think this could go either way. But I have to side with shado on this. I don't think maxing out is enough motivation to just quit.

    Think about it like this. You're a scientist working on a new invention. It takes a lot of work to complete your machine. Once it's all perfect and completely functional, the natural thing to do would be to, you know, use it for the task that you made it for. (i:e, use your team and maxed out pos1 to fight in battles).

    But then you learn that you can upgrade it further and make the machine better. So you stop and spend some time to upgrade your machine. Which means you have less time for your invention to actually do the thing it's supposed to be doing. (fighting)

    If this cycle continues, the scientist will spend all his time upgrading his machine/his team and never actually using the finished product. Which, I think, is a waste. I don't see much enjoyment from ac*ulating all that power and then just quitting.

well yeah, but it c*n also be seen like this; the scientist creates an invention, realises even before finishing it that the invention can be made much greater, would the scientist complain about the new finding.. ah nvm the scientist is too lazy and complains about the fact he just discovered a better invention O.O either way my runes are at level 10 so i can't relate with the scientist anyways

This post was last edited by _Light_ on 2019-07-14 01:38:15.
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On 2019-07-14 02:58:15Show All Posts
  • Shadoblaze On 2019-07-14 02:15:14
  • Sorry, I should have said, "would have taken", yes the game has been out for 3 years that's why no one was able to finish the system, that's kinda the point.

    I had my m1 maxed and I didn't quit recharging after that, I was done with m1 runes charms and refines and working on my m2, my m2 is still done with charms and refines now but he was at lvl 11 runes that i broke apart for my m1 runes with the new system. I was working on my m3 refines/charms, so you see just finishing my m1 isn't a reason for me to quit, even finishing m2 charms/refines wasn't a reason to quit, it never was never would be, so your point isn't valid at all, we can finish one ninja without being done with the game, The game isn't about increasing our power by huge margins, it's about the community we create with our groups and server and even here on the forums that keeps people like me playing, not the runes, because again my m1 was maxed on his runes and I was still playing the update didn't bring me back instead it's bringing me closer to quitting.

    Finishing one power feature doesn't make the game boring, prior to the rune update my m1 was done with most things, battle armor, nature training, runes, refines, charms, i had lvl 9 mags for attack and nin, lvl 8s for the other 3 stats done with breakthrough pills on 2 pieces of gear, and yet I still kept playing and recharging. it was only after I decided that oasis and tencent didn't deserve my money that I stopped recharging, not because of the game running out of ways to spend but because of the companies behind it making decisions I wasn't willing to support. The 10 tails madara recharge was the last straw for me.

ya ify that's why i rarely focus on power/recharge but just play the game for fun these days :')

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On 2019-07-14 03:52:48Show All Posts
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1. i'm defending a friend 2. It is hate and no where in your response was there criticism 3. it's not the "same"; it's the most logical response and every sentence is written in a way for you to understand yet you choose to get triggered and resort to insults

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